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Full Version: Bounty on a few LPI and LN ships.
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ID: Commander Lawson

*slams fist on console*

That outcast made it?? Looks like my Liberator was not enough to take her all the way.

I know how hard it is for those outcasts to become Pregnant in the first place. Hopefully the wounds she recieved will take care of more then one drug dealing fool, if you catch my meaning.

Your worthless bounty makes me laugh Rogue. She was flying an Outcast ship with a matching tranceiver 6 kilo from Manhattan. I think it was too bad that baby did not see vaccume or the inside of a jail cell. Even though I imagine a rogue base isn't much different then either.

Lawson Out

[Image: Salina-1.jpg]
This is not a communication channel. How you came across it I'll never know. But you gotta get your facts straight, I am -not- a Rogue, I am Maltese, just like my friend that you shot down you worthless scum! You have to be one heartless bastard if you would let an unborn child die like that. Must be lack of attention from your mother or something. And I swear, if I ever get a ship, I will shoot you down, tractor in your pod, and kill you with my bare hands! Until then, I have to leave the work to people willing to do so!

Commander Lawson spits coffee all over the view screen as he starts to laugh. Barely able to breath, he yells for his XO to come over and see the message. They are both bent over laughing as Lawson shuts down the viewer.

XO: Man, she hit you right on the head you heartless bastard!

Lawson: Bahahahaha, hey lets go eat some babies for chow.

Still laughing, the two men make their way through the ship to the galley where the whole group of men were laughing at the dinner of veil was being served in honor of their captain.

News travels fast on the Kearsarge.