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ENCRYPTION LEVEL..................................MEDIUM

SOURCE..................................................Kreuzberg Depot, New Berlin system

COMM ID.................................................Matias Nelissens

VIDEO UPLINK.........................................ESTABLISHED

[Image: 94rzdx8kwby.jpg]

Ah, hallo Ka'zilth, mein friend!

Indeed, it has been a while since we last met. I am sure both of us have much to talk about. So, how's it going in zhe deep Omicrons? Anything of importance happening out zhere?
Nun, back to business I would say. You want me to... fetch up some scientists for your hocus-po...oh, I mean research experiments?
Allright I will get some for you as fast as I can, it will just take some time until I found out about zhe right people for zhat job. Scientists with experience in nomad technology do not grow on trees like zhat.

Expect to hear from me soon. To mein mind I will need mein...secondary ship for zhis job. I just hope those researchers will appreciate zhis and not start to complain and cry on mein shoulder like that former kapitaen of zhe Dumitru. Whas was his name again? Don't remember it...

Nelissens out


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ENCRYPTION LEVEL..................................MEDIUM

SOURCE..................................................Freeport 11, Omicron Delta

COMM ID.................................................Matias Nelissens

VIDEO UPLINK.........................................ESTABLISHED
[Image: 94rzdx8kwby.jpg]
Hallo Ka'zilith,

right now I am in Omicron Delta. What zhe hell has happened? I do not reconizse zhe system anymore. It almost seems so menacing, and zhere is such ein...deadly silence! But zhe zoners on zhe freeport are not zhat talkative zhese days, so maybe you can tell me what has happened out hier.

Besides zhis, zhe job for you is done. I have transported your requested researchers to Gammu. They did not complain as much as I had thought.

Identification of researchers
Landing on Gammu

So, as you may know zhose researchers were quite hungy and zhey ate some of mein food supplies on my ship. Nun, I just would like to know what will be your...compensation for zhe delivery?

Nelissens out


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ENCRYPTION LEVEL..................................MEDIUM

SOURCE..................................................Kreuzberg Depot, New Berlin

COMM ID.................................................Matias Nelissens

VIDEO UPLINK.........................................ESTABLISHED
[Image: 94rzdx8kwby.jpg]

Hallo Ka'zilith,
I have to excuse meinself for mein delay, but I had to keep a low profile again for some time. Don't worry, I am fine.
Nun, regarding mein payment, would 8 millions be too greedy? Otherwise we can still discuss it, mein friend.

Nelissens out.


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