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Legion des Damnes

[Image: lesuper.png]

Basic Info

[color=#ffffff]The former members of the Royalist Group "Legion des Damnes", that have been dramatically decimated by the Gallic Royal Navy from over 100 thousand to only 2000 people , have managed to become Brigands when they were searching for a new home. Heavily wounded and weakened, they now try to supply what has remained of their former fleet and to get back to their former power to take revenge for the treachery against them.

Brigands are the largest organized criminal organization in Gallia. They are behind every illegal activity and are constantly growing. Most Brigands are former police or military, like from the LE, and they aid the Council, Maquis and Unione Corse.

The former servants of the King managed to form the loosely affilated criminals into a new generation of organized crime. Being former Navy pilots, they have had the same logistic and tactical education as their enemies and thus are a force to be reckoned with, as they fight their enemies with their own tactics - and equipment.

The rest of the Brigands have been overhauled and are now trained more effectively to defend themselves against Royal Forces - and ambush their stations, traders and military.


[color=#ffffff]Recover to former power
Grow in numbers and higher influence over Royal Gallia
Smuggling and Pirating to keep supplies up
Aid the Council/Maquis/Corse against the Royals
Take revenge for treachery
Find Sirian allies or partners, and expand into Sirius

[color=#ff0000]Bases of Operation

[color=#ffffff]Narbonne Base - Languedoc
Valence Base - Dauphine
Montbard Base - Burgundy
Epernay Station - Champagne
Access to all Council/Maquis/Union Corse bases

[color=#ff0000]Zone of influence

[color=#ffffff][color=#ff0000]Primary ZoI: Systems where Brigand bases are located, and piracy/smuggling areas.

[color=#ff6600]Secondary ZoI:
Since the minefield has been cleared, Brigands will now also travel to the part of Sirius that is near to Gallia, reasons for this are: Establishing Connections to Sirian (unlawfuls), possible Sirius-Gallia smuggle or piracy


The most trusted friend are to be helped whenever needed

Union Corse

Friends of the Brigands - support and trust


Neutral forces are nor threat, nor help. Establish a more fixed stance towards them.


Enemies of the Brigands. Execution or Piracy are the two choices.

Gallic Companies
Gallic Police
Gallic Navy

[color=#ffffff][color=#ffffff]While Brigands are "criminals", they are not all unorganized. Especially their new leader has made a clear military-grade rank structure with the purpose of keeping the Brigands, like already stated, organized and planned for anything.
Military ranks

[color=#33ff33]Lower/Commander/Officer ranks

[Image: leranks1copy.png]
[Image: lerankscopy.png]

[color=#33ffff]Flag / General ranks

[Image: lehigh1.png]


[Image: lordm.png]

[color=#ff0000]Military Ranks Desriciption

[color=#ffffff]Lord Marechal: He has the supreme power over the Brigands is representing the Brigands both militarily and politically, if needed. Every Brigand has to listen to his call, failure to do so will end in execution.

General: The General is the right hand of the Lord Marechal and leads the Brigands in his absence, or aids him in imporant decisions. A General is elected.

Colonel: The 3 Brigand Colonels are front-line leaders that operate in the most imporant areas. Only the best and most dangerous pilots can become Colonel, and only if they are able to lead a large attack and piracy formation.

Commandant: The Brigand commanders have shown their skill many times, and thus can lead a mid-sized squad.

Capitaine: A Capitaine was once an elite soldier, a Lieutenant, who got promoted because of his keen skills, even in the most extreme situations. They are usually seen leading a group of up to 4 people in pirating areas

Lieutenant: An elite soldier - these men have shown their over-average skill in a battle and thus have become Lieutenants. If no Capitain is around, one Lt. gains the temporary control over a small squad.

Sous-lieutenant: Usually a veteran soldier, they are the backbone of the Brigands. They are still working hard to become Lt. and act as mentor for the Aspirantes and Cadetes.

Aspirant: The typical frontline-soldier of the Legion, able to obliterate any equally-armed enemy thanks to long and hard training.

Cadet: A typical recruit and rookie, these men have to undergo a test phase of 1 or 2 weeks, if they show remarkable skill they can even be promoted to Aspirant.

Honor titles

While "honor" is a word that mostly Royals use, true "honor" can be found in the hearts of all Brigands - if they prove to be especially brave, tough and dangerous to his enemies.

[Image: heroa.png]


[color=#ffffff]Hero of the Brigands The most honourful title a Brigand can carry. No-one has ever reached this ultimate rank of honour. But, who knows, maybe a Hero will step up from the current Brigands - the One will earn infinite honour and respect even after death.

Champion: Those who wish to become a Champion have to go a long way. Chevaliers, already marked by the hundreds of battles they were in, are dedicating their whole life just to reach this rank. Most of them fail. Only a handful of Champions have stepped out from the rest. They are respected and seen as idols from the lower ranks.

Chevalier: Those that become Chevaliers have had many victorious battles behind them. Rare to find, a Chevalier is the sword and shield of the Brigands. His body is the shield. His skill is the sword.

Ships used by the Legion of the Damned

[color=#3333ff]Rescued Navy ships

[Image: 254px-Lynx-s.png]
Lynx - limited amount, was docked on Grande Guillotine (SRP needed for that)

[Image: 254px-Cougar-s.png]
Cougar - limited amount, was docked on the Flagship (SRP needed aswell)
[Image: 254px-Valor-GRN-s.png]
The Grande Guillotine, that managed to flee heavily damaged (SRP needed)

[color=#ff6600]Brigand Ships

[Image: 254px-Mistral-s.png]
Mistral - Brigand Light Fighter (can be used by everyone)

[Image: 254px-Cuirassier-s.png]
Cuirassier - Brigand Heavy Fighter (can be used by everyone except Cadets)

[Image: 254px-Jaguar-s.png]
Jaguar - Brigand Bomber (can be used by everyone except Cadets and Aspirants)

[Image: 254px-L_Ane-s.png]
L'Ane - Brigand Transport (can be used by everyone except Cadets)
[Image: 254px-Dsy_asco-s.png]
Asco - Brigand Gunboat (can only be used by Capitaines o

Member Roster

Naming Convention

General: Gen.
Colonel: Col.
Commandant: Cmd.
Capitaine: Cpt.
Lieutenant: Lt.
Sous-Lieutenant: Slt.
Aspirant: At.
Cadet: Ct.

For Fighters/Bombers: +LE+Rank.Name.Lastname
For Capital-Class vessels: +LE+Shipname

ID/IFF: Gallic Brigand

For joining the Legion des Damnes pm an LE member.
[color=#ff6666]History of the Legion des Damnes
[color=#ff0000]The Rise and Fall of the Legion

[color=#ffffff]There's more to being a Legionnaire than just fighting for the crown. You have to be willing to die if thats what it takes to win.
The Legion of the Damned was becoming a heavier presence within Gallia every day. Every time an enemy insurgent force was detected, as always, as we swore, we were the first to respond. Fighting for crown and honor, we did what we were taught to do, without remorse, without mercy, we fought to the death. Such blind loyalty can only be retrieved from the purest of hearts. This being the strength of the Legion was evidently our weakness. This very fact would soon prove to be too much for some to take.
However, two powerful structures can not exist without colliding at some point. Eventually, that collision happened, even if it was sudden and unexpected. Now not many people know what caused it. Enzo believed that it was the plot of the Grand Marshall of the Royal Navy, whereas the common point states that the Legion was accused of assisting Sirians. The GRN officials claimed that the Legionnaires were using sirian weaponary. The fact that Legion of the Damned developed their own advanced weapon systems would explain both the wrath ot the Royal Navy (who considered those guns Sirian) and Enzo's confidence of the Legion's innocense. We shall never know if the Legion's scientists developed their own powerful weapons, since most of the Legion's ships using those guns were destroyed in the battle that followed afterwards. That's how it happened.
Lord Enzo du Sable's forces were spread dealing with what on report seemed to be one of the largest council insurgency attempts on record, he himself had to respond. Leaving the bridge of the Legions flagship to the ships hangers, he entered his private Lynx. It was at this moment that Enzo received a transmission from a wing of his fighters; they were claiming they were sent into an ambush; the GRN had opened fire from behind and were massacring the Legions forces. Enzo was not sure whether to believe, but as all men and women under the Legion flag were considered equal in opportunity, he took his soldiers word as the communication abruptly ended.
With the information of the GRN forces turning on his own, Enzo sent a emergency broadcast across Gallia to all vessels under his command, the message was a short and simple, a mayday call; "This is Lord Marechal Enzo, for reasons I don't know the GRN has turned against us, I am issuing a immediate retreat to G8, Burgundy, Channel is encrypted and you are not to share any information with the GRN, you are not to be followed". Confusion was the first thing to hit all the legionnaire's as retreat was never acceptable, this at least was the scenario for the forces who hadn't yet been attacked by the GRN.
Within half an hour a force of thousands of Legionnaire fighters, tens of gunboats and cruisers were surrounding the Legionnaire's flagship, the Grande Guillotine.
Once a secure perimeter had been made, Enzo opened a secure and encrypted comm. link with all vessels around.
Enzo begins to speak: "Dark times are upon us, mes amis, it seems the very crown we serve has turned against us, why? I do not know, all I know is we have no choice but to move. Times will get tough, supplies will dwindle, forces may weaken, but we will not give up. As we speak our seismic activity may be traced, keeping a fleet as large as this isn't easily hidden. Regardless, our forces are as we see here in bulk; we have no base of operation other than the Guillotine herself. I ask not for loyalty, which has already been shown, I ask however for ruthlessness, the power to fight on through anything you can. We will need supplies; we will need to gather what we can from where we can. I am not proud to have to order this upon you, but, I have no choice. If we are to pull through to our former glory will need to embrace our fall now and prosper from it as best we can."
There was a atmosphere of sheer confusion, tension and after a few minutes of almost complete silence, Enzo said openly: "Are you with me, mes amis?"
The response was bigger and better than Enzo could have hoped for, almost as soon as Enzo had finished speaking, a massive roar of applause, the legion's battle cry erupted from every ship's transmissions box, the roar echoed through the Guillotine and hung thick in the heads of all around.
This moment could only be savored for so long as on scanners a force of the GRN came nearer, issuing notice and requesting the legionnaire's surrender. Enzo simply replied: "Make us, bastards".
The GRN force that was but a tenth of the legionnaire's was crushed into space-dust within a few minutes, the crew's of the GRN capital vessels floating in space, the horror of the men that they once stood by now fell to the legionnaire's guns.
Enzo quickly realized that the last communications from the GRN forces would have been marked by the GRN high command, he ordered his fleet to quickly move into the dust-cloud visible from a few clicks away, if this was to be the legion's last stand, he was going to play it to his advantage as best he could.
Sending scout's ahead of the Guillotine for protection, the legionnaire's advanced into darkness and shadows without a trace except the wrecked GRN craft where the brief battle took place. With the fleet now dissolved into the shadows, Enzo felt it was now safe to begin the search for a base of operations. With no logical known base or anything, he thought back to the days in which he was nothing more than a petty thief.. A memory of pirate law for survival.. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". Enzo thought of this for a few minutes, then addressed the ex-criminals which made up a large portion of the Legion "Where is the nearest pirate base?" there was a awe of silence then one out of the masses came out in a sheepish voice; "Th-There-There's two nearby, mon Lord, both with heavy weapon platform defense systems, uploading coords to you now, Monsieur". Enzo looked at the base locations and erupted: "No wonder they are able to sustain such a presence; Brigitte, take half the fleet and rendez-vous at the closest base, I'll take the rest of the fleet to the larger base. Marche!"
Brigitte: "Oui. Lord Enzo, what are we doing there though? "
Enzo: "They will surrender and accept us or we will rid all life from their base's, followed by making them our own, they have stayed hidden all this time, we should have no problem"
Brigitte: "Understood. Delta, Omega, Alpha units, meet at the waypoint being uploaded to your hud now, the rest, you're at Lord Enzo's command"
Enzo dividing his forces into two made plans to lay siege to the pirate bases, not to concur, but to make his enemy's enemy, his friend.
Enzo then thought it would be best to completely lock down each base at a time, starting with the one furthest away to limit the chance of any GRN vessels tracing them, he re-directed all forces to what was identified as a Montbard, a Brigand base. Broadcasting a secure comm. link to the station:
"Bonjour. You see before you the might of the Legion, we do not come here expecting a fight, you and your allies have fallen to Legionnaire guns all these years, now, the so called honor we were shown in return turned to hostility, our men were attacked by our "allies". Needless death. Just like that situation here, no lives need be lost. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, I come to extend the hand of friendship, our superior fighting ability and protection you have feared this time is now the sword you have fighting for your cause, to rid the GRN presence from all of Gallia. I will let you deliberate on my question, I might add, if need be I will take your base by force, as you can see we have no shortage of firepower. That'd be all, messieurs. Think of it."
Enzo thought that the force on the base could be crushed within very little time with the forces at his disposal, but he did not want to create more enemies than he already had, furthermore why attack a force he could make use of himself? The Brigands, as Enzo has seen, were just petty thugs, nothing but barely organized criminals, they reminded Enzo of himself a few years ago, when he was just living by doing whatever he could to become someone, now he is seeing others in his place he was in before, this spurred on Enzo's belief that he hadn't fulfilled his destiny.

Continued on next page.

Legion des Damnes

[Image: lesuper.png]

[color=#FF0000]Encounter with the Brigands

[color=#FFFFFF]Broadcasting a secure communication To the Grande Guillotine.
"Greetings, monsiour. I am Etien Fitzroy, one of the more powerful brigands on this base. I see you have a rather sizeable fleet heading to one of our bases. I would advise you to stay 15 kilometres away, or there may be.....hostilities....that are unnecessary.
I know what has occured to you and your group. The Gallic Royal Navy has branded you traitors, and attempted to kill you. I must, first, congratulate you on your survival until now. Perhaps we can talk, before you start attacking a base that has stood for centuries, and survived many assaults by Royalist forces."
Enzo was not surprised by this transmission. He had expected some sort of attempt to bargain for survival from the Brigands. However, Enzo did understand that two powerful people can not live on for long enough, this lesson he had learned. Furthermore, he felt superior to the Brigand and decided to prove his serious intention to become the new leader of the Brigands. Enzo knew that brute strength was the only thing appreciated by the Brigands. He decided to put fear into their hearts, to make them obey without hesitation. So he sent a quick communication Back to Montbard.
"You think you can survive against me, little pirate scum? We will take this base. I would advise you to prepare to die, because we intend to take it."
Enzo thought that he would defeat the Brigands easily. He was wrong and it was proven. He over-estimated the Legion's power, and underestimated the Brigand defense systems. The sheer mass of base defenses stopped the Legionnaire ships from holding an effective formation, but with their skills the majority of the fighters avoided obliteration.
The battle raged on, both sides fighting as hard as they could. The Grande Guillotine was suffering heavy damage from the combined fire of multiple bombers and defense platforms, and the Legionnaires retreated for a moment, to re-organize themselves for the next assult.
What they did not expect, however, was another communication from Etien. Enzo answered the hail, and all the screens in the G.G. control deck lit up with Etien's face, clearly frustrated, but controlled.
"Your fleet is taking damage, Enzo. You can't hope to survive if you keep attacking us, because our reinforcements are on the way. My scouts report that your other fleet was just ambushed and destroyed by the Royalists, meaning you have no hope of reinforcement. Talk to me, Enzo. And think, for a moment. I give you the option of working together, an option where both of us can prosper. All you have to do is say yes. And considering your situation, I'm afraid that's your only option right now."
Enzo hit the reply button, and snarled one word at the screen before shutting it off: "Never". Enzo didn't want to work together, he wanted to take the place of the Brigand leader.
The Legionnaires attacked again, as one, the entire fleet surging forward as one solid mass. A Brigand bomber wing swept up behind them, and fired, catching the G.G. off guard. By sheer chance the command bridge was hit, killing most of the bridge crew. Enzo and two others survived, barely, and only Enzo remained conscious long enough for the shields to re-stabilize, closing the hole the bridge and giving him time to get out before the shields failed again, killing the other two crew members, and dragging their corpses into space with the rest of the bridge crew.
The Legionnaire assault lost cohesion as the orders coming from the Guillotine ceased suddenly. This forced them to stop their assault or be destroyed from a lack of firing solutions. 9 kilometers from the base, they stopped and all focused fire on the bomber squadron that had destroyed the G.G. command bridge, destroying the ships before turning back to the base and wondering what to do.
The Legion was in disarray. Medics had found Enzo outside the bridge, unconscious and gravely injured, but alive, and taken him to the med-bay.
Etien sent a fleet wide communication to the Legionnaire forces, relying on their lack of leadership to convince them to listen. He knew killing the rest of the legionnaires wouldn't be easy, and even if they did it, they would be weak enough for the royalists to finally attack and destroy Montbard.
"You really don't get it, do you? I think you'll find you need the brigands to survive. Your own commander is now dead, killed like the rest of his bridge crew, because he wouldn't listen.
Now, hear me, and choose for yourselves. Would you rather die at our hands, or join us, to fight the Royal Navy? My offers of generosity are not the simple courtesy of a man who loves to love, oh, no. The Brigands are unskilled and unorganized. We survive, as we have always done, with brute force and numbers. But we can only prosper when the likes of the council aid us, or we have a talented leader
Teach us to fight, and organize ourselves. In return, I offer you a home, safety from the royalists, and a chance to take your revenge. We must act as one, or we will perish alone. It's that simple. If you want to live, and be free men, turn around. The royalists are coming, and we can fight them together. Come to the station, where you can have your backs against a wall, rather than exposed. Right now, that's the only option we both have."
The Legionnaires remained uncertain for a few moments, then, after some contemplation, most of them moved to the base with their weapons disabled, and took up defensive positions. A handful hit their cruise engines and left, with no sign of where they were going.
Some time later a trio of Caracals came floating near the wreckage of the Grande Guillotine. The ships remaining crew had let the systems go dark, including life support, to fool the scouts. The scouting party relayed the information back to the rest of the fleet, and then began to move closer to Montbard, hoping to find out what was left. With all the weapons fire, the scanners were only working at 10% efficiency, so they had to get much closer than intended. Drifting past ruined hulks, they began to approach Montbard, hidden from view by a ruined Asco. Suddenly, there was a huge flash of light as a Mortar crashed into the lead ship, destroying it and the other two in a dazzling spectrum of light.
The Brigand engineers sent aboard the Grande Guillotine sent a communication back to the base. "She's busted sir. Gonna take at least a month to fix her, maybe two. We got a mortar working, but that shot cost us the power core." Etien sent a terse communication back. "Have her towed in" then cut the comm. He stood from his desk and walked out the door, towards the launch pad, where the surviving Legionnaire leaders would be waiting. Other Brigands lined the streets, guns in hand, but didn't move. Etien had assured them that his plans were the only way to save Montbard from destruction.
Unfortunately, that was true. But despite this, if he played his cards right, Etien knew he would gain some very powerful allies.
And to organize the Brigands, to find a strong leader, powerful allies were exactly what Etien needed.

You cannot use GRN ID or IFF. Read the Faction Rules- one official faction one ID/IFF.
If I were you I would try to SRP one GRN BS only and use Brigands ID and IFF.
SRPing the only battleship and some fighters was the idea, actually. It's mentioned that SRP is needed first to fly this ship. For now it is considered heavily damaged.
the Id and IFF is brigand, Clavius must have gotten slightly confused.

thanks for the feedback. always good to know where the post has gone wrong, even a minor glitch like that.
Nindjad. Please delete.Too slow forum this days.
Holy wall of text batman!

if you could answer a few questions, save me re-re-re-reading the FCR.

are you royalist Gallic brigands? or antiroyalist?

is there already a Gallic Brigands faction?

if so, why not join that? if not, why not just BE that?

suggestions about ships and ranks: lose the SRP ships; you have possibly the best situation in disco: your own ship line and guns, no need to ask permission or look up the tech chart.

ranks? lose 75% of them. a group needs an overall leader, squad leaders and squad members. thats it. ofc, military iRL have 2nd adjutant's commissioner, etc, but here you dont really need that.

btw, did you know it costs 500M to start a post here?

the SRP isn't for the thought of 'OMG BS AND FANCY CLEAN SHIPS'

you can hardly roleplay with a battleship when you dont have one. its crucial to the whole situation. the rest of the ships will be severely limited, owing to the fact that, in-RP, we have barely any.

we're anti-royalist, obviously. otherwise, we'd hardly be brigands in the first place.

as for the other brigand faction, its not us. why not tell the LaBrise family to just join the [UC] instead of trying themselves? they're different too. a different entity, with its own roleplay and character

as for the post being here....another glitch, unfortunately. clavius got confused. hes PM-ed an admin to get it moved ASAP.

ranks? not my department. but i have no doubt they're all needed.
I would also like to point out that completely taking over the brigands and turning them into this anti-royalist thing is pretty damn stupid.

Why not join the Council?
Brigands are criminals, they aren't revolutionaries.
' Wrote:I would also like to point out that completely taking over the brigands and turning them into this anti-royalist thing is pretty damn stupid.

Why not join the Council?
Brigands are criminals, they aren't revolutionaries.
Well it is pretty legit and reasonable RP actually- there are numerous examples in history for group of soldiers who leave their King/Sovereign and turn against him committing crimes and acting as typical outlaws- a.k.a Brigands. Read about it...
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