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Full Version: Organize the Communications Channel Forum?
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With the factions page being organized via Houses & Regions, is it time for such an organization to occur in the Communications Channel Forum?

Why should it be reorganized?

Currently there are a lot of topics and communiques popping up in the forum, which is great, but sometimes it can be a pain to track specific ones down, or just curious about communications that relate to your area of operations and influence. With the communiques being split into their respective regions; it may lead to a more streamlined system that could allow more topics to be answered more quickly by whoever is the target.

What are the sub-forums being proposed?

Here are the sub-forums I propose:
  • Borderworlds
  • Bretonia
  • Liberty
  • Kusari
  • Omegas
  • Omicrons
  • Rheinland
  • Sigmas
  • Tau's
While those communiques that don't fall in the above categories, or meant for Sirius-wide transmission would just go in the Communication Channel as per norm.

Is this system wanted? Or even needed?

Might be worth at least trying out.
I always thought Sirian wide transmissions were an odd stretch anyway.
Reality wise probably, but I'm more than willing to let that slide for the sake of gameplay and roleplay.
' Wrote:Reality wise probably, but I'm more than willing to let that slide for the sake of gameplay and roleplay.

If a faction truly has to make a Sirius wide transmission, they can just copy-paste their thread.
Yeah, right, so that it'd end like factions subforum. Back when it were all mds in one section, i was reading mds of factions i was not related to sometimes. Now? No.

That'll be the same.
What has stopped you from doing so? Its just 'another-click' away.
Sirius wide transmissions don't bother me. I mean, I talk to people in spain and england all the time and I'm in america. We've already established that transmissions and even ships go from system to system at insane speeds so talking by email to people ten systems away doesn't seem a stretch to me. If you want to organize it by house and such fine, after all, that's what postal systems do. But it's not really needed.
' Wrote:What has stopped you from doing so? Its just 'another-click' away.

Exactly. But not just click, it's a lot of clicks.

Different parts of forum for different regions already mean I have to click like 7 times to see it all (but then we have different sections for factions, too), and why would I? If I read random things, I read things that catch my eye. So no.
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