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Quote:Live-action movie

On July 22, 2008, IF Magazine published an article on its website regarding a rumor of a live-action Cowboy Bebop movie in development by 20th Century Fox. Producer Erwin Stoff said that the film's development was in the early stages, and that they had "just signed it".[20][21] [color=#CC33CC]Keanu Reeves has been confirmed as playing the role of Spike Spiegel.[22][23] Variety confirmed on January 15, 2009, that the production company Sunrise Animation will be "closely involved with the development of the English language project." The site also confirmed Kenji Uchida, Shinichiro Watanabe, and series writer Keiko Nobumoto as associate producers, series producer Masahiko Minami as a production consultant, and Peter Craig as screenwriter.[24] It is currently slated for release in 2011.[25]

You have GOT to be flipping kidding me.
But dooood.... I'm like... the one!
' Wrote:But dooood.... I'm like... the one!

Someone had to say it.
This is almost as bad as when I first saw the trailer for the DBZ movie.:(
I like Cowboy Bepop...

Now they have to ruin it.
' Wrote:Wut.
K-On! :ylove:
' Wrote:Wut.

Funny thing is, I'd get banned for posting that.:mellow:
whats cowboy bepop!?!?!

*searches youtube*
Hes a great role! IM GLAD HE GOT IT! I love him!
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