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Full Version: To Rheinland Forces
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[Image: animatedtranmsission2f.gif]

This is an URGENT transmission,
all Rheinland forces that hear this message
are to come to Hamburg.
Theres a Liberty invading force gathering.

[Image: animatedtranmsission2en.gif]
[Image: animatedtranmsission2f.gif]

No assistance required at the moment,
it looks like the have withdrawn.

//Probably because of the lag spikes

[Image: animatedtranmsission2en.gif]
::::Ankommende Ubertragung::::
::::Ubertragung von: Rheinland Militar Hauptfeldwebel Hans Putzkammer::::
::::Ubermittlung an: Blitz::::
::::Verschlusselung Ebene: High::::

Guten tag Herr Kaptian of the secondary fleet,

It seems as though you are useing high encription channals for the report of hostiles in our beloved vaterlande. It is good that you are ontop of things, however, do know that by using these channels, the message does not immediately get delivered as we must take our time decrypting them.

If you have a S.K.Y.P. 3 comms channal, please toss me the address and I will see to it that you get patched into the emergency comm channels that we use in times like these.
Danke for your time mien Herr,

Rheinland Military Mid-command Officer, Hauptfeldwebel Hans Putzkammer.

::::Ubertragung endet::::