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There was a man, all alone, sitting on a heap of junk, still sleeping, not knowing
that soon he will be waked up from his bad dreams.

** A green planet, a boat driving at sea, explosion, bright light, darkness... **
** Darkness... **
** DARKNESS... **
Opening his eyes, The Man slowly started breathing and staring into the sky.
He turned around looking at endless sea of junk, nothing but junk, somehow this
seemed vaguely familliar to him. He began digging trought the piles, not knowing
anything. What is there to know? Who is he? How did he end up on this ****ty planet?
He asked himself that question thousand times over and over. Only thing he did know
is that 3 days ago, he woke up here, was exploring The Junkyard ever since.
Interesting enough, The Man's memory was intact, he knew what and where is Liberty, Bretonia,
Rheinland and Kusari, just couldn't explain it from where. He stood up, looked in all directions and ran, as far
as his legs could take him, he bumped into a wall and started bleeding...
Pt 1:"The Rebirth"

"A wall?" he whispered, A WALL, there are no walls in... Enviroment began shifting infront
of his eyes. He looked up, it was plasterized glass, or was it? Material was strange
to the touch, but familliar to the eye. He touched it, he could see someone moving from the other side.
To his left were large metal doors, metal? He wasn't even sure what he was walking on, it looked like
water, but it wasn't water. He could see a shadow trought the glass, moving around, somehow,
that Thing was talking to him. Whispers in his head, *Reborn One* *Re-learn* *Ressurect*.
The Man was screaming in pain as he fell on his stomach holding his head and just screaming,
wanting to make it stop. He wanted to DIE! The door creaked open,
he looked up to the shadow and...
Pt 2: "Zoners!"

Bartender: "Hey! Wake up friend!"
The Man: *Moaning noises*
Bartender: "You allright buddy?"
The Man: "What is... where am I?"
Bartender: "West Wing Pub."
The Man: "West wha-..?"
Bartender: "Barrier Gate Station."
The Man: "Ah..." He scuffled trought his pockets feeling there's still a few hundred credits left in his pocket.
"I'll have a pint of beer please."
Bartender: "Got it. On my way."

The Man looked around, looking at all the people, thinking of the dream, thinking how
he's in load of crap and that there's no need to panic... Panic! He let out a laugther, more
like a whisper... He still doesn't know who he is and he's still in the s-...

His thinking was interrupted as Bartender dropped the pint on the table.

Bartender: "Here ya go!"
The Man: "Thank you, and, can you tell me if anyone around here has a job or something?
I have no money, and no ship. I have no idea how am I supposed to leave this station."
Bartender: "Well, ya know, Diane there could help you out with that! She's a Zoner."

He left a tip on the table and walked off to the unknown Zoner.

Pt 3: "A Helping Hand"

The Man was beginning to get a bit nervous while approaching Diane, he couldn't
but notice how pretty and attractive she was. A few droplets of sweat came down
from his forehead. He approached the table.

The Man: "Excuse me? Ms. Diane?"

Diane looked up to The Man, he is around 30 years old
and around 190 cm tall, he has a short brown neat hair and
fresh shaved face, along with brown eyes.

Diane: "How may I help you?"
The Man: "The b-bartender told me you could possibly have a job for a man without a ship?"

Diane raised her eyebrows looking at him, while
she was looking at him she began to take more interest
for the stranger.

Diane: "What happened to yours then?"
The Man: "I... I don't know."
Diane: "You don't know?"
The Man: "I prefer not to talk about it if possible."

There was a note of panic in his voice and Diane noticed it.

Diane: "I have something, not really top of the class but it should do for now. So what do you say, deal?"
The Man: "As long as it's flying I'm fine."
Diane: "Allright then, I'll take you to the hangar."

Diane stood up leaving couple of credits on the table,
he was following her footsteps until they reached the hangar.

Diane: "Here we are."

Diane pushed a button and opened the hangar.
In the middle was standing an old and rusty Moldy Crow.

[Image: 254px-MoldyCrow-s.png]

Diane: "It has some basic equipment and no weapons but it should do for now."

The Man was walking around the Moldy Crow inspecting her, not bad, not bad at all,
it's fast, I do not need nothing else. Just to get out of here and find some answers...
But... Obligations come first and this Crow isn't free.

The Man: "So what do I need to do in return?"
Diane: "I need you to go to Tau-29 and ask around about a friend of mine on Shinkaku station,
I will upload all of the co ordinates for you so you do not have to worry, you also
have a radio transmitter in the ship so contacting me after you reach the station won't
be a problem. My friend goes by the name of Isabella Sinclaire. She doesn't respond
to any of my e-mails or messages, so I need you to go there and ask around."
The Man: "I understand, I will contact you when I reach the station."
Diane: "Oh and good luck!"
The Man: "Thank you."

They both stood there and looked at each other for a second,
then everyone parted their own ways, this should not be too hard.
The Man thought to himself. However, my questions remain
unanswered... But, where did I learn to pilot fighters!?
Who am I? How did I end up here in the bar? All I remember
before it is a bad dream.
Pt 4: "Serious Sirius"

As he launched from the Barrier Gate he could see it in its true potential. It's a nice base,
perfect for getting away a bit. Protected with a big cloud of ice and water.

The man was closing in on the jumphole.
He entered Baffin and found himself yet into another cloud of particles.
Finally he exited it and could see Baffin's beauty in its full potential.

Jumping to Tau 29 he finally reached & docked with the station.

The Man landed in one of the numerous hangars with his Moldy crow, a first
man he could see was standing a few metres away from him, cursing something
on his own language. He made his way to him and greeted him with his usual line.

Dealer: "Konnichiwa. San?"
The Man: "My name doesn't matter."

Dealer shifted his gaze a bit watching him closely.

The Man: "I'm here about Isabella Sinclaire, she used to visit this station if I am correct?"
Dealer: "You should try the bartender, I'm new here."

He sighed, walking into the bar, which was quite empty and lonely,
approaching the bar counter. He took a chair and ordered lemon juice.
The Man looked at the bartender and tried to start a conversation.

The Man: "Hello there... Err...?"
Bartender: "Ichiro."
The Man: "Right, I heard you know something about Isabella Sinclaire? And her whereabouts?"

Bartender flinched when he mentioned her name and looked around.

Bartender: "Yes, what do you have to do with that bitch?"
The Man: "What?"
Bartender: "You heard me."
The Man: "I take it she's not very famous around here."
Bartender: "Damn right!"
The Man: "Why is that?"

Bartender: "Why? I'll tell you why. It was all fine and dandy while she used
to visit the station and doing god knows what in her "office". until
one day she decided she won't show up and what a coincidence
as soon as she left there was a fire in her hangar.
We had to re equip the whole bay and it set us back quite a while."

The Man; "I see, can you atleast tell me where she went?"
Bartender: "No idea, your best bet is asking that guy over there."

The Man turned around and a few tables from him was sitting a man
in his 50's, he had a grey hair, he was around 175 cm tall and
looked like he chewed on a lemon.

Pt 5: "That's one ugly son of a bitch"

The Man approached the man.
The other man was crippled, his face was deformed,
and looked like he crawled from a meatgrinder.
On his surprise, he had a nice voice.
Probably only thing nice about him.

So, The Man came up to him, and
interestingly enough they started a very friendly conversation,
concerning parts of body and anomalies.

The other man: "So my young man, I ended up like this..."
The man: "Mhm... Sooo... Where were we?"
The other man: "You wanted to know where did Isabella go I presume?"
The Man: "Ah yes..."
The other man: "Well, first I heard she went to Cambridge... and then... No idea. So
why are you so interested if I may ask?"

The Man interrupted him.

The Man: "I'll get a ship."
The other man: "Really? Listen, I've got a friend, he can take out some
civillian guns out for ya, they're not really top of the class,
but once you start making some real money you can start
gettin' some real equipment too."

The Man: "You mean. As a mercenary?"
The other man: "Yes, why the hell not? Mercenaries make good money these days.
And criminal Mercenaries go even cheaper than the usual ones."
The Man: "I see, I suppose I have no choice. So about this friend?"
The other man: "You can meet him on Rochester, he will give you a few lower class
guns, free of charge of course. Here's my interSirius transmission phone number."
The Man; "Allright, I won't even bother to ask myself why you're helping me, I'll rather take the hand
no questions asked."
The other man: "Talk to you on the phone."
The Man: "Yeah..."

You better, I don't want to see that ugly face again.
Pt 6: "The Mercenary"

*So I went to that base, I got weapons from the dealer,
that was one strange fella, watched too much star wars I say.

What now? I took some missions for a specific Junker, killed a police officer,
did a nice job, got paid. I was thinking of placing myself as a mercenary on the
Rheinland bounty board. Why not? That would be an extra source of income for me.

Money is burning holes in my pocket now, firstly I need a new ship,
I need something fast... Something dodgy, I'll go with the Rheinland shipline,
works perfectly against those Libertonians.*

And so he walked off, to invest some money.
Pt 7: "Shark"

The Man made some notes about his ship.

Ship check:

1 x Tiger Shark - X4TS Rheinland Civilian Light Fighter:

[Image: 254px-TigerShark-s.png]

2x CP-d "Debilitator" Civilian Advanced Mk I Pulse Cannon:

[Image: 200px-Li_plasma_blaster.png] [Image: 200px-Li_plasma_blaster.png]

2x C242 "Cannonball" Missile Launcher:

[Image: 200px-Br_slugger_launcher.png] [Image: 200px-Br_slugger_launcher.png]

1x SM-d2 "Advanced Bulwark" Light Fighter Molecular Shield:

[Image: Shields.jpg]

1x HM-i "Ripper" Homing Mine Dropper:

[Image: 254px-Li_cm_dropper01.png]

1x CM-4 Enhanced Countermeasure Dropper:

[Image: Countermeasures.jpg]

1x CD98a "Mosquito" Cruise Disruptor:

[Image: 200px-Li_rad_launcher.png]

1x Universal Armor Upgrade Mk VIII:

[Image: Armor.jpg]

1x Enhanced Thruster:

[Image: Thrusters.jpg]

1x Discovery Scanner:

[Image: Scanners.jpg]
Pt 8: "Pay (it) Back"

The Man finally received his new ship. Perfect! He thought.
Now that there's still some money left he can sort out his deeds.
He made a deed tracker on the datapad.

Quote:Diane - 100,000 S.C.
Old Man - 300,000 S.C
The Barrier Gate West Wing Pub - Free drinks for everyone

He knew that he didn't have to do it, and that none of the deeds cost as half as
he had in his mind. It was a simle decision to help out
those who helped out.

First on the list was Diane, she wasn't at the bar so one of the Zoners told him she is at
Sashta Orbital Skyhook. He'll sort it out he thought. He went to Sashta
and managed to find Diane's room.

*Knock, knock, knock*

Diane: "One second!"

The door opened, there she was standing as he could remember. Her hair, her eyes, and
that nice pair of lips he wanted to...

Diane: "Hey stranger! Long time no see. How's it going?"

He made a smug.

The Man: "Pretty good, I came here to repay and thank you for helping me out."
Diane: "Nonsense. You already helped me out by asking around Shinkaku."

He took out a CreditPad with 100,000 S.C. on it
and shoved it into her hands.

The Man: "Oh and, call me Shark. Later!"

Before she could even thank him he was gone.

Second on the list was Old Man. He done got Shark some
real good favours and didn't even ask anything in return.

Shark was docking the Shinjuku station only to find out that that
Old Man isn't there anymore. Nontheless he got his bank account
deposit number and simply cashed it in there.

That makes two debts off the list.

Quote:<strike>Diane - 100,000 S.C.
Old Man - 300,000 S.C</strike>
The Barrier Gate West Wing Pub - Free drinks for everyone