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Extract from New London Times dated 04/03/816

A member of the aristocracy was today fined his last four million credits by the Bretonian courts. His offences included known soliciting of prostitues and failure to pay debts. The judge noted that the fine would have been higher but the defendant had squandered all the money left to him by his father's death. Sir. Gregory Bayliss, a hereditary peer, was found guilty of bringing the gentry into disrepute. His conduct was deemed unbecoming of a peer, and discussion is being undertaken as to whether his knighthood can be stripped from him.

Sir Bayliss was relatively unknown amongst the bretonian high society, one member commented, "He kept himself to himself, he was never seen at parties, who knew he was this debauched?" Sir Bayliss senior, made his money financing lucrative contracts for the BAF, supplying engine components and ship hull panels to the shipyard at Southampton. Bayliss junior however did not appear to have his father's savyy when it came to money, however. Squandering the cash on a succesion of loose women, drugs and gambling, Bayliss eventually found himself on the wrong side of the formidable BPA, caught as he was 'in flagrante' with a known prostitute.

Bayliss utterd no word as he was sent down by the court, maintaining an impassive face, as the verdict was returned. Only when the judge announced sentence did Bayliss utter his final words on the matter. "Bugger, I can't even afford a cup of tea."

Bayliss' current whereabouts are unconfirmed although reports indicate he has fled to Liberty in a Starflierin the hopes of regaining lost glories.