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Full Version: Attack on the Black Emerald
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From: Reaper Flagship
To: Outcast's and Allie's

Today my friends one of my spy's in Omicron gamma has released some disturbing news, It would seem yet another Osiris class under the name of 'Black Emerald' has almost been complete and ready to launch at any given time. Now this would usually be not such a big matter. but recently we have been having a recent increase in these ship's and it is unacceptable we cannot let another one of these ships out into space to be brought upon our homeworld. so we shall be rallying our force's tomorrow at 10pm GMT. i wish you all the best of luck, visit your loved one's, take your cardimine, get drunk do what you do before a battle for tomorrow it may be the last battle you see.


Lohingren Out

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