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Full Version: To: Sebastian Rodriguez; the Mandalore; BHG GMs.
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To: Sebastian Rodriguez; Mandalorian Mercenaries.
From: ExSec Manager Andrew Peterson, Bowex.
RE: Special employment.
Good day to you sir. I can only profusely apologize for the delayed bounty payments you're owed. They're being processed and added up as we speak. You're quite a financial burden, I must say. And I mean that in the best of possible ways.

In any case, myself and the Bowex corporation have a special job for you and your Mercenaries. Chime in here to let me know if you're interested. I'm not sure how long it'll take, or how dangerous it'll be, but it's a simple follow-job. You just follow your mark to its destination, plot its route and follow it back to where it's going.

When it's done, send us the report, and 10 million credits will appear in the pocket of the pilot responsible. The specifics... Names and such - will be confirmed at extremely short notice, immediately prior to the operation beginning. This is for security reasons.
Should you be interested, simply respond here.
[Image: mmheader.png]


The Mandalorians will gladly perform this one for you.

I have passed on the information to the Consuls.


Mandalore Bishop

To: Mandalore Bishop.
From: ExSec Manager Andrew Peterson, Bowex.
RE: Special employment.
Splendid. You already have the vague information. I'll transfer the specifics to you later, via an encrypted tight-beam data packet. Corporate espionage is a terrible thing, y'know? Once you've obtained the report I'm looking for, append it to this frequency. The Board and myself will give it a look over, then transfer the funds in question to your assets.
To: To all channel participants.
From: ExSec Manager Andrew Peterson, Bowex.
RE: Special employment.
At the behest of the Board of Directors, I have opened this channel to the Bounty Hunter's Guild as well. The Directors wish for this to be... a competition of sorts. The organisation that first manages to compile and dispatch a valid report will receive the 10 million credits promised to their agent, and a further 10 million credits for their organisation bank. The result of this little challenge will be used to gauge the organisation best suited to such future assignments. Apparently.

Both parties have now received the encrypted tight-beam data packet. Mandalore, Guild Masters, I expect your discretion on this matter. I trust you'll pick suitable agents for the task at hand. Remember, we want the following:
  • Their route - detailed. This means the systems traversed, and the location of the jump points they use.
  • The goods being imported and exported.
  • The potential threats along the route.
Best wishes,
:: Incoming Transmission ::

[Image: 2h6hoh3.png]

Message begins:

Hola Bowex,

Strange request....

Not what I usually get. But 10 million is 10 million. I will set one of the hombres on this.
I take it this is one of those this-never-happened things for you? We'll keep a lid on it then, amigo.

C. Jack

end of message
:: Incoming Transmission ::

[Image: 2h6hoh3.png]

Message begins:

Hola senor Peterson.

One of my hombres just got back with the data you requested. I will patch the report through here. It's encrypted but I sent you the codes in a different message packet.

- Opening file -

Quote:Report #2859
Subject: Iridium run
Objective: shadow Zoner convoy and find out where their Iridium stock comes from.
Operative: [blocked]
Callsign: Sentinel

As per orders, here's my report Guildmaster.

I hooked up with an OSI convoy in Leeds orbit under guise of being an escort / travel companion. They were hauling Super Alloy purchased from somewhere in Newcastle. We then left for the Cambrdige jumphole in Leeds. This is a well known hole so no suprises there. We jumped and entered Cambridge.

[Image: th_reconrun1.jpg]

[Image: th_reconrun2.jpg]

From here we jumped into Omega 3. Now this was a funny bit. The convoy headed to Omega 5 via a jumphole. This is where a dangerous piece of the trip starts.

[Image: th_reconrun3.jpg]

In Omega 5 a course was set to the Omega 41 Jumphole. The Zoner crafts were not fired upon by Hessian nor Corsair patrols. But this is rather logical, seeing as they supply both parties I think.

[Image: th_reconrun4.jpg]

In omega 41 we flew past the neutron star and jumped into Omicron Theta.

[Image: th_reconrun5.jpg]

Once in Theta, things got interesting. There was an Outcast dreadnought near Freeport 9. It made no attempt to attack the Zoner craft. it did spout some nonsense about me having to leave the area. blah blah blah. But here the Zoners told me we'd have to go separate ways. They were higly protective of their Omicron 74 system and secretive about their destination. Imagine my suprise when they didn't head there, but to omicron gamma instead... Still hauling super alloy.

[Image: th_reconrun6.jpg]

At this point I left on my own to Kappa and Delta as I knew 1 of the Convoy's ships had broken off and had left for Delta on its own. This and the fact that the Zoner convoy, once in Gamma, headed not for the Kappa jumphole but in the direction of Corsair facilities instead confirms our suspisions: The OSI supplies the Corsairs. Not like we didn't know it, but still.

Anyway, Once in Delta I tracked the single OSI ship. And 'lo and behold: it filled up on Iridium on Freeport 11 in Omicron Delta.

[Image: th_reconrun7.jpg]

So that is where the Zoners get their supply from.

Since I was asked to record the whole route, here's the missing jump locations:

- from Theta to Gamma: Theta E6
- from Gamma to kappa: Gamma F2
alternativly: Theta to Omicron 74: Theta F5
Omicron 74 to Kappa: 74 B2
- from Kappa to Delta: Kappa F4/5
- Freeport 11: Delta D4

Notte: on my way back I met the OSI convoy in Gamma again, headed for the Kappa jumphole. This time they were hauling MOX. So it seems they ship Super Alloy to the Corsairs. Hardly a secret that the Zoners supply the less lawfuls parts of human society in Sirius, but for the record.

Threats: Corsairs, hessians, Nomads and boredom. And maybe some lost outcasts...
Independant pirates were not met on this trip but they may operate along the route.

advice extreme caution in Gamma: patrols and weapon platforms around the Theta jumphole and Nomads in the northern part of the field in which the Kappa jumphole lies.

end of report.

- closing file -

There you have it amigo. The requested data.
I don't know what you hombres are up too but if you plan on using that route I'd suggest caution and a lot of firepower.

Of course, the Guild hereby offers its escort services to your company should you choose to brave this trade route.

Money for the job can be send to BHG|guildhall

Gracias for the bussiness and do contact us again for all your killing / protecting / spying needs.
If you have any further questions, shoot. So to speak.


C. Jack

end of message
To: To all channel participants.
From: ExSec Manager Andrew Peterson, Bowex.
RE: Special employment.
Well, well. The Guild certainly is efficient. Congratulations Mr. Jack - your operatives are praiseworthy indeed. A full intel report on the requested matter has been received. Mandalorians, my comiserations. The Guild have beaten you to the punch. Consequently, they win the jackpot. Perhaps you'll have better luck next time.
To: Guild Master C. Jack.
From: ExSec Manager Andrew Peterson, Bowex.
RE: The report.
The full funds have been transferred to the Guildhall. You can send your agent's share to them directly, yourself. As for OSI's dealings with the Corsairs... That is useful to know about, but not a pressing concern of mine at the moment. I'll file it away for later use, should we ever butt heads with them. A little incentive for them to abide by their contracts with us, it could be said.

In any case, I'd value your silence regarding that matter. Should the government at large discover said evidence, the repercussions would be... severe for the Zoners. For the time being, I would rather they continued to trade with Bretonia and provide us with their services. Not to mention, I would rather the Freeport 1 situation did not flare up again. We can drop the guillotine on them later, should the circumstances change adversely.

[Image: SpyPay.jpg]
:: Incoming Transmission ::

[Image: 2h6hoh3.png]

Message begins:

Hola senor Peterson,

As you wish. This stays between Bowex and the Guild.

C. Jack

end of message