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At the risk of sounding cheesy and/or copying a tv series----Not every conspiracy is a theory.

For those of you who are involved, DONT POST ANYTHING HERE PPL.

I set up secure comms just for that. USE THEM.

For those who like what they have seen, you can sign up as an agent by pming me.

For those who dont know what im talking about, let me explain.

The Steep Path To Betrayal is two things.

First, it is multiple RP stories being written by those involved.

I am writing one here.

I dont know about any of the other ppl yet.

Secondly, its a Conspiracy game within Liberty.

Now, you probably still don't understand the second point.

We, the writers and agents in this game, are hatching a conspiracy. We will be attempting to carry it out. It will involve....things. You, as a player, will be living through it, being manipulated by us, persuaded to further our cause, getting involved in all sorts of things, all without you knowing it. Thusly, your goal, in order to "win", is to figure it out, put together the pieces of evidence, the screenshots and skype comms, the rp posts, and, if you are good, infiltrate our conspiracy, perhaps assassinate the architects, or some of the agents, perhaps prevent us from finishing goals, from furthering the plot. Or, you could aid us. Whatever it is you want to do. It is up to you.

But to make it harder, this is the only place anyone will reference to The Game. If you never come across this post, well, too bad.

Now, some people, during the ocurse of events, might cry METAGAMING OMG OMG SANCTIONLANCER.

This is why it is being played as a game. At no point will we dictate what others do (unless of course, some agents have faction powers to do so over their faction. you should probably watch out for that.). We will create situations using our agents, we will post rhetoric, cajole, persuade, tell, leak information, create false information, and perhaps get involved directly, but we will do so in the purview of our recruited agents. At no point will we say something is true. We will get others to make it true.

NOTICE: The Game hasnt started yet, I'm currently setting stuff up, writing, making sure I have enough credits to bankroll it, getting in touch with people I plan on recruiting. Also, I would love to get in touch with an admin or server moderator or somebody who has lots of rp experience to discuss details, and whether or not what I am planning could possibly get me in trouble. :sad facial expression: