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He glanced over at the two other Agents with him and held up three fingers. The other Agents nodded and took aim with their pistols. As he looked back over towards the door, he lowered a finger down. Two remained.

With his back to the wall he quietly stepped closer to the door. One. Quietly they moved closer to the door. He reached for the door handle, and nodded. "This is Section Five! Hands where we can see them!" He shouted, turning the nob and slamming the door in with his shoulder. The other two agents funneled in shortly after he raised his pistol waving his hand, the other two started to fan out.

"Clear." A shout came from another room, which was shortly followed by another clear. He approached a closed door and kicked it open, quickly dropping to his back as multiple bolts slammed through the air past him. "Shots fired!" Came a shout from another room, and the sound of footsteps rushed towards where he was.

Agent James Goodman raised his pistol up towards the open door and fired two stray shots into the room before pushing himself away from the opening.
I found a pirate today in Dublin. I knew he was a pirate because he commanded a Corsair vessel, gunboat class. His hull was on the verge of crumpling in. I finished the job.

Adam Patterson finished writing the message, then slid the sheet of paper under a scanner. He always preferred to write messages by hand, with the fountain pen gifted to him by his father on his deathbed. The scanner whirred before spitting the sheet of paper back out. Adam took the sheet and put it with the others, then added the confirmation of the destruction of the pirate to the message and posted it in his public log.

His ears were covered with large headphones, music helped him concentrate. Metamorphosis Three by Philip Glass was a very soothing piece in his opinion. A mercenary he had hired stood somewhere in the small house on New London, keeping watch. Adam needed to be calm and not feel the need to constantly be checking out the windows if he was to write properly.

There was a shout, then the door was opened and footsteps began banging on the floor. The mercenary moved into the room, light on her feet like a cat. She tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention, despite the fact he was already looking at her and the headphones were dangling off the computer.

'We've got company,' she said as he heard a door get kicked open. She rushed forward, firing several shots with her pistol at wherever the intruders would be standing. Two shots were returned, and more foot steps.

'Who did they say they were?' Adam asked the mercenary as he rushed to his feet, grabbing his own weapon.

'Said they were Section Five,' she replied. Adam stared at her, sighed, then lowered his weapon. He dropped it on the floor, then pushed the outstretched arm of the mercenary down to her side.

'I'm not fighting against others loyal to the Crown. I'm waging a war against IMG, the Mollys and any other undesirables in Dublin. Not against my own people. Take the window out, I won't pay you to shoot at these men.'

The mercenary didn't even try to fight back. Without a chance of getting paid, she moved to the window, opened it and slipped out onto the ledge. She jumped out of the house onto the front garden below without looking back.

Adam moved to the window and closed it behind her, then began shouting to the agents. 'I want to see some ID. IMG are hardly known for the value of their word, I don't know if you're just one of them. Slide it into the room, now.'

A few seconds of silence passed. Then a wallet came sliding into the room along the floor, the ID of one of the agents clearly inside. James Goodman. Adam picked it up and checked it again. The brother of Austin Goodman?

'Mister Goodman,' Adam called, 'I'm a fan of your brother, I must admit. Those shots were fired by a mercenary who did not know I refuse to fire at people loyal to the Crown. I'm coming out.' He moved into the doorway.