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Full Version: To: Red Hessian Army Oberkommando
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It's been a while since the last time we talked, hasn't it?

I went to "see the world", you were busy fighting your wars...understandable, I'd say.

But some things have changed, and not necessarily for the better.

I came back, only to find Reavers, old enemies, working for you.

Not only that, but them having a much better contract than us.

The Mandalorians have a long history of working with the Hessian Army, so having such a contract, restricted to hunting Kruger miners, comes as a bit of a shock.

Our work in Rheinland isn't as profitable as it could be.

Shooting Corsairs isn't as profitable as it could be, yet they are your deadly foes.

To make it brief: we are interested in expanding our contract, to add more targets and further improve our relations.

It begs the questions: do the Hessians have the same interests?
With regards,
Simon Templar.
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[ID: Major Friedrich Dresner - RHA SOA]

Mandalorian Mercenaries, do think to yourself zat maybe Reavers having better kontracts zan you might simply be bekauze ov them proving to be more... 'effektive'? Vhen ve give a vhole group ov mercenaries a kontract - be it as cheap as kleaning out ze Krugers from Omegas - und only see ONE member ov ze vhole group, ever, doing zat kontract... Do think to yourself, zat maybe it doesn't satisfy us even one bit. Now, you might start to argue on mein point, but ve von't kount on your vords again, bekauze if it vas on vords, all ze Kruger you had to kill vould've had been dead in less zan a veek, und yet... How long did it aktually take you?

So, instead ov trying to argue your vay through vith vords, vhat about you send your piloten to Omegas, fur real zis time, und prove yourself vorthy ov ze payments ve send you? Ve ov ze Oberkommando have arranged a little something fur you und your Reaver volks, vhich vould klearly prove zis time, vho ist ze more kompetent betveen ze tvo ov your groups. If you vant to prove ze Oberkommando zat ve had misjudged you on your last kontract vith us, zis ist ze time. Vith doing so, more und better kontracts vith higher payments und larger hunting zone vill be provided to you from die armee. Failing to do so however, you vould not have anything to komplain about in ze future.

Attached Neural-Links:
Major Dresner over und out!

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Couldn't have asked for more. We thank you for this opportunity.