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Ah, well that's fair game.

Thank you for the explaination.
Maltese Shipping is, quite frankly, a terrible name. It's not like Pablo Escobar called his drug empire Medellin Express. It's too official, sounds like you should be delivering cargo between Outcast stations.
Are you chaps going to pirate on your way to your destination? I'd be disappointed if you didn't.
Why are the Corsairs listed as 'Unfriendly', when groups like the Order and Gallic lawfuls, who the Outcasts have little to no contact with are listed as 'Hostile'?

Other than that, I do really like the idea of Outcast and Corsair shipping companies, as it really gives the idea of them being mini Houses, as opposed to just large bands of pirates.
' Wrote:Maltese Shipping is, quite frankly, a terrible name. It's not like Pablo Escobar called his drug empire Medellin Express. It's too official, sounds like you should be delivering cargo between Outcast stations.

In all honesty, it would make perfect sense for them to sound "formal". The Outcasts, as their RP establishes them today, are far more than the simple drug-addled smugglers of Vanilla lore. It would make sense for them to see such operations as business, and treat it in a manner fitting a business.

Also, I fully endorse this idea. We need more variety in Alpha.
Well I guess so. I always found the idea of the Outcasts organizing themselves into a pseudo-government a bit silly, but not my call to make. I do have a biased opinion.
' Wrote:Well I guess so. I always found the idea of the Outcasts organizing themselves into a pseudo-government a bit silly, but not my call to make. I do have a biased opinion.

If it's not your call to make, then perhaps I should pull the Alvin and tell you to hold your tongue in the future.

At any rate, the name of this faction is fine. I pretty much share Twisp's opinion on it so, yeah. Biasbiasbias.
Splendid idea.

Unlawful trade needs more love, so as Outcasts. I can only hope that in some months when I manage to get my digital life back, every border guard will look for the MSI tags. The reason why I stopped smuggling was the lack of opposition, good to see a solution.
' Wrote:Other than that, I do really like the idea of Outcast and Corsair shipping companies, as it really gives the idea of them being mini Houses, as opposed to just large bands of pirates.

[color=#FFFFFF]That it does but it kills the RP of all the small smuglers running around with cardamine
Looks cool.
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