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Rochester, New York, Liberty
26th of June, 819 A.S.

Tharog sits behind a wooden desk in a small room that the LPFE hired on Rochester. behind him hangs a LPFE poster depicting Tharog.

[Image: LPFE-poster-1.png]

An empty chair on the other side of the desk waits for a guest. A guest for which Tharog has been eagerly waiting.
*silent knocking to the door, after that some man head show up in barely open door*
May I come in?
Hello Sir, it a really pleasure to meet You
*man rise arm to handshake*
My name is Nuuskamuikkunen,
Nuuskamuikkunen Arrow.

*man sit down in pointed chair*
I believe tha We have some things to discuss.
Tharog smiles and shakes the hand heavily.

"Well met, lad! Want a drink perhaps? Tea? Coffee? Ale perhaps?"

He smiled again.

"Aye we got some things tae discuss.
Ye see it has come tae my attention that ye have been wronged by the so-called protectors o' the law.
Ye aren't alone in this, my friend. Oh no, millions, maybe even billions o' Libertonians suffer from the greedy capitalistic machine o' this nation. All tae law enforcers want is money, money, money. They do not care fer justice at all.

The LPFE wants tae see a change. But fer that we need members and electable candidates o' course. And in Liberty it isn't very easy tae get elected anywhere as an underdog and finding people in general is difficult.

At the moment only Martina Esteban and myself are willing tae become candidates in elections. Which by the way are fer now only small things like city councils, getting in the congress and the senate are still way tae high aims fer now.

So I heard o' yer situation and I figured ye'd fit in perfectly!"

Coffe would be nice, since I travel all night.
*he smiled, and from poket pulled out two cigars*
Want some? I get those form a friend - this is a finnest Gallic tobaco
*he light his own cigare and put a ligher and second cigar on table*
Anyway, about my story - it's true, I lost my good name, my ship
*he make a pause to enlisted with cigare*
well to be frank two ships, one my unique self made Bomber class ship, second one rented...
and when I was call for justice, or at least some compensation.
All my requests was denied.

*anoher pause - he poop an circle of smoke*
LSF and LNS do not have a right to blow my ship, I belive that They abuse their power,
even more - as officers of the law, they acting in great prejudice.
Predjuce where the fact that I'm a civilian with Junker connectons makes me an pirate, or potential target
Tharog grabbed a can of coffee and filled two cups. He then gave one to his guest.

"There ye go."

When offered the cigar he smiles he grabbed the second cigar and lights it.

"Oooh, nice!"

He then listened to the little story.

"Exactly! The Libertonian military forces have tae much privileges and tae much power. The government should decide aye? And through the democracy the government should be controlled by citizens.

But that ain't happening. The armed forces cut out the citizens and the government and take everything in their own hands. That's why we, the LPFE, think the Liberty navy and army should be organised. The current admirals and generals have tae go and more trustworthy ones must replace them.

O' course they aren't the only problem. Another problem is the LSF. They are despicable. As I said, government forces should indirectly be controlled by the citizens in a democracy, because the citizens chose the government and they then control those forces.

So how can everything the LSF be classified? The citizens should have the right tae know what they do, because the LSF serve the people! Or so it should be! If the LSF doesn't answer tae the people, who do they answer tae? I say nobody, but themselves. They are out of control and should be stopped. They make liberty sick and it is time tae cure it. The LSF should be disbanded once and fer all.

And finally, there is the LPI. The most ridiculous idea ever! A private police force. Result? Thousands o' innocents are send tae work in prisons as slaves fer the LPI. In those prisons they make all kinds o' things and the money from the profits goes tae the LPI and their owner, the IND. Look at Houston. There are three types o' people living there: Ex-prisoners, LPI officers who put people intae prisons and guard 'em and there are Bounty Hunters who hand people o'er tae the LPI tae be put in prison. There is only one solution. Nationalize them like it should be. The police cannot be trusted in the hands o' corporate idiots."
Thank You
*he take a cup of coffie*

In my opinion there is no true government left, there are only puppets in hand of Navy.
How else explain that so many officers fly in Battleships, many of them are fresh from officer school.

*he pause to drink a coffe*
mmmm that is delicious...

What makes me curious, when Liberty was transformed into a dictatorship of Navy.
I was visiting many places in Sirus, but only in Liberty I meet that much Capital-ships
but not as guarding the border, but inside, in Capital System.
And what more, they most of time do not fight with "pirates" but bully and hook innocent people. Under the guise of "security" they impound goods, shoot down Junker, Civilian ships.

*another pause to drink a coffie and enlist the cigare*
About LPI - presonally I think that They do a good job, but since Navy are messing with them and often interfere their job, they could be a little to annoying since they are "bored".
Probably make them a state service instead incorporated could change a lot.

*saying next word he slightly winced*
LSF...Liberty Security Force...
in the old days, they were an spies, they were the blade of knife pointed into enemies of the state, right now they are just an another Navy, they fly all around and look out for oportunity of fight.

LSF try to put me in jail and then try to kill me because I fly drunk.
Well maybe it was not most smart move to fly in drunk-state,
but as far the Law is old -punishment for flying in drunk state
it was a cash-fine and night in sober chamber,

never Jail or DEATH!
*he spoke last word with great anger, then he enlist with cigare and take two deep breaths*

I'm sorry for My outburst of anger...
That matter is still piss me off a little too much,
all the more the perpetrators were not punished.

Tharog grins.

"Oh but don't worry, lad! They will be punished soon enough!

I know how troublesome the LSF is. They are the reason I cannot yet participate in any elections. Due tae them I was declared rogue merely because I had a crush on a Liberty Rogue at that time.

If everything goes well however, the long list o' charges against me will disappear and in time we might be able tae mobilize the many people who were wronged by the authorities on Houston.

Ye want vengeance against 'em? Do not resort tae brutal violence. It won't work that way. Ye have tae destroy the system from within and replace it wi' a fair one.

So are ye willing tae help? Wanna be a politician, lad?"
*his mouth suddenly stretched in a rather creepy smile*
Hell Yes! I will make them pay....
Tharog stands up and reaches out his hand.

"Very well then from now on I'll consider ye an electable member o' the LPFE. If any important matters arise I will inform ye, in the mean time try tae do a lil' campaigning."
*Nuskamuikkunen shakes a hand and then drink a rest of coffie, then werar the jacker and leave the room*
Take care, Mate
*he open the door*
I hope We will meet soon
*walks out and close the door*