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Full Version: Ramblings of Skew.Toothed.Jack
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Voice entry 1:

Ugh...Tha wash a good bottle o rum tha wash..Nuw wher ah beh taday?....Tish placshe loosksh Hic! familiar
Ahn why ish ther barsh for tha windowsh?.......Oh no....ARGH!!!!! AH BEH AT MINDY'SH PLACSHE!!!

Voice entry 2:

*breathes deeply*

Hokay...Ah eshcaped tha horrid placesh ahn ah beh bak in shpace wher ah belung.

huweva ah met tis ere wee weirdo mahn at tha shpaceport rambling all shortsh o shtuff bout tha end o tha world and alot o fancy names ah didnt quite git....bleh he jush avnt ben drinkin enuff HAR HAR!.

*Computer voice* Collision Warning *Bang* DAMMIT YE SHTOOPID ROCK NUW AH SHPILLED MAH RUM ON THA RECOR....!(Static)
Voice Entry 3:

*high pitch noise* Harlo! Teshtin Teshtin!...hic!.

Wal ah beh bak aht buffalo..oh boy ah behn messhin tish plache hic!...lasht noight ah got ina foight wit shum Sa fer Avein Poiletsh in mah Cargo hold...Bleh..hic!. ah did ash tey shaid cush ah aint no foigtah an shuddenleh tey shtart ta shoot at meh.

Hic! Sho ah tried tah run but dey jush kept 'ittin mah engins wit dem weird Rocket thingiesh...Hic!

Ahnywhay ah losht ahll mah Gunsh ahn Trinkitsh sho now ah gotta go loo fer shum o dem agin! Hic!

Wahl ah bettah sign ouwt ahn go git shum more Rum Hic!
