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Full Version: To: Dane Summers, encryption level 'HodgePodge'
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[Image: rockcrtop.png]

[color=#33FFFF]Dane, what the heck?
I came down with a minor head cold and was out of it - not even for that long, just a couple days.
I heard one of the popes mention something about 'troubles' in your neck of the woods,
so I queried my repair ship's AI -
the one I left down with you after that nonsense with the Sails?
I did NOT expect to find this:

Logs 0148, 0149, 0150, 0151

So... what's going on? Are you okay, do you need help?
Talk to me!

[Image: rockcrbtm.png]

---Boosting Signal by 23%---
[Image: fp1tbup.png]

Hey Peter...

Man, i dont even know where to begin dude.

The other day, we start getting crazy messages and neural net reports that Bretonia and Rheinland are gonna open up on each other - and at this point, i STILL dont even know why! All we got was some message about Hunter now becoming Baroness Snowdown of the Omega 3 system, now renamed to the Snowdown system. that was a major what the hell on everyones part...

Once we got word of major military forces in Omega 3, i went up in The Summer to check it out. And yeah, no joke man, there was major action. About the only thing i could do at the time was clip off a hasty message to the new Baroness about how we dont want to become targets in this shooting war, and so we said for the BAF to keep away from us, not to provoke Rheinland thinking we werent neutral in the conflict. Pretty simple stuff really - dont dock on the station, dont use it to stage military actions, dont huddle around us so we dont get caught in the crossfire - ya know, pretty reasonable.

Before she could ever get back to me, the shooting got heavy. Gotta give one for the BAF, they tried their best, but Rheinland just swept 'em away. some manged to flee, and again tried to fight delaying actions - but at that point, not much they could do.

At this point, watching this happen, i was able to get a small ragtag group of some zoners, mostly merc's and few other folks. The idea was to protect the station if things got out of hand, and warn the military to keep some distance so we dont get hurt. again, pretty reasonable.
We even had the LNS Equinox, that zoner liberty cruiser.

I think the problem came when an SCRA heavy capitol ship appeared, and offered to help us.

*sigh* man, my options were thin dude. We had scattered reports of the Rheinland strength, and we were hopelessly outgunned. a handful of a snubs, a Fearless, and the Equinox - plus The Summer, but that dont count for much. I was worried we might have enough to turn the tide if we did come under fire.

So, i talked with the captain of this SCRA cruiser. Ive met the SCRA several times, as they occasionally fly patrols through Omega 3 poaching corsairs - which im more then happy to have them do - theyve always been good people, and this captain was polite, and sympathetic to our plight. So, i took a chance, and gave the go ahead on his help.

Then Rheinland came. They saw the Equinox, and they saw the SCRA - it went downhill from there.

They surrounded the station on all sides, all the while trying to bait the ship out, I tried talking to them, but they werent listening. And then the shooting started.

I had The Summer over the dome, and the first mortar wasnt even aimed at the SCRA vessel - it flew straight and true and hit the station in its center connecting frame. Two more more mortar's went off, and i know one of them hit the station as well, and the other hit the SCRA ship.

I cant tell you what happened after that - it became chaos. The Summer got torched, and i nearly died...broken ribs, internal bleeding, concussion...pretty bad stuff - im still not quite recovered.

We evac'd all the wounded, and anybody else we didnt want to get hurt. And then we just got angry.

This shooting war didnt even involve us, and now ive got piles of dead, and much more then that wounded.

Either way...i wont let this happen again. Im not going to let my people be victims. Weve organised a defense, and now, both sides either agree to stay away, leave us alone, or we defend ourselves.

were hurt, were angry, and were tired of being at there mercy.

everything else is left to us, and what we can pull out of the fire. our aim is freedom, now and forever.

Hope that answers it for you...

Dane out.

[Image: fp1tbdown.png]