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[Image: 514biZq.png]

[Image: Council_Logo.png]


Technical details

Name of Faction:
Full name of Faction:
Faction Tag:
Faction Affiliation:
Faction Identification:
House of Origin:
Zone of Influence:
Allowed ships:

Ship Naming

Warships, Fleet Support:
Freighters, Transports:
Science Vessels:
Experimental Spacecraft:
Special Ships:
The Council
The Gallic Council of National Freedom and Unity
The Council
The Council
Marne, Champagne
Gallia, Tau Region, Bretonia
Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships

[C]-Firstname.Lastname or [C]-Codename
[C]-CLN-Shipname (something french)
[C]-CLT-Shipname (something french)
[C]-CLSV-Shipname (historical french scientist)


The Gallic Council of National Freedom and Unity, or just simply The Council, is the populist revolutionary movement in the Kingdom of Gallia, aiming to overthrow the tyrannical monarchy and estabilish a democratic republic in its place. The Second Gallic Civil War, which has been ongoing for over three decades by now, is the result of the opposition between royalist and revolutionary forces.

Thirty-one years ago The Council has successfully started their liberation against the Gallic Crown by taking over the Champagne system in a strategically well-planned move. In the following years The Council continued their attacks on the forces of the Gallic Crown eventually managing to breach the Languedoc defenses, and taking over Planet Quillan and a few facilities nearby. Finally, after the conquer of these systems, the Council started to built up defenses and blockades to stop the planned conquest by the Gallic Royal Navy and to ensure the security of Sirius.

However, it was just a matter of time until the blockade of Languedoc would fall. The Council was aware of that and warned Sirius about the upcoming invasion. During the fall of Languedoc The Council had to evacuate the system and fled into Sirius to build up a new home for the refugees and survivors, reestabilishing themselves in Roussillon in the process.

In the following years The Council has been assisting the forces of Bretonia, Liberty, and several factions of the Tau Region that had to face the Gallic Crown and its invasion force. Besides that, The Council tried to estabilish new trade agreements with the houses and organizations of Sirius, to ensure a better financial status for themselves. While the forces in Roussillon were keen to reinforce the defenses of Bretonia and stabilise the Tau Region, the forces in Champagne focused on tactical strikes and guerilla warfare against the Gallic Crown inside the Kingdom.

As the frontline forces of the Gallic Royal Navy wore thin, the Crown kept sending more and more fleets away from Gallia, reinforcing their push towards the capital of Bretonia at the cost of security elsewhere, including domestic and occupied space alike. The more opportunities arose, the more aggressive The Council became, increasing the frequency and severity of their attacks. This led to the successful reclaimation of Tau-44 from the royalist invaders three years ago, in cooperation with the original inhabitants of the system, the Crayter Republic.

Nowadays three important warfronts are shaping the history of Gallia: Picardy, Provence, and Roussillon. In Picardy The Council has been successfully advancing for years, destroying La Fere Prison Station, liberating Saint-Quentin Space Colony and Haute-Seine Shipyard, and paiting the crosshair on Amiens itself, as the next target. In Provence the ex-royalist deserteur fleet of the CLN Oblique laid siege on the royalist forces, said conflict unfortunately ending with a phyrric victory for the defenders, and the mutual retreat of both sides from the system. In Roussillon the Gallic Royal Navy is having a revanche after a failed attack on their Issoudun Drydock in the neighboring system, while The Council is trying to hold the system long enough to evacuate everyone once again.


Overthrow the monarchy and estabilish a democratic republic in its stead:
Hold Champagne
Hold Roussillon
Find refuge for those surviving and fleeing Roussillon
Liberate Picardy

Help Sirians in ending the war between Gallia and Sirius:
Help the Independent Miners' Guild remaining to appear neutral in front of the Gallic Royal Navy

Z O N E 0 D ' I N F L U E N C E

Zone of Influence

Primary ZoI: Gallia, Tau Region
Secondary ZoI: Bretonia

MAP IS WIP - Will probably be finished in the next two months.

Key Facilities


Vichy Base


Macon Base


Châlons-en-Champagne Station
Courville Wreck
Montmirail Base
Reims Station


Le Boulou Outpost
Perpignan Spaceport






Stationary Capital Ships


CLN Cambrai
CLN Chaumont


CLN De Grasse


CLN La Fierté


CLN Pamiers


CLN Oblique

V A I S S E A U X 0 S P A T I A L S


The vast majority of Council ships were stolen, looted or otherwise plundered from the GRN or GRP, many are older than those currently in use by these factions. The rest are constructed of any metal The Council can get it's hands on that is of high enough quality. While the GRN is more likely to scrap a fighter after it has received significant combat damage Council technicians will do their best to patch the hull and repair it. All of these things give Council ships their aged appearance.



Support vessels

C O D E 0 D E 0 C O N D U C T

Code of Conduct


1. Be courteous to all other players on the server. This does not mean your character has to be nice to them, but as a player you should give them opportunities to make choices and if they have made a mistake as a player, communicate that to them privately and politely.
2. Know and obey all server rules.
3. Know and obey all forum rules.
4. RP is required during all encounters.
5. The roleplay of any of your other characters should not affect the roleplay of your council characters with the exception of any interaction they might have had in RP. If you plan on doing this please contact a member ranked commandant or higher.
6. Ships and weapons are to only include those permitted to a member of your rank. Special dispensations may be granted.
7. Remember, you are interacting with real people, not automated drones. You want to have fun, but so does the opposing party. Keep that in mind. Fairplay and common sense are the golden rules of this faction.

[Image: Council_Logo.png]


Mouvement de Liberation Gaulois

The Council was originally part of the first liberalist movement in Gallia, the Mouvement de Liberation Gaulois or MLG. Their ideological forefathers fought on the side of what they believed was a progressive, unifying, monarchist movement. Overtime the most liberal and progressive elements of the MLG, which had become known as the Council, began to clash more and more with the conservative and isolationist government of the Crown.

Finally, in 636 AGS, after many years of increasing tension, the inevitable occurred. Fearing The Councils cause was gaining too much popular support, King Louis IV ordered the disbandment of the MLG.

Rather than halt the tide of support for the liberalist movement, all that the Crown achieved was the radicalization of the Council, who in 637 AGS began a phase of militant expansion. Recruiting from all areas of Gallic society The Council began to train pilots and build bases within the isolated and remote parts of the Gallic Border Worlds. The Councils goals were simple, if the Monarchy refused to meet their Sirian brothers then The Council would introduce them.


The Revolution of Marne

The industrial planet of Marne, in the Champagne system, had always been a hotspot of liberalist activity. For centuries before the war, the populace had fought to regain the rights the French people had had on ancient Earth. After the MLG was disbanded local officials, under the influence of the Monarchy, began to honor fewer and fewer of these rights. Lacking legal ways in which to peacefully express their discontent, the trodden upon workers of Marne flooded the ranks of The Council and The Maquis. The rich and privileged members of Marne society began to show up dead all around the Planet. When the government began arresting random members of The Council for these crimes the seething tides of resentment reached a critical mass.

In 711 AGS a popular uprising, covertly supported by the Council, led to the effective Liberation of the majority of Marnes population centers. Most of Marnes military forces, however, were located in isolated fortresses across the planet. The space around Marne remained in the firm control of the Gallic Royal Navy (GRN), but underestimating the support that was provided from off planet, the GRN did not assign enough forces to blockade the planet. Light military vehicles and artillery brought in by The Council as well as light arms by the Brigands allowed the revolutionary forces to maintain control of the cities, but were not enough to allow the capture of any of the military strongholds.

By 714 AGS the crown felt they must end this conflict and end it now. The Gallic Army (GA) amassed a force of over 110,000 troops in the core worlds and readied them for transport to Marne. Unknown to the GRN the Council had been secretly amassing within the un-patrolled Aube Asteroid Field in Champagne. While en route to Marne The Council struck the convoy nears Reims Station. The Navy was caught completely unprepared and was forced to retreat. The Council managed to drive the transports for all but 45,000 of the troops away. This was the first major engagement fought by the Council and the first of many fights in the war.

With the troops that were able to get through The Councils ambush, the GA launched a massive attack against the revolutionists, striking on all fronts. Knowing the forces of the Council would surely soon arrive to help them, the revolutionists focused their defenses entirely on the spaceports and waited. Soon enough The Council captured Reims and with their flank now protected, moved on to Marne where the attacking forces of the GA were scattered by the newly arrived Council units. This forced the remaining GA forces into a protracted and ultimately doomed defensive position. In 717 AGS the battle for Marne was over, but it was not until 719 AGS that The Council cleared Champagne and broadcasted, on open frequencies throughout Gallia, that not only had Marne been freed, but that Champagne was completely free of the royalist yoke.

The Attempt for Lorraine

With Champagne secure The Council High Command was relocated to Marne and began to plan for the next offensive in Lorraine. If Lorraine could be taken, the minefield could be breached and contact with Sirius established. Having been made aware of The Councils final goal to access the minefield by either spies or Junker informants, the GRN massed a fleet in Lorraine and launched a pre-emptive attack at the beginning of 720 AGS. When the GRN fleet advanced to Marne, though, all but a handful of ships were destroyed or captured under the combined onslaught of The Council, The Maquis and even The Brigands.

The Setback in Dauphine

With the failure of the invasion of Lorraine The Council decided to focus its attention on Dauphine and Languedoc. Years of guerrilla style attacks had significantly weakened the Navy forces in these systems, and, with the exception of Montpellier Guard Station, they lacked any strong permanent defensive installations. In 725 AGS forces of The Council destroyed Bourgon-Jallieu Station in Dauphine using a diversionary tactic. It was also in 725 that one of the most controversial events of the war occurred, the assault on Gap Station.

Gap Station occupied a crucial location on the route from Burgundy to Languedoc. However Gap had many civilian inhabitants, eliminating its destruction as on option for The Council. Instead The Council planned to blockade the station and use marines to secure it from the inside. Once again learning of The Councils plans the GRN placed several Gallic Army attachments on board the station. Once the Council fleet secured the space around the station dropships full of marines were deployed. The fighting lasted for more than four days, after which all the Council forces had been defeated. The GA forces inside the station took positions by the airlocks to prevent a second assault. It was then that a large GRN fleet arrived to breach the blockade. In a move of desperation several Council ships launched a missile attack against Gaps airlocks. Gaps engineers were able to seal the bulkheads before hardly any of the station depressurized but there was no time for any of the Gallic Army to evacuate these areas. Those who werent blown into space by the initial attack quickly asphyxiated.

Realizing the capture of Gap Station and Briancon Station would take too much time and resources the Council opted to bypass them, setting up multiple repair and supply depots en route to the jumpgate to Languedoc so the fleet could be moved through the system covertly. Meanwhile the guerrilla attacks continued so as to keep the GRN off balance.

Languedoc taken

At the beginning of 729 AGS a massive Council fleet moved through the unguarded jumpgate to Languedoc. The first station in the system between The Council and the minefield was Remoulins. It is rumored that The Council delayed the initial attack on Remoulins so as to give its civilian inhabitants, which consisted largely of Gallic Metal Service personnel, time to evacuate. In the ensuing battle the explosion of a duel storage tank destroyed the station in addition to crippling the GRN fleet.

Having learned from the failed attack on Gap Station, The Council utilized infiltration to take control of Nimes in 730. Once the stations systems were completely under the control of the infiltrators the fleet arrived to capture the station personnel, who had no choice but to surrender.

The next, and final goal of The Council before Montpellier was the invasion of Quillan. Having numerous and more highly trained forces on the ground the Gallic army had a significant advantage. With reinforcements from Burgundy and the help of miners on the ground, though, Quillan was taken in 732 AGS.

By the end of that year The Council had amassed a fleet large enough to attack Montpellier. It was perhaps the largest battle that human kind had participated in since the Alliance/Coalition war centuries before and it raged for weeks. During this time the GRN were able to retake the gate to Dauphine, but The Council knew there was no turning back. In a courageous suicide attack a Council battleship filled with thermonuclear explosive rammed Montpellier and detonated, destroying a large part of the station and killing most of its crew. The path to the minefield was at last clear.


In 817 AS (733 AGS), with the fall of Montpellier and the security of the jump hole guaranteed, the high command issued orders to the engineers to clear a path to Tunisia, or Orkney as it is known by the Sirian Houses.

Shortly thereafter, a new station was rapidly constructed at the edge of the Northern Minefield - Reunion. Despite having poor living conditions, the station has become a very busy place, serving a large amount of ships coming to and from Gallia.

At the same time, with the help of the Maquis and several persuadable Junkers, The Council was able to clear a covert path within the Lorraine minefield. The "reunion" with the outcasts in Berne, or Omicron-80 was not quite as pleasant. Council pilots informed the outcasts of the situation and their friendly intent and were destroyed. The reasons for this attack are unclear but all subsequent ships passing through the area have been attacked by Outcast patrols.

In Exile

With a passage-way to Sirius forged, the Council has turned to the task of defending its holdings from the Crown and keeping the passage open as long as possible so that they can warn Sirius about the upcoming threat. The Gallic Core Worlds has been sealed only to give enough time for the Gallic Royal Navy to prepare an assault on the Council and on Sirius. Languedoc eventually fell and Council forces, accompanied by Maquis and Brigands had to flee from the onslaught.

Settling down in Roussillon, the Council quickly estabilished their foothold in this remote system while developing alliances with nearby anti-GRN factions, like the Independent Miners' Guild, the Colonial Republic, or the Houses of Liberty and Bretonia. During this time they also managed to restore connection between the exiled forces and those staying in Champagne, constantly defying the will of the Crown. All in the meanwhile the Gallic Royal Navy began besieging Bretonia.


Slowing down the conquest

The Gallic Royal Navy seems to be unstoppable. They took control over the Tau systems, half of Bretonia, and now threatening the borders of Liberty by raiding Magellan frequently. However, their forces continuously spreading thin might give more and more opportunities for the Council for a successful attack in the Tau region, and possibly in the Core worlds of the Kingdom as well. With the Champagne-Picardy gateway available for exploitation the Council has begun executing a long plan to take over another system while the Crown pours more and more GRN forces out of the Kingdom into Sirius.

[Image: Council_Logo.png]

[Image: Council_Logo.png]


Overthrow the monarchy and estabilish a democratic republic in its stead.
Protecting the rights of Gallic citizens against those who would infringe upon them, both foreign and domestic, has always been our first priority. The Crown made it clear enough that their interests lie in opposition to that, warranting their removal from power, and the installment of a new political system, a democratic republic, which would finally serve the people of Gallia.

Champagne front

1.) Liberate Champagne.
The heart of our revolution, a massive industrial world sheltering a massive population with a massive hatred towards the Crown and the monarchy. Also having a greater, military and a smaller, commercial shipyard and hub.
Completed Champagne, including the people of Marne, has been successfully liberated.

2.) Hold Champagne.
Champagne is home for billions unwilling to yield to the Crown's authority. Throughout the years The Council has also estabilished a massive infrastructure to maintain itself, including several industrial facilities, factories, assembly yards, many things necessary to function as a paramilitary organisation capable to rival the Gallic Royal Navy itself.
Pending Held for over three decades, it is unlikely to fall into the hands of the royalists.

3.) Liberate Picardy.
Another system with a significant portion of the populace supporting our cause, a functional shipyard, the heart of the cryocube-manufacturing industry, all this poorly protected by the Gallic Royal Navy, and in the close proximity of Champagne. All good reasons to target this system for liberation.
Pending On this warfront apparently our victories outweight our losses and make it seem only to be a matter of time unil complete liberation.

Languedoc-Roussillon front

1.) Liberate Languedoc.
On one hand Languedoc hosts one of the biggest pro-revolutionary population centers, Quillan, on the other it is one of the entrances to Sirius, not to mention the strategical importance of Nîmes Station. All these factors make this system a quite important priority target for The Council.
Completed Languedoc, including the people of Quillan, has been successfully liberated.

2.) Hold Languedoc.
Languedoc, under our control, stands between the Gallic Royal Navy and Sirius, an assault on the system is just a matter of time. We need to hold it against the tyranny.
Failed The Gallic Royal Navy's unstoppable fleets poured into Sirius, flushing us out of Languedoc. We tried not to give their victory cheap, and although our losses were heavy, it seemingly didn't put a visible dent on their forces.

3.) Find refuge to those surviving and fleeing Languedoc.
Several thousands of civilians had to flee Quillan with the attack of the Gallic Royal Navy. We need to find refuge for them and the remainder of our forces within the Tau Region of Sirius.
Completed With the assistance of the Independent Miners' Guild we could successfully settle down on the semi-habitable world of Toulouse, currently under terraforming, within the secret system of Roussillon.

4.) Hold Roussillon.
Roussillon is providing shelter for hundreds of thousands of civilians ever since it became a destination of political fugitives fleeing Gallia, but our limited construction capabilities leave our defenses weak. We need to rely on keeping the system secret as long as we can, and then on the help of our allies once it is revealed.
Pending With the Gallic Royal Navy finding, then besieging the system it is just a matter of time until we lose it.

5.) Find refuge to those surviving and fleeing Roussillon.
Citizens of Gallia once again have to flee the Gallic Royal Navy's wrath. We need to find refuge for them and the remainder of our forces within either the Tau Region or back in Gallia.
Pending With the consent of our allies, the Crayter Republic, refugees from Toulouse are being relocated to Borneo until the situation in Provence becomes clear.

6.) Liberate Provence.
A remote and poorly defended system on the edge of Gallia still under development, Provence has mostly been used as a resort system for the wealthy aristocrats and the nobility. Marseille, however, is a potential target for housing the refugees fleeing Toulouse.
Failed The Gallic Royal Navy has won a phyrric victory, both sides of the battle retreating out of Provence. The resulting power vacuum has been seized by the newly emerging Syndicated Minarchy of Provence.


Prevent the war between Gallia and Sirius or, once started, assist Sirians in stopping it.
This war is not in the interest of the Gallic Nation, it is only in the interests of the Crown in order to enslave the people even further, by forcefully uniting them against a perceived, artificial external threat. We should not let Sirius grow hatred and contempt for our entire nation only for the sins and delusions of a mad king. Even if we cannot prevent it, the sooner it stops, the fewer lives are lost in vain.
Failed The Gallic Royal Navy's unstoppable fleets poured into Sirius, flushing us out of Languedoc. We couldn't stop their advance and initiation of hostilities, but at least we could warn Sirius in time and allow them a year to prepare. We couldn't manage to stop the Gallic Conquest either before we were cut off of Sirius by the siege of Roussillon. In this fight Sirius is on its own now.


1.) Breach the Lorraine minefield prematurely.
We need to warn Sirius about the threat of the Gallic Occupation before it's too late, for that we need to breach the Lorraine minefield in order to make contact.
Completed The minefield was successfully breached, but we've met hostile outcasts on the other side. Another breach is required elsewhere.

2.) Breach the Languedoc minefield prematurely.
We need to warn Sirius about the threat of the Gallic Occupation before it's too late, for that we need to breach the Languedoc minefield in order to make contact.
Completed The minefield was successfully breached and we managed to make contact with the Independent Miners' Guild and the Crayter Republic. Through them Sirius was warned about the planned conquest.

3.) Hold Languedoc.
Languedoc, under our control, stands between the Gallic Royal Navy and Sirius, an assault on the system is just a matter of time. We need to hold it against the tyranny.
Failed The Gallic Royal Navy's unstoppable fleets poured into Sirius, flushing us out of Languedoc. We tried not to give their victory cheap, and although our losses were heavy, it seemingly didn't put a visible dent on their forces.

Sirian assistance

1.) Help the Crayter Republic reclaiming their home, the Tau-44 system.
One of the nations suffering from the conquest was the Crayter Republic, being forced out of their homes in a switft move. If we help them reclaiming their home, that could reinforce our alliance significantly, and they might help us later the same way.
Completed The Tau-44 system is once again owned and controlled by the Crayter Republic.

2.) Help the Crayter Republic cutting the Gallic Royal Navy supply lines within the Tau Region.
The Gallic Royal Navy outstretching deep into Sirius provides a lot of opportunities to attack them along their thinned line of defenses around their supply lines. Cutting those lines can easily starve their frontline fleets, force them to surrender prematurely and end the war before further lives are lost.
Failed We couldn't manage to cut their supply lines before we were cut off of Sirius by the siege of Roussillon. In this task the Crayter Republic is on its own now.

3.) Help the Kingdom of Bretonia stopping the Gallic Royal Navy from reaching New London.
The Kingdom of Bretonia is the primary target of the Gallic Royal Navy in this conquest. Helping Bretonia in repelling the invaders could mitigate the decrease in reputation of our nation.
Failed The Gallic Royal Navy reached New London before we were cut off of Sirius by the siege of Roussillon. In their defense the Kingdom of Bretonia is on its own now.

4.) Help the Republic of Liberty stopping the Gallic Royal Navy from reaching New York.
The Republic of Liberty is the secondary target of the Gallic Royal Navy in this conquest. Helping Liberty in repelling the invaders could mitigate the decrease in reputation of our nation.
Completed The Gallic Royal Navy couldn't reach New York before we were cut off of Sirius by the siege of Roussillon. In their defense the Republic of Liberty is on its own now.

5.) Help the Independent Miners' Guild remaining to appear neutral in front of the Gallic Royal Navy.
The Independent Miners' Guild has been a tolerated entity under the Gallic Occupation due to their neutral public appearance, though they've been helping our efforts against the invaders throughout the years. In return it is our duty to help them keeping their cover as long as possible.
Pending The cover has been kept for over seven years, but with the siege of Roussillon and the expected loss of Toulouse the involvement of the Independent Miners' Guild in providing shelter and terraforming the planet will be revealed sooner than desirable.

6.) Help the Kusari Exiles in repairing the IKN Yamaguchi and returning to Kusari.
Whatever remained of the Imperial Kusari Navy after the Gallic Royal Navy decimated their forces has sought shelter among us in Roussillon. Kusari bending to the will of Gallia granted both of us two major common enemies, cooperation in such circumstances is natural, and helping eachother would grant both of us valuable allies on the long run
Completed The Imperial Kusari Navy has successfully moved on with a repaired IKN Yamaguchi, and has reunited with the rest of their nation since then.


Maintain and support our revolutionary efforts through various non-aggressive means.
Logistics, intelligence, research and development are equally critical components required for a war machine to run properly. It is important to make sure it does.


1.) Maintain logistics and supply lines between owned and allied assets within and around Gallia.
Keeping our resources flowing steadily is essential to keeping the revolution alive. It is important to make sure we suffer no shortages in the amenities absolutely necessary to our everyday lives and operation.
Pending The flow of goods is sufficiently maintained for now.

2.) Estabilish and maintain commercial and logistics operations within Sirius.
Should our logistics fleet have enough free capacity, earning credits on the Sirian markets can further ease funding our revolution.
Pending A small contingent of transport ships is still earning credits for us.

[Image: Council_Logo.png]

[Image: Council_Logo.png]

P A C T S , I T R E A T I E S


Gallic Royal Navy
Gallic Royal Police
Gallic Royal Intelligence
Kusari Naval Forces
Kusari State Police
Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues
Rheinland Military
Rheinland Police
EFL Oil & Machinery
IDF Shipping
Kishiro Technologies
Samura Industries
Daumann Heavy Construction
Kruger Minerals
Republican Shipping
ALG Waste Disposal
Gallic Metal Services
Bounty Hunters Guild
Farmers Alliance
Coalition Military
Red Hessians
Hellfire Legion
Blood Dragons
Unione Corse
Bretonian Privateers
Liberty Security Force
Bretonia Intelligence Service
The Order
Independent Miners Guild
Gas Miners Guild
Interspace Commerce
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Planetform, Inc.
Orbital Spa and Cruise
Liberty Navy
Liberty Police, Inc.
Ageira Technologies
Universal Shipping
Bretonia Armed Forces
Bretonia Police
Border World Exports
Deep Space Engineering
Gateway Shipping
Crayter Republic
Gallic Brigands
The Maquis
The Council

Where everything began and eventually end as well, Gallia hosts most of the allies - The Maquis, Gallic Brigands - and enemies Gallic Royal Forces - of The Council, as well as those in between - the corporations and the Corse.

The Maquis are a more radical version of The Council while the Gallic Brigands are the common pirates and thugs of Gallia. Both organisations have proven to be reliable and resourceful allies, but public association with either hurts The Council's public image within Gallia, and the chance of our ideological differences ripping apart our alliances slowly but steadily increases as we progress towards the end of the civil war.

The GRN, GRP and GRI are the tools of the Crown, the means through which the tyrant oppresses the nation. As such, they are the primary enemies of The Council, despite that though they also must be given the opportunity to defect if they are not as loyal as they might initially appear.

The corporations of Gallia - EFL Oil & Machinery, IDF Shipping and Gallic Metal Service - aren't actively fighting us, but they are supporting the Crown and the GRN's war machine either voluntarily or under pressure. Because of that they aren't to be trusted or be welcome on our installations, but aren't to be hunted down either. Taxes on them as a source of income at the cost of weakening the royalist war machine may be applied.

Out of the three corporations GMS is an exception in the sense that behind the scenes they have been supporting The Council with funds in the past, but only very few high-ranking corporate officers were trusted with this information and the coordination of these funds.

The various families forming the Unione Corse has been trying to balance their union between the two opposite sides of the civil war, so far successfully. As such, while we frequently treat them as business partners akin to the Gallic Brigands, it's useful to stay cautious with them.


As the primary target of the Gallic Conquest it was obvious that The Council would side with the authorities - the Bretonia Armed Forces, the Bretonia Police Authority, the Bretonia Intelligence Service and the Bretonian Privateers - protecting Bretonia against the Gallic Royal Navy since the first days of the conquest, as well as the corporations - Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing, Borderworlds Exports and Gateway Shipping - but the stance to the Bretonian unlawfuls - Mollys and Gaians - wasn't this clear and uniform.

The Mollys were apparently not bothered by the Gallic advance for long, thus they kept fighting Bretonian lawfuls and preying on commercial traffic throughout the house wherever they could. Because of that, they are considered a hostile threat to our transports in Sirius, just like any common pirate.

The Gaians, on the other hand, fell victim to the Royal Navy, having been forced to flee, regroup and retaliate. Recent developments might even develop and reinforce cooperation between them and The Council.

Cooperation between The Council and the lawful authorities of Bretonia has receded due to the increasing distance from Sirius with the siege of Roussillon, as well as due to the end of the alliance between the Independent Miners Guild, the Crayter Republic, The Council, and Bretonia against the Gallic Crown.


As the first step of the Gallic Conquest the Gallic Royal Navy decimated the Kusari Naval Forces, allowing republicans to coup the weakened imperial government and turn Kusari into a vassal of Gallia, branding The Council as unwanted entities within their space. The Council helped the remainder of the imperial forces gain strenght and return to Kusari to fight their own civil war, although after a few years of battling eachother the two opposite sides decided to cooperate and form a new government together.

This cooperation, however, did not change anything in the diplomacy of the house, we remained unwanted within Kusari. Because of this, The Council considers the imperial half of the Kusari government traitors to their old alliance, the republican half still being the lapdogs of the Gallic Crown they have always been, and overall unworthy of our trust. As a result we find their corporations - Kishiro Technologies and Samura Industries - untrustworthy, and we remain hostile to their lawful forces - the Kusari Naval Forces, the Kusari State Police and the Kempeitai.

Despite being antagonised by the lawful side of Kusari, The Council did not estabilish long lasting relationships with the local outlaws - the Blood Dragons, the Golden Chrysantemums, or the Farmers Alliance -, nor with the organisation balancing itself on the edge of lawfulness, the Hogosha.


Direct contact with Rheinland altogether has been minimal, if any at all, but their cooperation and apparently cordial relations with the Kingdom of Gallia make them appear to be suspicious in the eyes of The Council. As a result we view both the lawful authorities - the Rheinland Military, the Rheinland Federal Police and the Marinenachrichtendienst - and the national corporations - Kruger Minerals, Dauman Heavy Construction, Republican Shipping and ALG Waste Disposal - untrustworthy, of course not ruling out the possibility of that changing.

With the new connection between Picardy and Cologne through Zurich traffic between the two houses is expected to increase, which we will watch over cautiously.

Old stuff scheduled for replacement

As far as the factions of Sirius are concerned, The Council has had mutually beneficial dealing with both the IMG and the Crayter Republic. Both share with The Council a second mutual enemy besides the Crown: The Outcasts. From the time of The Council's first contact with the Outcasts in the system they call Omicron-80 they have acted with little but hostility towards us. All other Sirian unlawfuls are regarded as unfriendlies and all independent and lawful forces are regarded as neutral until diplomatic contact can be established.

Given cooperative efforts against their mutual enemies, the GRN, the Council managed to get on better terms with the Houses of Liberty and Bretonia, but mostly with the latter. These advantageous relations provide two great allies in combat and two major hubs to expand financially towards in peaceful times. Sadly as a vassal of the Gallic Kingdom, the Republic of Kusari has decided to outlaw the Council within it's jurisdiction, but that did not seem to pose any serious obstacles yet.

In addition to the above the Council managed to achieve cordial relations with both the Temporarily Autonomous Zoners and the remainder of the Imperial Kusari Navy, with the promise of these relations lasting for quite long. Recurring issues of alien nature resulted in occasional cooperations with the Order as well, and the arrogance of the Lane Hackers led both factions into hostilities one may not hope to ease anytime soon.

[Image: Council_Logo.png]


Council Headquarters

The Council Headquarters consists of several unique and important offices each with their own tasks and purpose, including, but not limited to:

Corps and Bureaus

Corps and Bureaus are the intermediate organisational bodies providing connection, communication and coordination between the Headquarters and the lower level sub-units. Corps are primarily tasked with issues related to distinct profiles, such as military, logistics, or development, while Bureaus handle public relations and coordination on a regional basis.

Corps Militaire
Tasked with the organisation, coordination, and maintenance of combat operations, asset protection, military police, military intelligence, combat equipment, machinery and troop transport. Headquartered on Marne.
It oversees the Regiment Champenois, the Regiment Picard and the Regiment Bornéan.
It is overseen by the Council Headquarters.

Corps Logistique
Tasked with the organisation, coordination, and maintenance of logistic operations, supply lines, commerce, product distribution, logistic intelligence, logistic equipment, machinery and personnel transport. Headquartered on Marne.
It oversees the Flotte Champenois, the Flotte Picard and the Flotte Bornéan.
It is overseen by the Council Headquarters.

Corps d'Avancement
Tasked with the organisation, coordination, and maintenance of natural scientific research, development, engineering, process development, production, manufacture, construction of products, vehicles, builings, facilities, space stations, fighter and bomber craft, transport ships and warships. Headquartered on Marne.
It oversees the Division d'Avancement Champenois, the Division d'Avancement Picard and will oversee the planned Division d'Avancement Bornéan.
It is overseen by the Council Headquarters.

Bureau Champenois
Tasked with the administration and coordination of The Council's operations within and around Champagne as well as with the maintenance of relations to neighboring organisations. Headquartered on Marne.
It oversees the Regiment Champenois, the Flotte Champenois, and the Division d'Avancement Champenois.
It is overseen by the Council Headquarters.

Bureau Picard
Tasked with the administration and coordination of The Council's operations within and around Picardy as well as with the maintenance of relations to neighboring organisations. Headquartered on Saint-Quentin Space Colony.
It oversees the Regiment Picard, the Flotte Picard, and the Division d'Avancement Picard.
It is overseen by the Council Headquarters.

Bureau Bornéan
Tasked with the administration and coordination of The Council's operations within and around Provence as well as with the maintenance of relations to neighboring organisations. Headquartered on Borneo.
It oversees the Regiment Bornéan, the Flotte Bornéan, and will oversee the planned Division d'Avancement Bornéan.
It is overseen by the Council Headquarters.

Régiments, Flottes, Divisions

These are the lowest level organisational sub-units dealing with tasks specific to their profile on a regional level, handling matters directly.

Regiment Champenois
Tasked primarily with the defense of Champagne and Macon Base in Burgundy. Besides that it also delegates escort wings to support the Flotte Champenois. Occasionally sends forces to support the Regiment Picard. Headquartered on Chalons-en-Champagne Station.
It is overseen by the Corps Militaire and the Bureau Champenois.

Regiment Picard
Tasked primarily with the liberation of Picardy. Besides that it also delegates escort wings to support the Flotte Picard. Headquartered on Haute-Seine Shipyard.
It is overseen by the Corps Militaire and the Bureau Picard.

Regiment Bornéan
Tasked primarily with the liberation of Provence. Besides that it also delegates escort wings to support the Flotte Bornéan. Headquartered on Borneo.
It is overseen by the Corps Militaire and the Bureau Bornéan.

Flotte Champenois
Tasked primarily with delivering supplies to Champagne and Macon Base in Burgundy, secondarily with providing logistics services to allies and partners, conducting commerce, and transporting refugees out of Gallia. Headquartered on Reims Station.
It is overseen by the Corps Logistique and the Bureau Champenois.

Flotte Picard
Tasked primarily with delivering supplies to Haute-Seine Shipyard and Saint-Quentin Space Colony. Headquartered on Saint-Quentin Space Colony.
It is overseen by the Corps Logistique and the Bureau Picard.

Flotte Bornéan
Tasked primarily with the evacuation of civilians, resources and other assets from Toulouse to Borneo, secondarily with delivering supplies to Borneo. Headquartered on Borneo.
It is overseen by the Corps Logistique and the Bureau Bornéan.

Division d'Avancement Champenois
Tasked primarily with the construction and repair of ships, planetside buildings and the maintenance of research and production facilities within Champagne. Headquartered on Marne.
It is overseen by the Corps d'Avancement and the Bureau Champenois.

Division d'Avancement Picard
Tasked primarily with the construction and repair of ships, and with the refitting of newly acquired space stations in Picardy. Headquartered on Saint-Quentin Space Colony.
It is overseen by the Corps d'Avancement and the Bureau Picard.


Officiers Généraux

General Officers are the highest level executive personnel within The Council, forming the High Command and tasked with the planning, organisation, coordination and maintenance of all aspects of this revolutionary paramilitary organisation.

[Image: 3RqulZD.png]
As the only Senior General Officer, and thus the Leader of The Council, the Général-en-Chef is the single highest ranking officier with the greatest authority over the organisation as well as the greatest amount of responsibilities.
The Général-en-Chef rank:

provides full access to all faction assets,
provides full command authority over anyone below this rank,
requires Colonel rank for promotion,
requires the appointment as successor by the previous Général-en-Chef for promotion,
is limited to a single individual.

[Image: nuS24Cg.png]
The Colonels, the two General Officers of The Council, are the helping hands of the Général-en-Chef. Working together, this trio coordinates and organises The Council, maintaining it in all aspects.
The Colonel rank:

provides full access to all faction assets,
provides full command authority over anyone below this rank,
requires Commandant or Directeur rank for promotion,
requires appointment by the current Général-en-Chef for promotion,
is limited to a single pair of individuals.

[Image: pgrIqzp.png]
Commandant, Directeur
As Junior General Officers at the lowest rank of the high command, Commandants lead Corps while Directeurs lead Bureaus, assisting and supporting the work of the Colonels and the Général-en-Chef.
The Commandant and the Directeur ranks:

provide full access to all faction assets,
provide full command authority over anyone below this rank,
require Commodore rank for promotion,
requires 7 additional contribution score (16 score in total) for promotion,
require appointment by the current Général-en-Chef for promotion,
is limited to a total of six individuals, one to lead each Corps or Bureau.

[Image: EV3Yf8I.png]
The Adjudant-génrale rank is a special honorary rank for those, who have retired after a significant and impactful career within The Council. Besides an advisory role within the High Command this rank does not come with any further rewards, privileges or requirements.


Officers are the operative backbone of The Council. They form the bulk of our military forces, logistics forces and all the other personnel working hard to advance our cause.

[Image: zDCsRs6.png]
Commodores, the Senior Officers of The Council, are experienced veterans overseeing, coordinating and organising combat operations, logistics or development projects within a specific region.
The Commodore rank:

provides full access to combat assets up to battleships,
provides full access to logistic assets up to supertransports,
provides full access to shared faction combat assets up to battlecruisers,
provides full access to shared faction logistic assets up to supertransports,
provides full command authority over anyone below this rank,
requires Lieutenant rank for promotion,
requires 5 additional contribution score (9 score in total) for promotion,
requires at least 2 MD reports per month for maintenance of rank,
requires at least 3 hours per 3 months for promotion and maintenance of rank,
with special leadership positions is limited to a single individual for each organisational subunit,
without special leadership positions is not limited in number.

[Image: cx8mP6y.png]
Lieutenants, the Officers of The Council, are well-proven aces in command of major combat or logistics operations, or greater development projects.
The Lieutenant rank:

provides full access to combat assets up to battlecruisers,
provides full access to logistic assets up to supertransports,
provides full access to shared faction combat assets up to destroyers,
provides full access to shared faction logistic assets up to trains,
provides full command authority over anyone below this rank,
requires Sergent rank for promotion,
requires 3 additional contribution score (4 score in total) for promotion,
requires at least 1 MD report per month for maintenance of rank,
requires at least 2 hours per 3 months for promotion and maintenance of rank,
is not limited in number.

[Image: gzkw900.png]
Sergents, the Junior Officers of The Council, are freshly commissioned officers in command of minor combat or logistics operations, or smaller development projects.
The Sergent rank:

provides full access to combat assets up to destroyers,
provides full access to logistic assets up to trains,
provides full access to shared faction combat assets up to gunboats,
provides full access to shared faction logistic assets up to transports,
provides full command authority over anyone below this rank,
requires Caporal rank for promotion,
requires 1 additional contribution score (1 score in total) for promotion,
requires at least 1 MD report per 3 months for maintenance of rank,
requires at least 1 hour per 3 months for promotion and maintenance of rank,
is not limited in number.


Non-commissioned officers are the fresh recruits of The Council ready to prove themselves in a trial of combat and either die a hero or live long enough to become a commissioned officer.

[Image: 4KSWopb.png]
Caporals, the Recruits of The Council, are common soldiers either ending up as cannon fodder or, if they manage to stay alive, enduring and promising for long enough, ranking up to become officers.
The Caporal rank:

provides full access to combat assets up to gunboats,
provides full access to logistic assets up to transports,
provides full access to shared faction combat assets up to fighters, bombers and freighters,
provides full access to shared faction logistic assets up to transports,
provides full command authority over anyone below this... oh wait... ,
requires a properly written and decent recruitment application,
is not limited in number.

Ranking up mechanics

Members can progress through the hierarchy of The Council by activity, dedication and deeds done in favor of our cause.

Contribution Score
Contribution to the advancement of The Council is measured in Contribution Score. Most ranks require some, higher ones require more. Contribution score is rewarded for the following deeds:

the elimination of five hostile fighters, bombers, freighers, or a combination of them,
the elimination of three hostile gunboats,
the elimination of two hostile cruisers, destroyers, battlecruisers, or a combination of them,
the elimination of one hostile battleship,
the cumulative delivery of 10.000 units of scientific data,
a donation of 250.000.000,00 Credits (maximum 4 times per individual).


Officiers Généraux

[Image: 3RqulZD.png]
Général Pierre LaFlamme
Général-en-Chef Du Conseil, Chef des Bureaus Bornéan et Picard

[Image: nuS24Cg.png]
Colonel Etienne Savoie
Colonel Du Conseil, Chef du Bureau Champenois

[Image: nuS24Cg.png]
Colonel Alice Marie
Colonel Du Conseil, Chef des Corps Militaire

[Image: pgrIqzp.png]
Commandant Henri Croix
Commandant des Corps Logistiques Du Conseil

[Image: pgrIqzp.png]
Commandant Charles Lavoisier
Commandant des Corps d'Avancement Du Conseil

[Image: EV3Yf8I.png]
Adjudant-général Jean Quenneville
Général retraité Du Conseil

[Image: EV3Yf8I.png]
Adjudant-général Alexander du Lac
Général retraité Du Conseil

[Image: EV3Yf8I.png]
Adjudant-général Gustave Mazuret
Général retraité Du Conseil

[Image: EV3Yf8I.png]
Adjudant-général Henri Boucher
Colonel retraité Du Conseil

[Image: EV3Yf8I.png]
Adjudant-général Nicole Blanchard
Colonel retraité Du Conseil

[Image: EV3Yf8I.png]
Adjudant-général Refaello Sanzio
Colonel retraité Du Conseil

[Image: EV3Yf8I.png]
Adjudant-général Anton Simard
Colonel retraité Du Conseil

[Image: EV3Yf8I.png]
Adjudant-général Aubert Giroux
Colonel retraité Du Conseil

[Image: EV3Yf8I.png]
Adjudant-général Gustavo Voler le Chasseur
Colonel retraité Du Conseil

[Image: EV3Yf8I.png]
Adjudant-général Quentin Chasnial
Colonel retraité Du Conseil

[Image: EV3Yf8I.png]
Adjudant-général Gervais Pineau
Colonel retraité Du Conseil

[Image: EV3Yf8I.png]
Adjudant-général Jeanne François
Colonel retraité Du Conseil


[Image: zDCsRs6.png]
Commodore Germain Descroizilles
Commodore du Division d'Avancement Champenois

[Image: cx8mP6y.png]
Lieutenant Raine Desrosiers

[Image: cx8mP6y.png]
Lieutenant Miroslav de Gobineau

[Image: cx8mP6y.png]
Lieutenant Florence Gabrielle Micheaux

[Image: cx8mP6y.png]
Lieutenant Louis Charron


[Image: 4KSWopb.png]
Caporal Xavier Henri Maginot

[Image: Council_Logo.png]