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ID: Sir Jack Fraser, Duke of Norfolk
[Image: SirJack2.png]

Ladies and Gentlemen, Members of the Armed Forces,

I must draw your attention to a dangerous group of Political Activists operating within Bretonian borders.

The Gaian Underloch.

The days of the neo-hippy too drug addled on synthetic marijuana to be much of a threat is over.

Reports from the Bretonian Intelligence Services point to a key mastermind as the center of a vast and well-organized Sirius-wide terrorist conspiracy, their danger cannot be underestimated.

There is no path to negotiation, no elders to appeal to, and no chance to bring them to a negotiation table at this time.

It is, therefore, my duty to issue a warning to all Bretonian shipping and military assets to be on the look out for potential attacks, and that all due caution be taken in light of their dangerous and unpredictable nature.

We, again, reassure all parties that we can manage the threat, but it is better to be cautious and alive, than to have your crew used as fertilizer.

[Image: Norfolk.png]
Her Majesty's Most Diligent Interdiction Wing
Bretonian Armed Forces.

[Image: Bangerloch.png]
ID: Unknown
Location: Unknown

Somewhere down the memory hole, the Gaians got lost. For years, our institutional memory has been passing on a dimming torch that today, no longer gives off any light. Only smoke.

We are The Gaian Underloch and we are sick of it.
The NLH is dead and we reclaim it's body in the name of the Old Guard.

In the early days of the Gaian movement, long before we sold ourselves to the Corsairs, long before we were overrun by blindly idealistic, weak-willed collegiates, we had clarity of purpose. We had The Gaia Principal guiding us. We had something to say, and we were heard. Either by bullhorn, bullet or bomb.

...and we will be heard again. Soon.

"Gaia will not bleed."