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Full Version: 'Round and 'round the mulberry bush..
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Safe chapter

"Upsie daises!" Laughing and giggling, Andrew was tossed into the air by his father, and caught halfway on his descent, only to be tossed up again. His father caught him again, and then gave him a tight hug before placing him down, and flattening his uniform. "Bye daddy! Catch the bad guys!" Andrew giggled again before running off into the small backyard. Mary, his mother, walked up to his father, giving him a kiss on the cheek and a hug before he left. "Don't stay in the office for too long John. It's Andy's birthday tomorrow."

John nodded, and smiled, waving behind him as he walked out of the house. "I'll be home at four tonight. Make sure you have the surprise ready for Andy." He chuckled to himself, and stepped out of the house, the door shutting behind him. Mary smiled to herself, and returned to the kitchen. She was making a cake herself for Andy, and was carefully writing a large "4" on the top of it, humming softly to herself. Outside, Andrew was playing with one of his favorite toys, a Jack-in-the-box. He slowly cranked it, smiling to himself and stifling a giggle, listening to the tune of "Around the mulberry bush." He cranked it a little more slowly as it came to an end, and then screeched and laughed as the Jack popped out of the top. he fell onto his back, and rolled on his side, laughing. He stood back up, and ran back into his house to his mother, grabbing onto her leg.

She smiled and pat him on the head. "How about you go down the street to Jerry's house and play with him for a bit? Mommy will come and get you later!" Andrew giggled and ran out of the house and down the street, knocking on a door before being let inside. A quiet yapping sound came from a part of the house, and Mary wiped her brow. "In the nick of time too." She smiled to herself, and hurried to her bedroom. A little puppy was sitting at the door. She quickly leashed him, and took him to the back to use the potty. "I bet little Andrew will just love you!" She smiled, petting the puppy as she put him back in her room, giving him some extra food and water. "Now you behave for a little while, you'll be allowed out soon!"

A knock came from the front door, and Mary hurried over to see who it was. "John, did you forget your briefcase again? You're so forgetful!"
Moderately Graphic Chapter

Later that day, John returned a little bit earlier than he had planned before. As he arrived at his house, he looked inside for a second. No one was there. Maybe Mary was out shopping last minute? He shrugged, and walked over to Jerry's. He knocked, and was greeted by Jerry's older brother, who called Andrew out. "Daddy!" Andrew leapt off the top step, and wrapped his arms around his father, who had caught him. John smilled and carried him back to their home. "Mommy and I both wanted to show you a present together for your birthday, but I think it can't wait any longer." He ruffled Andrews hair, and walked inside home. But something was wrong. When he had looked inside, he could only see the front of the Living room, and the main hallway. But now that he was inside, he could see the cake laying on the floor of the kitchen, and.. Blood?

"Andy, go outside and stay there until I say you can come in, okay?" He placed him down outside of the door. "But Daddy-!" He whimpered, letting out his lower lip. "But nothing, I'm getting your present okay?" Andrews frown turned into a smile, and he nodded, running off to play with some of his toys on the front yard.

John closed the door behind him, and drew his sidearm. He slowly made his way through his house, checking the other rooms before entering the kitchen. He nearly vomited as he came across the gruesome scene. The puppy they had bought for Andy was mutilated and cut into pieces, strewn all over the kitchen. Words were written on the floor with its blood, but they were in some language he couldn't understand. He flicked the safety off of his sidearm, and continued to the last room, his bedroom.

He opened the door carefully, slowly, and hit the light switch.

"Oh.. God.. Mary!" He fell to his knees, and punched the floor. Mary had been stabbed multiple times, and her head removed from her body. He nearly began sobbing until he heard something far out of place. He heard a wet sound? It was coming from his closet. He stood, and raised his weapon once more. He kicked open the door, and there was a man, completely covered in blood. He was holding Mary's head and he was.. And with it..

"You sick son of a-!" He shot the man before he even finished. And he kept shooting the man, unloading the high power sidearm into him until the man was nothing more than scorched flesh and bloody pulp. He breathed heavily, sobbing, leaning against the side of the closet. He turned around when he heard another noise- It was his son. Andy had a blank look on his face. He was covered with some of the blood spatter from the man his father had shot, and he had witnessed it. He had even seen his mother, and her head. John rushed to Andy, and lifted him off the floor, pulling his face over his shoulder. "Don't look anymore Andy.. Just.. Just let's go.."

Andrew wanted his Jack-In-The-Box.
Mildly Graphic Chapter

Six years later.

After the death of his wife, John had grown more and more depressed over the years. He had become a heavy drinker, drowning his sorrows in cheap liquor. Andrew had grown silent as well. He was always seen with a blank, or sad face, and rarely participated in school activities, or played with other children. He had thrown away all of his old childhood stuff, but he still had his Jack-In-The-Box. Every day, he would use it atleast once. He made sure to keep it in good condition. It was the only thing these days that would make him smile, even for an instant.

The front door opened, and a bottle shattered on the ground. John had come home. "ANDREW! Where are ya?!" He yelled out loudly. Andrew ran over to him quickly, and looked up at the tall, drunken man that was his father. "I heard zat you didn't do good in class thizzz year! I thought that I told you to get good grades! And yer drawing 'violent' scenes? And yer fighting other kids? What do ya have to say for yerself?"

Andrew just looked up at him, solemn and quiet. "Say somethin' you good fer nothin' little brat!" Andrew still stood quietly, staring up at his father. "Why you little-!" John raised his hand, and then backhanded his son across the face, knocking him to the ground. He then kicked him square in the chest, knocking the air out of the small boy. Tears welled up in Andrews eyes, and he began to quietly sob as he gasped for air. "Thats whutya get fer bein' useless!" His father hiccuped before wiping some spittle from his mouth, and walking into his room.

Andrew knew what it was. His father was a mean drunk. And a stupid drunk. He heard some older kids talking about what they were when they stole some of their parents alcohol. He knew his dad would come out and apologize when he wasnt drunk anymore, and take him out for ice cream or his favorite playground. Andrew just waited in the living room, staring at a blank television. But his father didn't come back after a few hours.

He finally stood out of his seat, and walked to his fathers room, knocking lightly and calling for him. "Daddy? Can I come in?" He listened for a few minutes. He heard a bit of crying coming from the other side. "Are you okay Dad-" Blam. A single gunshot. Andrew whimpered, and opened the door slowly. His father had blown off his own head, slumped over a corner chair, the spatter covering the wall next to him. Andrew was all alone now. And he was mad about it.

He later went outside, and played with his Jack-In-The-Box again.
Mildly Graphic Chapter

Present day.

Andrew, now seventeen years old, and alone for seven years, had grown jealous of other kids having parents. He wanted a normal life just like everyone else, to be loved and cared for like his peers. But no. Instead he was an outcast. People whispered behind his back about his messed up childhood, and how he could snap at any minute. Bullies would always mock him for carrying around his old Jack-In-The-Box that, though slightly out of tune sounding now, was still in good shape.

Whenever he felt like he was going to attack someone for making fun of him, or mocking him, he would simply walk to somewhere secluded, and play with his Box. A few spins of the handle, and pop, there's the Jack. He'd then close it, and replace it in his backpack, and continue on his way. Until someone made one very big mistake.

A certain bully that made it a daily thing to pick on Andrew had once more found him outside of the school campus. "Hey there you little dirtbag. Still have that raggedy old baby toy?" He grinned to himself, and shoved Andrew, whom of which simply ignored him, and kept walking. "What, you aren't man enough to stand up to me? My bad, of course you aren't! You're still a little baby!" He laughed, and pulled off Andrews backpack. He stopped in his tracks, and turned to face his assailant. "Here, let me knock you into puberty!"

The teen dropped his backpack, and then stomped on it repeatedly. Crack. Snap. Grinding and slight pinging sounds. He had just smashed Andrews Jack-In-The-Box. His eyes grew wide. His nails dug into his palms so hard, they drew blood. "Aww, baby going to cry? Baby gonna run to ma-" He couldn't finish. Andrew had punched him square in the throat. The teen began wheezing for air. "Why you.. little.." He couldn't finish that either. Andrews knee had caught him square in the chin. The bully fell to the ground, but he wasn't mad anymore. He was scared. He was fearing Andrew now, and it was known. He kicked him in the ribs, with several audible cracks. The teen screamed in agony, and Andrew sat down on his chest. "SING IT." The bully sobbed "S-sing what?!"

Andrew punched him in the face repeatedly, knocking out teeth, and bloodying his nose. "O-kay I-I'll sing iiit!" The bully sobbed again, and stammered a bit before singing. "Around and around th-the Mulberry b-bu-" Andrew punched him squarely in the throat again, this time with enough force to collapse his windpipe. He stood, and left him to suffocate, there on the sidewalk. Andrew picked up his bag, and sobbed a bit when he saw his shattered Jack-In-The-Box inside.

He was furious now. Alone, and without amusement, he felt it was going to be a long, long day.