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Full Version: To: every member of the secondary fleet of the navy
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---Incoming transmission---

---LNS-Columbia New York---

---Captain Mathew Dragon---

---Subject: our primary fleet---

---Encryption level:*Ultra high*---

This message goes only to Secondary Fleet officers!

[color=#FFFFFF]Greetings all
I speak to you, because I'm worried about the way how our primary fleet treats us.
How you maybe noticed, some of our secondary fleet captains had some little conflicts with the primary fleet in the last days. Yes, they maybe did something wrong, but that doesn't explain how some of the primary fleet officers act. I say some with a reason, it has really good primary officers, i know some "personally".
For example: One of our Dreadnoughts was in the dry dock of Norfolk, as a primary officer came along and told with quiet much arrogance: "Don't ya have something better to do? MAybe ya should go to Texas, ya big guys are required there!" Nothing was going on in Texas. The Dreadnought captain told him that, and he said: "He's blind too, oh my god" and left, not in direction of Texas.
That's just a little thing, you think maybe, "damn guy" and go ahead with what you were doing. A bigger thing happened recently.
A Kusari BS entered Liberty and shot there on some of our patrols, he even took down a BS patrol and jailed the Fleet Admiral who was on board. Two of our secondary officers chased and tried to speak with it. They demanded the Liberty officers the BS hold in jail, but it refused and fled into bretonian space. They had no choice but follow and destroy the BS and rescue the Liberty officers. They left immediately after they excused. The Bretonians were even happy for their help. but that's not the point, the point is the response of our Fleet Admiral David Hale on a transmission of Bretonian Officer.

' Wrote:
[color=#33FFFF]Nice and simple message here. The Bretonian Armed Forces have the right to blow up any and all secondary fleet Liberty Navy ships which appear in Bretonia without the BAF's expressed permission.

I expect the same is true for our own forces dealing with BAF secondary fleet vessels which fly into Liberty systems uninvited. The two vessels which you encountered were operating in a fashion directly opposed to standard operating proceedure, and will be dealt with.

The Liberty Navy primary fleet maintains a good relationship with the Bretonian Armed Forces primary fleet.

Here he says, that every Secondary fleet member may be shot when he enters Bretonia. If you look closer he just say SECONDARY, not the primary. Aren't we the same faction?? Yes they are our primary fleet and with that our superior officers and maybe a bit more active, but we are still all Liberty Navy.
The secondary fleet of all four military forces of the houses is the is the body of it. And i must say, that some Secondary officers have probably even more, or at least same amount of experience then some Primary fleet officers.

This is my opinion. I send you this transmission to ask: Am I the only one who feels like the primary fleet should act less arrogant to our secondary officers, and see that we are from the same faction? From the Liberty Navy!

I want to know your opinion, because if we go to them alone, they just ignore us.

[color=#330033]---Transmission terminated---
Incoming Transmission
Message Source: LNS-Relentless Communications Deck
Message Encryption: Medium

Commander Steven Henderson here, Relentless second shift. Let's get this straight. The Primary fleet is one of the navy's most organized, well-trained, and equipped organizations. They have held the line at Texas when several Secondary battleships were not on the spot, in fighters and bombers.

I do not hold with arrogance, but it is a question of character. Show some character and discipline, it is the only thing that is respected, with this war around. The Secondary fleet carries the brunt of the navy capital corps, and it is our job to send the Rhienland war machine crying home. Get your act together, and prepare to defend the line and push it forward, for there is no time for arguments in-between ourselves.

Do your job, do it right.

Over and out.

End Transmission
To:LNS-Columbia New York---
---Captain Mathew Dragon---

Captain Dragon:

Sir, as a proud member of the secondary fleet, I have to agree with everything Hale said. He said Secondary because none of the Primary fleet would ever even think about entering Brettonia with out permission, therefore would not run the risk of being shot down.
I read the reports, I understand your wanting to free the Hostages. But you should have held at the Brettonian border in Magellan and contacted the proper Brettonian authorities and waited for clearance. Thats just the way diplomacy works.

This also seems to me to be a nice big plot by the Kusari to futher try and isolate the Brettonians by trying to drive a wedge between allies. Im sure you are aware of the recent embargo put in place by the Kusari Emperor. It seems right along with their mentality and tactics to send a battleship on a suicide mission with the direct intention of creating diplomatic fiasco with our allies the Brettonians.

These are difficult times. Liberty is at risk. We should not be picking fights with our own brothers in arms. That is exactly what our enemies would like. And exactly what the Kusari intended to do.

The Primary Fleet has allot on its shoulders. Maybe that comes across in their gruffness sometimes. I for one have had my ass pulled out of the fire more than once by our big brothers.

If they need us in Texas, that is where we need to be. If they need us in Cali, we move that direction. They call the shots, and we back them up. That is how best the Secondary fleet can serve Liberty.

Im hoping we can crab a glass of brew and you can show me the close ups of that Kuz Ship you guys help bring down.

Cheers and Respects
Dan "luckshot" Matlock

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[Image: 80574867.jpg]

"Cool story bro"

"Matter forwarded to Primary Fleet."


Hello Kitty out.

-( end of message )-