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Full Version: Maltese Arrest Warrant - Drug-Runner_Dan
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Name: Unknown
Vessel Identification: Drug-Runner_Dan
IFF: Zoner
Identification: Outcast (Possibly forged)
Vessel: Salvager
Crime: Firing on a Maltese military patrol, refusing to surrender Maltese escape pods.

Details: Yellow Flight, consisting of Ikiryo, Wraith, and Matias Aguilar, encountered this "Outcast" on a return trip from Tau-23. The vessel was flying away, with Outcast life pods in its cargo hold. Aguilar requested these pods, to return them to Malta. The vessel fired on Aguilar in response.

This captain is considered a minor threat.

A 1,000,000 credit reward is now being offered for destroying the suspect's ship. A 5,000,000 credit reward is available for capturing the suspect alive.
Update: This is still open, and now it can also be claimed by Junker pilots.

Subject no longer carries forged Maltese ID.