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Part 1

[color=#33CC00]"Sir, a package was transferred to me when I was patrolling today. Comes from some old man in a Civilian Shuttle. Crazy guy if you ask me, but he said I had to give this to you, admiral."

He shrugged and handed the package to Tharog. The Hellfire Legion Fleet Admiral frowned as he took the thing in his hand and placed it on his desk.

"Thank you, pilot"

He threw a few coins to the pilot.

"Here, go and buy a drink at the bar"

The pilot put the money in his pocket and saluted, and walked away.

Tharog waited till the pilot had left his room and the door closed and then looked at the package. It seemed to contain multiple objects as it didn't have a clear shape it things apparently could move separately in it. He opened it and frowned as he confusedly observed the contents.

- An ornamented, ceremonial drinking horn

-An Amulet

-Various very old photo's of even more ancient things. The majority of them seem to depict the same being, a human with the antlers of a stag, though there are some others depicted as well. All the photos were plasticized for better preservation.

-And finally, a data pad.

Tharog activated it and a text message appeared.

Hello Tharog,
It has been some time since I last saw you. 17 years ago when I came to your home, your father invited me. You were still young back then, but I already knew that you were the one. You have probably long forgotten me, but I haven't forgotten you. I felt it when I saw you. I felt it in your father, too. But that was nothing compared to you.
I know what you are now thinking. "What the hell is that guy talking about?!" So I'll explain. I am Cellachán and I am a druid. No this is not a prank, I understand that it sounds very odd. In modern days the religions from days that even at the time of the exodus were considered ancient, are of course not very well-known. Yet it still exists, many religions simply died out, but the Celtoi have always remained. We survived the ages and the gods have never been forgotten. We are all over Sirius and in small groups we continue to worship the gods. Your father was a Celtos too.

I am a druid of Cernunnos, god of nature, forests and wilderness. I have served him for a very long time and have grown old. Yesterday I had a dream, and Cernnunos spoke to me. My end is drawing closer with each passing day, and it is time for me to appoint a my successor. He told me that you were the one I should seek. You are chosen to serve him!

Together with this datapad, I have send various useful things. Most of the pictures show Cernunnos, the others show the other mighty ones. The drinking horn has two uses. First of all it is used in ceremonies and rituals. Second, simply to drink from it. And then there is the amulet, this is vital in what is to come.

I understand it if you do not believe me. Just.. trust me, put on the amulet when you go to sleep and Cernunnos will speak to you in your dreams. You can use this datapad to contact me tomorrow.

Saol fada chugat!

That evening, when Tharog went to bed. he put the amulet on, he lied down and closed his eyes...


Part 2

Where was he...?

A forest is all he could see. Trees and wild animals everywhere...

A stag walked towards him and Tharog could hear a voice, the voice came from everywhere around him, like the forest talked to him.

"Come... Tharog... follow"

The stag turned around and walked deeper into the forest. Tharog followed it, until they arrived at a small clearing. A man sat there, but not just a man, Tharog recognized him from the photos. a man with antlers. It was Cernunnos...

[Image: evocation.jpg]
The deity spoke with a deep and mysterious voice.

[font=Book Antiqua]"The old world is dead, was destroyed long before mankind left it... war, hunger, oppression... death, pain, suffering... yet they learned nothing... it all repeats itself... are a rebel, Tharog... you fight for what you believe is right... you fight for fight for freedom... you fight for peace... greed has not corrupted you... nor did power...but how long till the darkness reaches you ...?

nature is always in balance... always in harmony... humans are the exception... they are nature like all else... but there is no balance... humans go on till everything is wiped out...

... we try to restore it... offer new chances... but in the end... humans will have to learn ... harmony...

I have chosen you... because I need you... to make humans nature again... nature is on your side now... as long as you are on nature's side...

...most people will think of you as crazy... do no blame them for that... they will learn... in time...
you are to fight yet another battle now, Tharog... a battle that rages since the beginning of all that is... it is the first battle... and the final battle... and when it ends...

...there will only be peace..."

Everything around Tharog started to fade, slowly the whole world disappeared.

The admiral sat straight up in his bed, eyes wide open. It was a dream... but not like any dream he ever had before. He was there... he had been in that forest with Cernunnos, he didn't know why he was certain about it, he just did. He felt his chest, touching the cold metal of the amulet and he whispered to himself.

"There will only be peace..."
//double post