Discovery Gaming Community

Full Version: Communique to Carrie Dababi
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Incoming transmission...
... Unpackaging...
... Decoding...
... Decrypting...
... Disinfecting...
... Complete.
Opening transmission...

Transmission open.

Communicator Identification:
Yoko Mori
Target Identification: Carrie Dababi

voice transmission...

H-... hello? Carrie? Y- you alr- right? I h- haven't seen y- you around i- in weeks. Are y- you okay?

Transmission ended.

Closing transmission...
... Closed.
... Repacking...
... Saving...
... Transmission stored in archives.

:::: - Returned Message:Error During Delivery ::::

:::: - ERROR : Ship IDnumber not found

:::: - ERROR : Message not delivered

:::: - . . . : Re-sending

:::: - ERROR : Ship IDnumber not found

:::: - ERROR : Message not delivered

:::: - 012B2 : Tracing ship details:
:::: - 012B3 : Type: 'Ki'
:::: - 012B4 : IDnumber: 32401DJF-12
:::: - 012B5 : Owner: N/A

:::: - . . . : Re-sending

:::: - ERROR : Process(2132.1) User(USER_1) ShipID(runmqchi.10231)
:::: - ERROR : AMQ9542: Queue manager is ending.

:::: - This message could not be delivered.
:::: - We are sorry for any inconveniences.

:::: - This message contains logs of a occurred error
:::: - This message is auto-generated