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I was just a regular boy from a regular family living on planet Los Angeles. My dad was a trader and my mother stayed home to care for the kids and maintain the house. I had 2 brothers and a sister and i loved them all. I was the oldest of them and me being the "big bro'" kind of made me mature at a young age. I had to make sure they were OK and that they were on time for dinner.

Vincent laughs a bit and while he does that he continues his story but his eyes wander off, it seems that his memories are quite dramatic.

Seeing that my dad was away a lot of the time I had to "protect" the house and family. I started to practise with a little blaster my dad left at the house when noone was looking. Sometimes I had to work to keep everything going if my dad didn't sent some of the profit. Mom never wasn't really happy with his job.... He never was home and we never had good quality time.

At one point my dad just left us, without a notice or whatsoever. It was the same routine like everytime... first a "dinner talk" where he told me i had to take good care of my brothers and sis. Then it was the same old "kiss-and-hug" routine after which he left.

usually it took him around 1 month to get back, after he went again after some days. But this time it took far longer. When he didn't came home for 5 months my mother went nuts. The stress..... The emotional pain in which he put her.... i dont know how it happened.... it just..... happened.....

One day when i came home from school, when i was around 16 years old, i did not hear a reply when i shouted "Mom, i'm home!". This kind of freaked me out already. The house was awfully quiet and i knew my bro's and sis were home aswell. I kept shouting and i started to sweep every room we had.

Actually, i should'ev known..... She did not enjoy life anymore and thought that this was the right solution. My mother had hung herself in her sleeping room. no note, no last whishes, not even a "goodbye".

There i was, a 16 year old boy in a house which wasn't even his yet and no "living" family members to be found. After her body was removed and the house was inspected thoroughly they said that they came to the conclusion that my mother was murdered. but that there was no evidence of a killer, apparently the man or woman who killed her knew how to do it and to erase the tracks. They stopped the investigation after 2 weeks.... they had more urgent business to focus on....

i was furious.... in that moment in which my rage boiled over i assaulted 2 officers of the LPI. they, of course, caught me in the act and i was overwhelmed by 3 other officers. i managed to break an arm of an officer and it was that moment that i swore revenge on the Liberty government and the killer of my mother.

I was sent to prison to rot.

Vincent laughs again, but this time with more emotion in his voice.

I still don't know how we got out, but when i was 21 we escaped and me and some guys decided to become independent pirates. Thats when i came to see how the Liberty Navy actually was. Seeing i was a pirate i didn't like them, but i had different feelings towards them. I saw how my friends around me started to change, they went from "normal" pirates to bringers-of-hell. They saw pleasure in the killing of innocent traders when they had already payed, i did not, and still not, share this "fun-thing-to-do".

Instead i started to feel compasion for those traders, they risk their skin each and every time to make a profit. maybe just to maintain their family, like my dad used to do. Nowadays im just freelancing and trying to protect innocent traders, but to still keep pressure on the Liberty Government.

I will never forgive them and i shall destroy each and every of their vessels, or die trying....

Vincent walks away from the camera.