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Full Version: To the Mollys
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>>>Incoming Transmission
>>>Location: Planet McHatten, New York System, House of Liberty
>>>ID: Rocky Mayers

Greetings, Mollys.
I'm Rocky Mayers, a freelancer, and I operate mostly in Liberty, but my primary employers are the Congress, which takes me all over Sirius at times, and even into Gallia. I'd like ta' request ta' purchase some [color=#FFFF00]Trefoils
from yer fine organization.
Now, I understand a group in your position is hardly able ta' just sell yer equipment ta' every wet-behind-the-ears pilot that thinks his credits are somethin' somehow special, so I'd offer yah my services in shipping anything that ya need, short of slaves, 'course, to or from basically anywhere. I'm possessed of a CSF right now, but I do plan on acquirin' other, larger ships soon.
If yah doubt my trustworthiness, just ask the Congress - I'm likely the most reliable freelancer that ye'll find, not ta' be tootin' my own horn excessively.

Hopin' to reach a deal,
[font=Times New Roman]Rocky Mayers
>>>End Transmission
[font=Impact]*Incoming Transmission*
*Encryption Level: PADLOCK*
*Establishing Visual Link......................................................................[Image: 2agiufc.jpg]
*VL Established*
*CptHone of the Mollys*

Ye seem a lil lost, allow me t point ye in t right direction.

Word from t wise though, we gonna be needin an ID scan, an green rep afore even considerin ye.