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Full Version: To: Emperor Jien Kogen
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COMM ID: Fleet Admiral David Hale, Liberty Navy.
TARGET ID: The office of His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Jien Kogen of Kusari
SUBJECT: Requested changes made.

Your majesty, this is Fleet Admiral David Hale of the Liberty Navy speaking.

The task of informing you of Bretonia's agreement to cease using Libertonian produced weaponry and ships, by their armed forces, has fallen to me by virtue of the vast and sprawling beaurocracy, which at times seems unable to do anything without having it's hand held.

You will find a transcript of the negaotiations between myself and the Kingdom of Bretonia and the Bretonian Armed Forces admiralty attached to this transmission. I hope the agreement is to your satisfaction.

- The Bretonian Armed Forces will hand all Libertonian made weaponry and ships to their police forces.
- The Liberty Navy will hand all bretonian made weaponry and ships to Liberty Police Inc.
- These exchanged weapons will not be used to combat external threats, by either party.

[font=Fixedsys][[color=#000000]ATTACHED FILE (read only access)

With the deepest respect.
David Hale.