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so, what do you think about Zeno and his buddies?

feedback welcome!
' Wrote:hilarity
thank you! that's what we're trying to achieve :D
I think that Zeno and his buddies are the best bunch of rogues anywhere.:nyam:
' Wrote:I think that Zeno and his buddies are the best bunch of rogues anywhere.:nyam:
Damn right we are.
Do not give math riddles (no matter how simple) to people at 4 AM. It's evil. Very evil.

Otherwise, it's fun. But, don't take it any offensive, is Zeno himself supposed to be... well... retarded or some such? He reminds me of Warhammer greenskins, when it comes down to how he talks and acts (randomly, very):D
I saw Zeno.

I *Facepalm*

I decide to hunt Zeno down just to make him SHUT UP.


Keep up the good work.
Not bad, but may want to tell your gunship that announcing in system comms that somthing is "against RP" is not exactly good.

Also, Stop camping the dammed jumpgates right next to a BATTLESHIP base. RP wise that thing would have scores of fighters vectored onto you.
good to hear some positive feedback, My goal is to make people laugh, not so much annoy people (some people will be annoyed anyway; that's life).

personally I've payed traders more money than I have robbed from traders due to the simplicity of most of my riddles.

and the reason I use math riddles often is because those who can't understand English (let alone zeno's gibberish) can still understand numbers.

however zeno's buddies are a very disorganized group, in and out of RP. so its hard for me to control everything that goes on, but I do urge my buddies not to take too much tax from traders.

I have to admit something in me abhors pirates who take money without giving something back. "something" could be defined in many different ways however; some people might enjoy being pirated if the pirate provides some good RP (but too many traders just PM the nearest lawful battleship and say "HALP HALP!" while RPing with the pirate), some times its okay if the pirate only takes a small amount or comes up with an entertaining reason to take money (I remember once in kepler with my trader awhile back, an outcast told me my exhaust was leaking and for 500k he would fix it, that was fun! even if I had to pay). the approach I take with zeno is not only a humorous one, but I also give the trader a chance to make it away (and in most cases come out of the situation with more money), I never tax over 1m when I'm with a group and I tax a lot less when I'm alone.

sorry about the ranting, but thanks for the feedback I'll do my best to make sure we are a positive part of the disco experience!
Well, you gave me 100k, and the other time, you "pirated" me for 1 (and I gave you 5. 5!) credits. Either way, it's fun.
The first time I met you, I was a bit nervous, I somewhat awaited ... I don't know, that you randomly decide to attack, instead I got money from you. First time experience:D
On the more serious note, I agree with you there, I'm mostly unlawfull, but I really dislike pirates who do not RP, just want to force PvP on people, or eventually make a lot of money. I don't mind paying, if there is some conversation (Well, I'm such a shady charater, that I usually end up as supplier for the pirate instead). But just today it happened. Peacefully drifting, gunboat pops and says "4000000", I stop and answer " Excuse me?" and the guy starts shooting. That makes me go "boom". Literally.
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