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Full Version: to Junkers Congress from Collectors
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[color=#306]:: incoming transmission
:: encryption: high
:: location: Rochester Base

The Collectors hereby request permission to enter the periphery of several Kusari systems in order to further the prosperity of Liberty junkers and to assist the Golden Chrysanthemums oppressed by the male-dominated Hogosha.

Proposed systems, and specific reasons:
  • Hokkaido, location of Ainu Depot
  • Honshu, connector between Sigma-19 and Okinawa
  • Kyushu, access to Tau-23, Kyushu and Hokkaido
  • Okinawa, rumors tell us the legendary Battleship Matsuda is located somewhere in this system
  • Shikoku, access to Kyushu
We intend to bring Engine Components and Bretonian MOX back to Rochester Base as a result of this arrangement. We do not request permission to enter New Tokyo as this would simply be a foolish and unprofitable endeavor.

' Wrote:[color=#000000]hmm, well... yes, this will work for us. we will need to ask the congress for permission to enter a couple kusari systems, of course.

with your graces, we would deliver large quantities of libertonian luxury consumer goods to ainu depot. we would then bring h-fuel to bretonia to assist their war effort against the oppressors.

we also may be interested in delivering grade-A cardamine to the fabled battleship matsuda -- though we don't know exactly where it is, we've only heard rumors about it. we would move deuterium to a nearby station from there.

let me know, yay or nay.
carlos ortiz

:: transmission terminated
****Incoming Encrypted Transmission****
***Station: Vieques, Shipyard***
**System: Puerto Rico**
*Transmission Begins*

We have received your transmission and reviewed your request. Thank you for respecting our agreement with Kusari. Kusari will not tolerate your presence there and you will be shot on sight by the navy. Still it is clear what they're intentions are and they have broken their agreement.
They are attacking our ships in the Sigmas. If they gain control there we will surely lose Yanagi. We can not offer you protection as we are only defending the Sigmas from more aggression. We will not break our agreement but will do our best to defend ourselves there.
So once your in Kusari space you will be away from any Congress support.. g'luck and watch your tail.

Tell the ladies we welcome them to buy from all Junkers any day. The Congress will continue making our shipments to them as well.

Operate with the utmost secrecy and discretion.
If we request you to stand down realize it is for the safety of Junkers everywhere.
Provided you agree to these terms we welcome you to do business.

~Transmission ends~
[color=#306]:: incoming transmission
:: encryption: high
:: location: Rochester Base

We appreciate your timely and watchful response.

:: transmission terminated