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Lui had spread the message to gather everyone for a small announcement. Ten minutes later Jacques told him that they were waiting outside the office doors. Lui put on his glasses, his best coat, and proceeded out into the unusually low radiated weather. He climbed one of the former lookout towers the researchers had built, and stood at the top, looking down at only the couple hundred left.

"Eux, some of you will soon be learning to operate your own vessels, then, some of you will be flying out into the Omicrons, recording and reporting everything there is to know. And some of you, have already begun. Recording will be taught to you during your flight lessons, and reporting, for that, you take what you have discovered and walk into that office that i just came out of. If I'm there, leave it on my desk. If I'm not, leave it on my desk. Understood?"

One of the crowd members slowly lifted their hand in the air.

"Uhh... What's a lesson?"

Lui frowned, and pointed to Jacques.

"Speak with Jacques... Any more questions?"

No one spoke. And everyone went back to their daily duties.