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Full Version: [FSI]
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[FSI] is an entrepreneurial startup corporation specializing in the transport of goods across sirius. Using any and all used and new transports and bulk freighters available, [FSI] ships standard assortments of goods across Sirius.

[FSI] pilots often travel alone, although they can occasionally be found travelling in heavily defended convoys if the shipment presents a high-value target. Escorts generally fly high-powered fighters, including Spatials and Kingfishers. [FSI] pilots never carry more than 2 million credits in cash, and will always refuse to drop their cargo unless demanded to by lawful forces.

[FSI] Will deliver your cargo quickly and securely to its destination. Armed convoys and escorts are available for hire. [FSI] pilots can frequently be found in Liberty or Kusari space.

Friendly to all Lawful factions
Neutral or Unfriendly to all Quasi-Lawful factions
Unfriendly to all Unlawful factions
What's FSI stand for?
Freelancer Shipping Incorporated?

yesss... do tell. Other than it being an entrepreneurial shipping company you haven't given much away. Who are the founders? what are the companies origins and history?