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Full Version: To the Council Leadership
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::: Incoming Transmission :::

Source: Planet Toulouse, Roussillon
From: Commandant Anton Simard
To: Vulpe Felanis
Subject: Status of Repairs
Encryption: Medium

Bonjour Monsieur Felanis,

Oui I am still alive. The communication with our home system Champagne is not fully established yet, so I cannot give you exact informations. Basically all the informations I can pass on you are before the fall of Languadoc.

The last report I can remember let me assume, that they are finished with the repairs. They told me, that they would need another seven days to finish the works. I received that transmission shortly before the Gallic Royal Navy Fleet entered the Languadoc system, so basically, assuming that no problems occured, their work should be finished until now.

I hope this is enough for you. We are still searching for ways to reestablish communications with the Champagne system.

Meilleures salutations,
Anton Simard

[Image: levulpe.png]

**To Monsieur Commandant Anton Simard**

**I 'ave been sent word from Chalon de Champange...And I am pleased on the results of our co-operation**

**I am hearby requesting final clearance to launch the La.Gloire and Triomphante**

[Image: leendbar.png]
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