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Full Version: To Joshua Emmerich
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****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****Location: Rochester****

Mr. Emmerich,

I have to ask, who appointed you sentry of Rochester? Certainly not anyone who had the authority to do so. I was tempted to say you are relieved of this position, but then again, I cannot take away what you do not have. All I can do is attempt to relieve you of your perception that you are serving in any official capacity as guardian of Rochester. While we do appreciate and request all Junkers to take part in the defense of our stations you do not need to be making official statements pertaining to our policies.

A few points need to be clarified:

First, we do not restrict Naval capital ships from coming near Rochester. We strongly request that military vessels of any kind not linger in our space as we try to remain neutral in all military conflicts and do not want to be seen as choosing anyone's side, but that is as far as we take it. We do not tell the Liberty Navy where to fly.

Second, pirate Vessels are not allowed at Rochester or any other Junker base. I don't know where you ever got the idea that this was allowed. We do provide a haven for people to do business outside the corporate greed that exists in most houses. We allow people a forum to make their own fortunes without being molested by corporate giants. Often these individuals find themselves unwelcome in more respectable establishments. However, if any of these people should be identified as wanted fugitives they are asked to leave and their docking rights revoked.

For the record, I would like to repeat that any statements made by Mr. Emmerich pertaining to the docking procedures at Rochester were simply the ramblings of someone who had no authority to make such statements.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****
Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Planet Manhatten, Fort Bragg

Arbiter Jack Crow;

Thankyou for the clarification, Arbiter. We will disregard what Joshua Emmerich claims in his imaginary capacity as the Rochester sentry now and in future. Of course, we understand from our own experiences that it is hard, sometimes impossible, to control folks who arent directly under the umbrella of the dominant establishment within an organisation.

Transmission Terminated
****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****Location: Rochester****

It can indeed be difficult Commodore. I suspect this is a problem you and I share from time to time. Don't worry though, we are are prepared to deal with this one.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****