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Full Version: To Blood Dragon Shogunate
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***Incoming Video Transmission***
Source - On board The Verminator, Death Runner's Office
ID - ****

*A man in a typical outcast business uniform appears on screen, adjusting some papers on his desk.*

Konnichiwa, Blood Dragons. I'll get straight to the point of this transmission. You have a prisoner, that i want. His name is Lu Bu. Heard of him? Yes? No? I honestly don't care. But i want him. My reasons are my own, and your reasons are your own. Right? Hehehe. Though, i do know that he has caused some trouble recently for you all.. So wouldn't this be beneficial for you? I thought so. But.. if you decline.. Well it won't be pretty for either of us. I'd have to move my Storta from my home, all the way to frakking Chugoku. Then i'd have to cause an uproar, and perhaps even fire a couple shots. And we don't want that. It's just a massive waste of time for both of us. So what do you say? Toodles.

*the man waves, then reaches out to press a button*

***End of Video Transmission***
>>Incoming transmission adressed to... 'Death Runner's Video Transmission'
>>ID: Teraku Oshiro
Your negotiation skills are amazing. Actually, I expected more from a Cardamine sniffer.
Anyways, if you're going to fly your Storta through our Asteroid Field... Good luck.


***Incoming Video Transmission***
Source - On board The Verminator, Death Runner's Office
ID - *****

*The man appears on screen, smiling.*

Hahaha! I'll have what i want, one way or another. Oh yes. Whether you decide to dispose of him, or he ends up on board this ship, It all works out for me. Heh.

***End of Video Transmission***
>>Incoming transmission adressed to... 'Death Runner's Video Transmission'
>>ID: Teraku Oshiro
Eh, funny boy, what makes you think you'll achieve your goal?
Think again, I'll give you the chance to tell me why you want Lu Bu-san.

***Incoming Video Transmission***
Source - On board The Verminator, Death Runner's Office
ID - ****

Ask the one who piloted The True Throne earlier in Tohoku, I have said everything i want to say to him.

***End of Video Transmission***