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// By reading the following information you agree to respect the groups choice of roleplay and keep in mind, that
// the people involved in this project have full understanding of the server rules and while offering a different
// kind of view on a faction's lore, our roleplay is in no way malicious and does not harm the roleplay of other IMG
// players or groups. The MD creator and upholders frequently discuss the in RP and OORP consequences with the
// official faction leaders in the area.
// Please keep in mind that the faction has two separate sides: public knowledge and rumors, and the real
// motivation and drive described in a separate part of the description. And as such, player characters outside
// the MD mining corporation should not have the latter knowledge unless specified in the text below.
// Respect our roleplay and we will respect yours.


Public knowledge

The name Matthew Dachs has always been referred to in the Guild database as one of the more unlucky pilots of a late mining rig operation in the first years after the construction of Java station in Tau 23. Given the responsibility of overseeing a mining rig in a fairly remote part of the field, it was not an uncommon thought that without a proper defense system and the ever increasing Outcast patrols the rig would become unsafe to work on sooner or later.

Ironically, the papers allowing more fighter patrols in the area was signed the very day when a fairly small Outcast raid decided to hit the otherwise defenseless mining site, effectively disabling not only the ore gatherer but also the transport the crew used as separate quarters. The raid ended up with the Outcasts obtaining a whole transport worth of mining equipment along with its crew, the rig itself destroyed as they left, for whatever reason.

From the logs of Andy Wittmann, an IMG pilot.
"When we got the mining site, needless to say my squad and I were rather confused. Our first assumption was that we were given the wrong coordinates as it sometimes happened, the ever moving field had the tendency to turn our daily updated star maps a complete mess, but this was not the case. The becon of the sight was still there, but the rig itself had gone awol...seriously? How can a whole mining zone simply vanish. Obviously a few days later we were told what happened. Well...bugger. One less site to patrol between."

Three months later, a spec ops IMG patrol caught and boarded a slaver ship, apparently on its way to the deeper Tau systems, any and all personnel were brought back for questioning, needless to say, it was a fairly large surprise to find the owner of the lost rig in their ranks.

From the logs of Tim Gerner, boarding squad leader.
"The view we were given was one you would expect from a slaver ship, really. Or, to be precise, something you would expect from a zoo. Do not fool yourself with thoughts that slaves were treated as human beings on such large ships. Each square meter of the cargo bay was designed to fit as many subjects as it physically could. We were told to search every crew member and any live cargo before allowing them to board our transport, but, needless to say, finding one of our own in the mix was a...well, I do not really know how to formulate it. I suppose it was a good thing to retrieve someone captured by those people, but the condition he was in...yeah."

Mathew Dachs, former rig operator and overseer was reported missing those months ago.
Once he was retrieved, he was hospitalized and kept under surveillance. It was not the first time an Outcast captive had been treated, there were a lot of complications. Once the man's health was stabilized, he instantly was taken to the proper people, on his shoulders the task to explain what had happened. And so he did.

Audio recording of case #526D
"...was not homely, if you want to have me explain in such detail. The station interior, apart from the public areas, all had cardamine vapors in the air exchange units. Even all of the prison cells were like that. I suppose it was ironic to have your enemies placed under the same dependency they use to mock you about..."

Anyone present in the case at hand could see the device Dachs was now forced to wear. A simple tube coming around his receiver and into his left nostril, much like a life support unit. However the superiors knew better. He was now hooked as well.

As most similar cases, Dachs was discharged from active duty due to his condition. His life supported by simple monthly pays from the Guild. In his files, a simple entry.


Two years later, Dachs took out a loan for a simple mining drone, much like a good bunch of other IMG personnel, who could not make a living off shared pay, attempting to open up their own side-business.

Oddly named Independent IMG, these people tried a lot of ways to earn their pay, often coming in conflict with the Guild due to the effects the undercutting of ore price brought to their system, these limitations often the reason why such individuals were a rare sight, but by pure luck Dachs had the chance to slip under the radar, not being an official guild member any longer, the records of his transactions often misplaced as less important data, soon ignored as the larger problems concerning Outcasts took priority.

That one short slipup on the Guilds side allowing the small company to earn enough income to support their essential expenses like fuel and repairs, thus turning self sufficient, even for a while.

However it wasn't too long for Dachs to realize that he would not be able to upkeep his little operation using only drones. It did not take a lot to round up some of the older or poorer guild members to profit off his more or less stable system, these new employees often joining with their own ships or whatever equipment they could spare.

The simply named Matthew Dach's mining company was now one of the multitude little branch organizations within the Guild. They pay the rental of base and smelter usage, repairs and supplies and seem to be quite efficient so far.

[color=#FF6600]The REAL information

Soon after the creation of MD, Dachs already faced his first issues regarding survival as a small branch of an otherwise large guild. The Guild had a fairly strict rule system for such private projects, limited resources and a fairly high "rent" fee. The first issue was to establish an outside source of such essentials and thankfully, Dachs had picked up a few rumors. One of the groups most often mentioned back on Cali was the Junkers. A tight organization, self efficient and with one certain part of their ideology that the IMG did not seem to share.

The will to deal with anyone who pays.

Needless to say, the IMG relations with the Junkers were not one of the best, those ships often belonging to smugglers of that dangerous drug or live cargo, but at that point Dachs could not care less. He had other issues at hand to worry about such a wast problem.

Due to the man's condition, it was obvious where he got his refill from, just like most ex prisoners. The IMG taskforce which took down smugglers were told to destroy any and all non human cargo on sight, so there was little chance of getting it from them. And yet, the nearby Freeport offered itself as the best free market in the area. For any goods.

Soon the MD were affiliated with the Guild only by flying ships registered on their list or using their shipyards to repair them. They could afford it, their services reaching out to the smaller, private groups rather than the trading giants the IMG supplied.

And while the IMG held the larger portion of the best mining locations, the MD soon took up the more risque ones, close to hostile territory. And it was worth it.

Just like Dachs, these private contractors often sought the cheapest deals, even if it meant to put their crew in danger and the ore the MD gave was just as good as the IMG. And so the MD thrived, slowly becoming more and more known throughout the small people up until the time when these once small companies began to blossom as well, those random shipments soon turning into stable contracts.

And yet, with all of this progress, it was inevitable that the MD caught the eye of the wrong crowd. Piracy was on the rise, Outcast raids soon replaced by the much more greedy lone wolves, even such foreign visitors as the infamos Hogosha. And yet, like all of these groups, Dachs had one motivation so far. Money.

Back on Freeport 10, the man overheard a simple chattering between what seemed like two hispanics, boasting about a recent hit on a mining rig, their battle transport full of ore.

Now one thing was for sure, the ore was no real use to the Outcasts, they lacked the smelting stations, they imported Niobium and its byproducts from different and much cheaper sources, but they did sell it off to Junkers, who had such technology.

It was now or never.

"What if I offered you more?"

That one question started a reputation among the shady crowd of the Taus, an IMG affiliated company, who bought a large load of ore off the hands of the people, who robbed their friends a moment ago.

It was the kind of push, the kind of rumors which lead to the next thing.

Junkers were interested in Niobium, it was correct. It was no secret that the IMG did not enjoy dealing with their kind, so it was no surprise that soon after that stunt, the MD started receiving requests from the more...grey individuals. And they were accepted without hesitation.

To be continued.


Group name: Matthew Dach's mining company
Short name: MD MC
Ingame tag: MD
Naming Convention: MD-###
Base of Operations: Freeport 10

Primary goals: Promoting the welfare of their own pockets.
Secondary goals: Being careful while doing so.

The MD mining company started as a simple idea back in 2010 between three people, who wished to try our mining. Needless to say, it gave us a great sense of pride as we sat in Tau 23 in basalts, filling transports up rather than mining silently for ourselves.

The first encounters with pirate players made a fairly interesting impression, as we usually stopped all work to roleplay with them instead of running or shooting or somesuch. It came down to multiple odd situations, one of which in particular was being asked to donate five million credits by an Outcast, only for us to offer them five times as much if they would fend off Hogosha and Indie pirates.

One thing lead to another, we slowly turned the happy miners in a sort of shifty eyed group, who rather serviced the equally shady people. At the time Junkers and Smugglers were our favorite just because of the fact that they could fly through Alpha, thus being much faster than other lawful smugglers, a perfect oorp reason to keep such a group.

Sadly, the MD died out soon after, mostly because we rich. Yeah. No fun in mining when you got 4 bil gathering dust.

Now we are back, tho. And this time we are turning this group into a purely RP project, which happens to involve us getting credits..yeah.

The MD is a first attempt to mix the IMG roleplay with something much more....opportunistic. A group without much morals, doing everything to make I suppose we are a miner equivalent of the IND.

This has opened up a LOT of roleplay opportunities otherwise unseen in the Taus. Like IMG mining for Junkers, Hogosha, Smugglers and anyone who pays. We even had encounters where some OC Ptransports actually offered us to buy their stolen ore. Which we gladly did. Or when we ran out of Cardi and had to arrange a deal with a rather friendly if confused XTF.

We even offered money to them to run our occasional lolconvoy through Alpha.

I suppose this does sound a bit OORPish, but often the best roleplay is born when you think outside of the box. Surely we do not encourage pirates to pirate IMG and sell the ore back to us, believe me with the current mining system, filling up a 5ker is child's play. It is amusing, we add to the RP surroundings for the Tau systems and interact with pirates in a way that is more than "2mil or die" or "enganging sniffer".

The whole cardamine addicted IMG concept was one I had some time ago, thinking what would happen with prisoners captured by OCs, only to be exported to Malta as slaves later on. Surely enough their bases use cardamine infused air and food, apart from the public areas for allies or people who cannot afford to be exposed to it.

We make deals promoting faction activity, one of the examples being Repex, now a reason for them to visit the Taus and get prodded by OCs, trolololool.

So yes, this is pretty much an attempt to explain the idea behind a group, which was made without any RP in mind. Never would have expected I would have to make a writeup, but this is really starting to get good.

Currently we are working on establishing proper RP connections to our cap loving neighbors and Hogosha. Gonna see how far this goes. We already talked to the CR, for example, they gave us the AOK as long as we do not frak up. Hopefully we will not too soon.

~Spazzydragon. Bending faction lore since 2008.

Thoughts? Suggestions?
From my side, it was one of the best encounter since it was absolutely inRP and wasnt a moneyfocused action. Your presence in tau 37 was absolutely enjoyable and our "rp" during my trip there was the same.

This idea, I mean the MD company has a better chance for RP like BMM or others in my opinion while I'm on my junker char and I'm still planning to join somehow with my slaver chars. It could be better idea than cardamine, but unfortunately slavers cant dock on lawfull bases.

By the way, was a very enjoyable encounter so thanks for it.
' Wrote:From my side, it was one of the best encounter since it was absolutely inRP and wasnt a moneyfocused action. Your presence in tau 37 was absolutely enjoyable and our "rp" during my trip there was the same.

This idea, I mean the MD company has a better chance for RP like BMM or others in my opinion while I'm on my junker char and I'm still planning to join somehow with my slaver chars. It could be better idea than cardamine, but unfortunately slavers cant dock on lawfull bases.

By the way, was a very enjoyable encounter so thanks for it.

Thanks for the reply, mate, I must say it is always a lovely RP encounter when the Congress is involved.
And yeah, we kinda knew this would fit a bit more...corrupt organizations, but that is why we chose IMG.

They have no tolerance for slavers, pirates and smugglers. It was something unique.
A little confusing don't you think?
Walls of text , help help help.

A little diplomacy reference would be nice.
' Wrote:Walls of text , help help help.

A little diplomacy reference would be nice.

Well, it would be a wall if there were no paragraphs, I think.

As for the diplomacy, we kinda refrain from using a fixed chart. Basically, as long as the group does not shoot us on a regular basis, they are neutral. If they buy or sell ore from/to us, they are quite friendly no matter the amount of miners they pop.
Bit odd in the diplomacy area, sounds like you should be using the basic miner id not img. But I swing by up there and check out the RP and say howdy to yall. :Roger