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Full Version: To the unioners high command
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Comm ID: Ronaldo Benitez, Family elder
Location: Myrthos Villa, Elders office, Planet Crete
Priority: High

Senores et Senoras

The Package has been moved. The Rheinland Military was on our tale but has not seen the package at all. I did hear that several of your operatives ran into the Military forces on their way back.

The way home was not uneventfull however. Whilst the package was not in immidate danger whatsoever the first gunboat that was transporting the operative did have engine problems and so the second vessel had to move the package further. Once clear of Rheinland everything was Clear.

Lets hope the package can help us in our fight for justice! If we have any further operations we can do jointly we shall be in touch.

Adios Amigos,

Ronaldo Benitez

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