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The Wilde are increasing their operations in Bretonia. Small incursion groups have entered Bretonian space to deal a blow to the infrastructure there. But what is lacking is a proper influence in the BAF. Knowing this, the Wilde sent an operative to Bretonia. Under the guise of being a normal bounty hunter, back from a long escort job for a Zoner in the Omicrons, Gilgamesh left for Bretonia to kidnap a major in the BAF. This major, Jon Rones, was scheduled to meet up with guildmaster Jack on Sheffield station, Manchester.

Gilgamesh headed for Sheffield station and awaited the arrival of the soon-to-be-Wilde in a dark corner. He would lie in wait until the right moment to strike. Major Rones was coming back from a vacation on Curacao. He would pass by Sheffield station from his way there in his private ship so he decided to be effiencient about it, and visit '€˜Cracker'€™ Jack directly on his return trip from Curacao. This was the perfect chance for Gilgamesh to strike. He knew the time and route Rones would take, thanks to a '€˜fellow'€™ bounty hunter. The hunter in question had been bragging about how he knew all that stuff because he was to be Rones'€™ escort. Gilgamesh decided it was better if he would be Rones'€™ escort instead. So after finishing his talk with the hunter, he killed the crap out of him quietly and shoved him down a garbage shute. Gilgamesh would be Rones'€™ escort instead.

He went through the plan one more time in his head: fly to Curacao, meet up with Rones in orbit, head for Manchester. There, in the lane headed for Birmingham, he would knock out the lane, cripple the personal Starflyer of major Rones and drag him off to Omega 55. Escape venue: via the Leeds jumphole, towards Cambridge and Omega 3, 5 and 55. It could not fail.

A bit before the appointed time of rendevouz, Gilgamesh launched from Sheffield with his Wasp and headed for planet Curacao. As agreed upon, he saw a Starflier in orbit over Curacao as he arrived there. It was had the right IFF and identification: Ron Jones.

'€˜Hello sir. I'€™m here to escort you to Sheffield station'€™ Gilgamesh said. He was fiddling with his knife as usual when the reply came: '€˜oh, well that'€™s lovely. You hunters aren'€™t so bad after all, sir. Please, lead on'€™

Gilgamesh took pont and saw the blip of his victim on his scanner, following like a lamb to the slaughter. They flew to the Manchester gate. Once there they jumped to the Manchester system and entered the lane where Gilgamesh would srping his trap. Major Rones wouldn'€™t have a chance in hell to escape.

'€˜I do hope this won'€™t become a wild trip, sir. I hate unwanted attention'€™ the man spoke to Gilgamesh over ship to ship comms, trying to make small talk as Gilgamesh wasn'€™t really a talker. His becoming an alien vessel hadn'€™t added much to his social skills.

'€˜oh, you have no idea how Wild this trip will become'€™ Gilgamesh mumbled.

'€˜what was that sir?'€™

'€˜Ehr, nothing'€™ Gilgamesh mumbled again. The 4th set of trade rings approached. Time to get to work. Gilgamesh terminated the lane sequence, throwing both snubs out of the lane.

'€˜I say! What was that?'€™ mr Jones asked.

Without saying a word, Gilgamesh brought his Wasp around to face the Starflier and activated his debs.

'€˜That was the start of your new life, Rones'€™

'€˜I- what? What are you on about, hunter? And my name is Jones, not Ro-'€˜

Jones'€™ ship shuddered as he was taking fire from Gilgamesh'€™ weaponry. Soon his shields failed and the computer warned him of an iminent hull breach.

'€˜You'€™re mad! MAD, I SAY!'€™ Jones screamed seconds before his Starflier was completely crippled and disabled.

'€˜I may be mad, but you'€™re mine'€™ Gilgamesh replied coldy. He launched his magnetic tow at the immobilised Starflier and started up his own cruise engines. He dragged the Starflier through the astroid field away from the lanes and towards the Leeds jumphole. The ride was quite bumpy and Jones bashed his head against the ceiling of his cramped cockpit and lost concience.

Meanwhile, C. Jack received a call from an outraged major Rones. His promised escort was no where to be seen and if this was a sign about the reliability of the Guild they could stuff their new security contract up their backsides. C Jack leaned back in his chair after the enraged major had cut the communication.

´I hate mi job....´

Gilgamesh and his victim had arrived in Omega 55 after some cat and mouse games with patrols from both the Baf and the Corsairs. Once docked Meerbusch, he unhooked the Starflier from his Wasp.

´He´s all yours, I have to return to my AoO´ he said to the Rheinwehr soldiers who dragged the still uncontious Jones from his badly damaged cockpit. One of the higher ranked Wildes approached to to infect Jones as Gilgamesh´ Wasp left the Meerbusch docks to head back to Delta.

The 2 Wilde soldiers shaked Jones around until he woke up. Jones looked up and saw the a Rheinwehr officer standing before him, with glowing eyes.

´What the bloody hell!´ he screamed struggling to break free from the grasp of the 2 soldiers holding him. But they were too strong. Inhumanly strong, even.

´Now, herr Rones, relax. Zis vill be over before you know it. Zen you may go back zu Bretonia to...´

´Who are you?! And I´m not Rones! My name is Jones!'€™

'€˜I am sure it is mein herr. Ach, I vas told ze Bretonian Armed Forces officers had such stiff upper lips, but zis one is about to cry, it seems'€™

'€˜I'€™m no bloody BAF officer! I'€™m a file clerk for the Bouny Hunter'€™s Guild. A poorly paid one at that! Check my suitcase! I'€™m not the one you want!'€™

The Rheinwehr officer backed away slowly. He looked at '€˜Rones'€™ for a second. Then he walked past Jones and the 2 soldiers and looked into the cockpit of the battered Starflier. He saw a suitcase behind the pilot seat and took it out of the cockpit. He opened it to check its contents. It contained a load of paperwork about plummage, hamburger supplies, spare parts for Mantas, additional Sea Serpents for something designated '€˜22nd'€™ and other useless info.

The Rheinwehr officer stood up with a pile of papers in his hand. He looked them over.

'€˜Ach! He is zelling ze truth! He is just a file clerk... und a poorly paid one indeed'€™ he said, as he looked at a payslip which was also in the pile of paper in his hand.

Jones rolled his eyes.

The officer threw the papers over his shoulder and looked at Jones. For a moment he thought. Then he spoke.

'€˜That verdammte Gilgamesh, can'€™t he even read? Zis is ze last time I let one of Damoclass'€™ goons do somezing. Zis man is useless to us, finish him'€™

At those words Jones blood drained from his face. They were going to kill him.

'€˜Wait!'€™ Jones screamed. He didn'€™t want to die yet. It was clear to him what these '€˜people'€™ were after. He knew the stories.

'€˜I- I can be of service! I- I can make sure Sheffield runs out of toilet paper! And, and... I can make shipments of food end up at the wrong places! Or even get hunters to shoot at BMM ships by filing false bounty orders!'€™

The Rheinwehr officer was obviously not impressed. He turned around and walked off. But Jones kept moaning, crying, meeping and whining for his life. He was being mighty annoying.

'€˜Vil you just shoot him'€™?! The officer snapped at one of the guards holding Jones. The soldier responded by reaching for his sidearm. Jones now totally snapped and in a fit of total panic pulled himself free and lunched at the officer. Jones grapped his ankles and started pleading.

'€˜Oh God, oh Jezus, oh Eris and all other assorted dieties in which I do not believe, spare my life! Please! Please! I'€™m begging you! PLLLLEEAASSEEEE!!!'€™

Jones had a talent for being extremely whiney and annoying as it turned out. The officer tried to pull free and was now infuriated.

'€˜Pppllleeeeaaaseeeeeeeee!!!!????'€™ Jones sobbed even louder.

The officer snapped. He reached down, grabbed Jones by his collar and lifted him up.

'€˜Shut ze hell UP!

A tentacle like organism laucnhed from within his throat and rammed its way down Jones'€™.

Meanwhile, in Kappa, Gilgamesh was flying towards Iota. He was thinking back to a job well done while balancing one of his knives on his fingertip. But one thought kept creeping up. That Rones had looked so familiar to him. As if Gilgamesh had seen him before, somewhere in the offices of... Sheffield station.
