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Full Version: In the beginning.
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Sid Exzaver joined the Rhineland military at the age of 18. He was born on planet Hamburg, ware he lived for 18 years till he was old enough to leave the planet. He also lived in the biggest city on the planet and had a tuff time growing up in the city crime was every ware and he got in the mix with it at a young age. Things turned around at the age of 14 his father found out some of the stuff he was getting in to and made sure he didnt go down the same road he did. So he encouraged him to in list in the Rhineland military like his grand father did at 18, to make a better live for him self and have the opportunity to see the universe. The stories he herd at the planetary docks intrigued him.

4 years later he in listed and he got his first true look at Rhineland, he was hooked ever since, but started to under go a complete over hull of his personality, and saw that he should start thinking for him self, explore the possibilities for him self. A year later he was still in the military and an officer said he might be a prime candidate for a promotion.

Later he would have to under go vigorous training in an elite section of the Rhineland military, this was the precursor to what a few shady government officials had in mind for him if he completed the training. He did and he was reaping the rewards of all his hard work till he tryed to passed the final challenge.

It took place in a complex out side of Rhineland space Omega 3 at Rugen station at that time the military had rented section from Daumann Heavy Construction the company that owned the station. It was a top-secret lab facility the military ran. They hooked Sid up the machines and sensors scanned his DNA and then the pit him against a creature it was something he never saw, it was purple and bluish and had a slight radiance radiate form it.
Then it spoke not of words but inside his mind as the creature stared in to his eyes.

Creature: do u know why you are hear Boy.
Sid: to defeat you as the last step in my training.
Creature: human your whole spices is week and pitiful.

Mean while in the secure booth behind the wall the general and 2 scientists were seated.
Scientist1: well sir should we deploy it now?
General: not yet I want to see what hes made of.
Scientist2: well sir he wont survive to long with a standard issue carnivorous plasma lance.
General: well thats when we deploy the sphere.

In the room Sid looks at he creature. Just then the doors open and a lance slides across the floor. He stares at it and looks back at the creature. Just then his field is disabled. The creature lunges at him. Sid ducks and grabs the lance. With a moments notice the creature is already on his feet and ready to diver the blow, Sid is struck in the shoulder and is propelled to the wall, with lance in hand the trigger is pressed and the lance makes a low murmur. With that sound Sids instincts take him over. The lance is thusted in to the creature and it instantly lets up on his hold.
Mean while in the compartment.

General: hes looking very talented indeed physically any way.
Scientist1: well when should we deploy now sir.
General: no not yet there is more to be seen Im shore.

In the room there is a silence and Sid walks toward the injured creature, its seems he has a vicious look upon his face.

Sid: so looks like u lose heh? That is why no speaces messes with man.
Creature: well dont even under estimate us nomads pitiful weakling.

Just then the nomads tail came from the side and struck Sid in the chest and most likely causing a lot of internal damage just then the sealing opened and down came a sphere looking device. Filling the room with a bright blinding light.

Scientist1: how are his readings.
Scientist2: above normal his jean is becoming non dormant.
Scantest1: look like the telepathy of this nomad is awakening it also.
Scientist2: dam his p levels are dropping now and fast!
Scantest1: try a higher level then!
Scientist2: I am hes not responding.

In the room the light dissipated sentry bots came out of the 2 wall panels and shot the nomad to pieces. Sid's body remained motionless on the floor, the sentry bots moved over to him and picked him up.

Scientist1: well sir what now what shale we do with him.
General: well he has failed get rid of him, hes a disappointment to Rhineland.
Scientist1: the usual way sir then.
General: yes.
Scientist1:ok I will see to it right away.

In the hanger of the station they prepaired what seemed to be a modified escape pod, and Sids unconscious body was loaded in to it.

To be continued.