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[[Incoming transmission]]
ID of sender:Robert
Location the transmission was sent:Planet Erie
Subject:Hostile Bomber Vessel

Greetings,my AI has run into some problems at philedelphia, a Liberty Upholder class bomber had attacked a Zoner(in a Heron) and my AI at philedelphia station.The pilot of the bomber had a recruit ID and no tag,thus it was impossible to identify the affiliation of the recruit.The recruit's ship was ID'd as CreeD.
This recruit seems rather trigger happy,attacking a Zoner Heron and my drone for no reason,and even while my drone was undocking he still shot at it,thus damaging the newly installed gun-cam and the voice recording.Luckily,my AI was smart enough to retaliate when shot at,and it managed to neutralize the ship.As the fight between my AI and the ship was about 1minute before the ION storm,the recruit got away.
Would the Liberty Navy or other Liberty officers mind observing the ship?I do not wish for anyone to be shot down as the recruit was in possession of a Liberty bomber.Please keep an eye out for this ship as two Zoner vessels have already been shot at.The recruit also seemed to be infected with Lawl's Syndrome,saying that he wanted to call for administrators,as if real life was a game.
As the guncam was seriously damaged,the evidence was destroyed,if another incident occurs,I'll make sure that there will be evidence,I'll do this by armouring the guncams.

Robert out
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[Inbound Transmission]

[Image: viceadmiralinsignia.png] Vice Admiral Jack Malrone
[Image: viceadmiralinsigniaflip.png]
[Image: firstbd.jpg]
>Hostile Bomber.


We're currently investigating how a recruit got a hold of one of our Upholder bombers. We'll see to it he gets a full reprimand...once we find him.

Vice Admiral Jack Malrone

--Stream End—
[Transmission End]
[[Incoming transmission]]
ID of sender:Robert
Location the transmission was sent:Planet Erie
Subject:Hostile Bomber Vessel

Acknowledged Vice Admiral.
I managed to salvage some of the recordings and after looking through them,I'm starting to think CreeD belongs to the Navy :

[Image: screen46.jpg]
[Image: screen47.jpg]
[Image: screen48.jpg]
[Image: screen49.jpg]
[Image: screen50.jpg]

As we can see from the first recording,both my drone and the Zoner greeted each other and when my drone asked if he needed help with anything,the Zoner did say that someone shot at him,even stating the name and the location.

And as we see from the third recording,the recruit said he was 'calling the Navy' so he may be related to the Navy, though the Navy did not come.

From the fourth recording,my drone stated that the recruit was hostile,and that only happens during malfunctions (which don't happen often, maybe once a year) or attacks,as I still had contact with the drone,it would be an attack and we can also see my AI managed to damage the ship.

After the fifth recording,the ship for some reason,managed to launch from philedelphia,and attacked my drone while it was undocking from a fight with the recruit and other evidences was lost.

Have a good day sir
Thank you for your attention
Robert out
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