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It was the station's groaning and shrieks that brought him back to his senses. He had been lying on the floor for far too long, and he could feel the twisted struts digging into his back. With a groan, he managed to get to his feet, only to fall forward onto a mass of jagged steel, his hands a bloody mess. He passed out from the pain.

He remembered nothing. Vague faces, nothing more. When he tried to lock onto them and get a clearer picture, they melted away. He struggled to get up, but a fist came rocketing towards the back of his head, and he knew no more.

The alert klaxon's blaring woke him for the third time. He knew that the noise meant something, but couldn't place it. The pain in his hands was horrific, and he was barely able to stagger towards what his pain-numbed mind registered as safety.

The escape pod flew away from the doomed station. Project Shadow he remembered, Why do I remember the name, but nothing else? A fresh wave of pain made him scream in agony. He fell to his knees.

He awoke on a medical frigate, the LSF Discovery. He could not remember who he was, or what had happened to him. Suddenly, he saw two faces that he knew fly past him. Jaylen! Martha! he shouted. His wife and daughter turned to face him. They had sorrow written all over their faces, and he knew they were dead. Noooooo!!!! he screamed.

He cried himself into a fitful sleep. When he awoke, he knew what he must do. He would find his wife's and daughter's murderers, and make them pay.

End part 1
When he was released from the hospital, he immediately purchased a Starflier. Though it wasn't the best ship, indeed, it may have been the worst, it was all he could afford from the remains of his NeuralNet account. The murderers had used his wife's retinal scan to clean out most of his life savings, leaving him with less than 10,000 credits. Not only that, but they had removed his name, date of birth, parent's names, everything that pertained to his former life. It looked like someone had tried to erase him from the Sirius sector, but why? There was only one cryptic clue. A callsign, which he took for his own. I am Boss he thought, Now and forevermore.

Taking odd jobs for the Liberty Navy and LSF, he gradually earned the respect of the ranking officers among High Command. Enough so that they allowed him to join the Liberty Navy as captain of a supply ship, callsign Iota-3, a modified Taiiden Freighter. His explorations pushed to the Border Worlds and Kusari, as well as deep into Rhineland.

It was there he was ambushed. Coming out of the Frankfurt jumpgate, he was attacked by a force of Red Hessians and Unioners. They destroyed his ship, leaving him for dead...Again. Of one thing he was sure: There was a cold and calculating mind behind these events, one that would stop at nothing to see him erased.

He was retreived by the RNC Aulendorf, minutes away from suffocation. The cruiser commander remarked to him Sie f?hren ein bezaubertes Leben. (You lead a charmed life.)

Once he got well enough, he was transferred to a ship under the command of Phil Rocconan. Phil told him that there was an opportunity for him to get the credits to hunt down his family's murderers. There was one catch: He'd have to accept bribes from artifact smugglers and other unsavory characters for passage.

I'll do it. he said. For my wife and daughter. Their deaths must not go unpunished.

End Pt 2