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Comm ID: Katsuo Okazaki, Guild Master of the GMG
Location: Battleship Ayakashi Maru, Sigma-19

Message to: Reaver Mercenary Company
Encryption: High

Konichiwa, mercenaries

I am sure you have been keeping tabs on recent events unfolding in Kusari. Needless to say, these events are unfolding quite rapidly and we would like to requisition your services. The Gas Miners Guild is one of the most successful companies in Sirius, its bank accounts easily contain numbers with an amount of digits greater than the number of fingers found on both human hands. You have worked with us in the past however, so you must know this already.

We will be dedicating a lucrative amount of up to a billion credits towards the destruction of Corsair and Hogosha forces - both of them being simple brutes and low down pirates who want to usurp the current turmoil for their own gain. Further developments will dictate whether this range of targets will be extended to other, possibly lawful organisations.

If you are interested, this is the forward to our current bounty board. In case you are worried about the low payoffs, I can only tell you that the price for these Kusari and edge world criminals is going to rise very soon, and by a nice margin.

Considering this, I hope to see you at our side as business partners.

[Image: Okazaki-seal.png]
Okazaki Katsuo
Guild Master of the GMG
-( Incoming Transmission
-( Reaver Mercenary Company

Good day.

Indeed we have been watching events unfold with due attention. We were curious if we would be approached, color us not entirely surprised if somewhat dismayed to find that both sides of this conflict have approached us with conditional requests to side with their party in the... Well it would be inaccurate to claim this is an "upcoming" war, given its current status regardless of the lack of formal fire being exchanged.

However any move made by ourselves against Kusari proper, for lack of desire to mince words I believe it's clear to everyone that the Emperor considers a drop of Hogosha blood as dear as that of any soldier of his Empire, we would be in a position of making a very definite and potentially long lasting change of our standings within that region of space.

We've worked very hard to build a name and place for ourselves in Kusari. Siding with you against the forces of Kusari would very likely be the undoing of those moves. Other mercenary companies like the Mandalorians have no such burden, as they're largely little more than a proxy army of the Bretonian Armed Forces, much like the Queen's Thugs.

We are willing to side with you in the upcoming conflict, but should you wish to avail yourself of our services and skills it would require a greater sit down to outline the specific mission agenda you have in mind, payouts for the same and contengency plans should things go awry.

In short we're up for it, but it will be an "all in" move for our company. If you feel that the benefit our guns will bring the Guild warrants such a sit down you need only say the word and we will dispatch a liaison to hammer out the details.

[color=#CCCCCC]-( Transmission Terminated
Comm ID: Katsuo Okazaki, Guild Master of the GMG
Location: Battleship Ayakashi Maru, Sigma-19

Message to: Reaver Mercenary Company
Encryption: High

Your concerns are completely understandable, and I can do nothing but agree. I have spoken to the rest of the Board of Executives, and they will eagerly await your representative's arrival on the Gas Miner Ogashawa to exhaustively discuss the terms of your upcoming contract.

P.S.: Excuse the rather informal location, but unfortunately Aomori is currently under an unlawful blockade by the Emperor's naval forces, and your man would risk his life needlessly trying to make it to the station. Safety above luxury.

[Image: Okazaki-seal.png]
Okazaki Katsuo
Guild Master of the GMG