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seeing grimly rage in this thread; , made me remember something i thought of earlier...

Alpha/Gamma, both are in RP THE HOME OF OC/CO...

Put it this way...

Can RM reach New York within reasonable RP, NO, they cant....
Can LN reach New Berlin within reasonable RP, NO THEY CANT
Can KNF reach New London within reasonable RP, NO they cant....
Can BAF reach New Tokyo within reasonable RP, NO THEY CANT


Makes no sense...

Previously, i tought of/suggested this, dunno if the thread got locked or not.... MAKE THESE SYSTEMS "INPETETRABLE"....

CR/IMG shouldnt even within the most ridiculous form of RP reach Alpha, not even the Alpha JH in T37. All lore is stacked against them...

Corsairs and Outcasts alike shouldnt be able to just "cruise past" the battlefront in Eta. It's not supposed to be possible...

Hessians, indeed numerous, should have no inRP power to penetrate Gamma....

WHY is it that ALL houses has enough RP, and Base/weapon platform defences to fend off ANY intruder from entering the core system, while the TWO STRONGEST UNLAWFUL FACTIONS, FACTIONS ABLE TO CHALLENGE A HOUSE cant even protect themselves from a RAIDING PARTY much less and invasion force...???

2x 8.33 REFIRE LM
4x Cruiser Missile Turret

And give them enough HP to withstand 5 heavy mortars


Because like grimly pointed out, IT IS NO FUN WHEN THIS BULL**** HAPPENS.

It is no fun, undocking from gamma with 8 SCRA ships and 4 hessian cruisers shooting at you with no more RP then "Look, theres another one, SHOOOT EEEET"...
Or 8 Solaris ossies and 5 legates camping Malta with even less of a engagement notice....

Wanna talk about reports? about sanctioning?.... Why must the players who play the BIGGEST AND STRONGEST unlawful factions use severe punishment, punishment that is in my eyes, on a personal level rather then a RP level....
Outcast and Corsairs shouldn't be left with the ONLY one solution they have ATM.... You all cry "Report for 0.0".... HAVE YOU EVER SEEN SOMEONE BEEN REPORTED FOR THAT AND PUNISHED FOR IT??!

These weapon platforms, they should take about 15 minutes to make, WP platforms exist ingame, maybe you must add 2-3 more weapon slots, WHO CARES, still not a big deal.... placing two of them at all entry holes in gamma/alpha. NO BIG DEAL...

Whats the profit?
People can roleplay within risking being dock killed, ganked and utterly raped by forces, that shouldnt be there in the first place.

There is no way in hell anyone can make up any RP, that justifies 6 light and 4 heavy battleships sneaking into your home system unharmed and undetected.

NO RM fleet has any RP backing to enter NY without total anhialation before arriving... RM would be massacred even before they had past Sugarland in Texas... Thats even a OORP fact... how often does RM raids MAKE it to the planet? like 1/20?

RM shouldnt ever be able to enter NY, KNF shouldnt ever be able to enter NL. There is no RP that supports such military fleet battles to happen. Just as all lore and RP dictates that both Outcast and Corsairs has an iron grip around their core systems...

If you want to ask WHY this is neccesary... well let me enlighten you... Raids are all fun and that, the first hour or so.... then when the victor emerges and use the next 2-3 hours CAMPING your planet with battleships... something that would never happen inRP... ruining all RP interactions with those hubs.
Let's just redirect all the jumpholes in Sirius to Connecticut.
' Wrote:Let's just redirect all the jumpholes in Sirius to Connecticut.

make your own suggestion thread then. This is for something entirely different.

Im suggesting a BLOCKADE, not a detour
The problem is that the OC CO players hang out there, and not in eta or theta.
As for weapons platforms, meh. Maybe. I guess that's in-rp, but the Devs have shown a resistance to putting in stong anything in the past, the ISis not withstanding.
Let me rephrase:

Chill, stop looking for the ridiculous solutions for your frustration caused by not being immune to interaction with other players on your characters, go roleplay. Space is dangerous and life is pain.

And yeah, quite within "reasonable roleplay" the idea of yours is, great success.
' Wrote:The problem is that the OC CO players hang out there, and not in eta or theta.

yes, but if we lock down the systems, then they are forced to use the designated systems to fight...

OC has a reason to be in Eta atleast... very very very profitable missions, i mean, you can get up to 16million/mission in there....

sairs have less reasons to be in Eta, but with some beefy missions and perhaps a more BS friendly base, then things would sort itself out....
[color=#FFFFFF]Put 10 Stationary Sarrisas and 10 Stationary Legates to Eta within firing distance of one another, at least to a passerby this system will be interesting... I'd rather have battles in Sigma-13 than in Eta. There is absolutely no reason (RP) for the existance of that system and even less reason for battles to be held there
' Wrote:Let me rephrase:

Chill, stop looking for the ridiculous solutions for your frustration caused by not being immune to interaction with other players on your characters, go roleplay. Space is dangerous and life is pain.
Sad, dockkilling and overbearing raids are rampant in both Alpha and Gamma. This isn't a QQ, it's a legitamate problem. We don't have bs patrols like the houses do, or even cruiserpatrols. It's clear space from our homes to our enemies.
Time and time again all sides involved have shown their unwillingness to either A) participate in a set-up battle outside of Gamma/Alpha or B) hold off on the capital system raids.
This is a legitimate problem.
' Wrote:[color=#FFFFFF]I'd rather have battles in Sigma-13 than in Eta. There is absolutely no reason (RP) for the existance of that system and even less reason for battles to be held there
That's why it's being removed in 4.86, at least from what i heard.
' Wrote:Let me rephrase:

Chill, stop looking for the ridiculous solutions for your frustration caused by not being immune to interaction with other players on your characters, go roleplay. Space is dangerous and life is pain.

And your rather unhelpful in here....

And why do you think i moved all my related chars from such factions FAR outside those systems?

When i come to a server thats designated and labeled "RP" as in ROLEPLAY, i assume that it also is supposed to take CARE of those who want to roleplay not just shield all the PVP whores from harm while any and all RP'er gotta sit and WAIT for their turn to interact.
OC and CO battles has hardly any more RP then whats required at a minimum. With an official faction member around, it usually ends up in 3 minutes of throwing dirt at eachother before going "ENGAGUNG"...

I suggest these measures to be installed so that people who just want to ruin others day, are denied such pleasures.
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