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Full Version: La Famille de La Brise de Mer to the Order.
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*Incomming transmission*
From: [color=black]Aurelie LaBrise
~ La famille de La Brise de Mer
To: The Order
Subject: Former relationships?

Oh boy, sounds like a lot of stuff happened since I first left my seat. Now, I'd like to know, what was the nature of your relationship with the former leadership of my family? It seems that the records were last lost during the last scramble, I'm sorry to admit. I'd maybe be glad to open contacts with you once again.


La Veuve Noire
[Image: 1zohq84.png]
Your message has reached those whom it was supposed to reach.

We took initiative to re-direct it specificaly to leadership and strenghtened signal just in case.

There was not much of contact between our factions but I think that's good oppurtunity to explain some matters to avoid unnecesary conflicts.
  • Pimperel - Individual known under that name was found in space we deem to be off-limits. His affilation was confirmed to LaBrise and pilot was supposed to be shot dead at 15th August after being accused of spying, tresspassing and failure to follow our operatives instructions. We wish to know more about him, possibility of him gone rogue or if happened to survive: returned to Gallia. It happened far deep in Omicron sector reaches which we guess you have no interest in at current.
  • Unione Corse - What we noticed so far you are not united or have little to none control over other units. One of our fighters has been engaged by one of Corse fighters without provocation in Tau-23 system. Any data you can forward concerning Corse structure, bassicaly who is possible enemy will be apreciated.
If you are unfamiliar with our agenda, we can support basic informations about us if not classified. Discrecy is highly crucial for our success and survival.

Overwatch out.

[Image: 2lutfzp.png]
*Incomming transmission*
From: [color=black]Aurelie LaBrise
~ La famille de La Brise de Mer
To: The Order
Subject: Former relationships?

Well, erm, this is interesting. I don't even know what an Omicron is. You mean that space where those Outcasts stand by thousands and where there are these odd organic ships, as well as bunch of miners spending all of their time crying? Funny, I didn't think that space was actually owned by anyone. Anyway, yeah, about the Pimpernel, we didn't have reports from him, nor has anyone sighted him, in nearly a year. Now, I'm actually really curious about all this.

As for our possible enemies? Depends on your views. We don't like making enemies, we prefer making contacts. These vary from family to family, but LaBrise only actually are openly engaging the Junkers and the Outcasts.


La Veuve Noire