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Full Version: To: Kruger leadership, Kruger employees in Omega-7
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PRIORITY: [color=#FF0000]High
IDENTIFICATION: Obt. Renate Bommel
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: IMG complaint against Kruger actions
Sehr geehrtes Kruger leadership,

I would like to inform you, ze IMG leadership isn't very pleased if a Kruger ID'ed gunboat enters their mining fields and asks for money. While zis isn't suitable for a criminal entry, such a behavior could easily escalate.

In result of zis, I would plead you'll cease such actions.

Mit freundlichen Grueßen

Oberst Renate Bommel
Rheinland Bundespolizei

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ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Kruger Board Of Directors
To: Rheinland Federal Police

Guten tag mein herr's.

We just finished are consultation's about this incident involving IMG and Kruger.
Kruger Board of Director's is not very pleased with how IMG treate theyr competitor's us in this case. We were just briefed by our employe Cpt.Himmel from unofficial department about situation in the omega 7. His testemony is very convincing and we are now in possesion of undeniable evidence of open IMG agression to the Kruger ship and it's crew.
In order to explain entire situation better we will show you the testemony of Cpt.Himmel in our briefing room.

Hans wesritter: Now herr Himmel due to youre faitfull service in our company you never violated not even one of the rheinland law's this unfortunate event put's a shadow on youre remarkable service report. Please explain us entire situation from the begining to the bottom what the hell hapend there.

Cpt.Himmel: Mein herr's our vessel was in deep patrol thrue omega 7 sistem equiped mostly with sensor's for detection any ore pocket left in space, and few gunboat basic turet's for protection.
We encounter few IMG mining vessel's mining in the area.
In the first place we didn't whant to aproach them to closely our scaner's indicated that they are to well armed for ordinary mining vessel.
But knowing how much dificulties our company has in the last few year's and how our paycheck's are low any hand of help would be benefitial for our workers and our company. We had no hostile intention's mein herr's to those IMG mining vessels.
I will put it this way: We aproached them with greets and asked them nicely and politely to help us. Maybe this what i tryed to do would never be aproved by our directors mein herr because we are to proud to ask our competitors for help.
But we do feel and belive that any help would be more than usefull for these tough time's our company is going thrue.
Instead of warm welcome and hand of help we expected from them due to our request we were warned to leave the area emidietly.
than i realised how the things stand here but we decided atleast to say what is on our mind.
I collected a litle bravery from inside of me and said nicely that we are sick of competition in the sistem and meaning that bad relation's should be ended and we would like to ask for small donation from certain trade vessel meaning as sign of good will to help each other.
Now i will repeat we *asked* nicely we didn't threated them in any way you have my word on that mein herrs.
Seconds afther we recevied a reply from them and i was astonished so was my crew.
We could hear a big laughing on the comm chanel's and afther that openly asking us *Are you trying to pirate us ?* With some acusation's ofcourse that our company is making troubles in the region.
Sudenly this whole situation started to look pointless i realised that what ever we say or ask nicely it will be considered as hostile act.
I was about to try to explain them it's a misunderstanding we mean no harm but we were never given chance to explain our real intentions.
Next moment we heard the voice saying *Engaging hostiles!, IMG should strike first....* and the rest of comunication was lost because of weapon fire directed to our ship.
We didn't have any chance of survival there and no chance of explaning them it was all missunderstanding so i gave order to set course out of the sistem.
We were chased 200 klicks out of the sistem were finaly our ship was cruise disrupted.
Against all our hopes we were forced to fight for our survival IMG ship's engaged us and we were forced to defend our selvs.
The result was destruction of one IMG vessel, soon afther the other IMG ship entered cruise speed and leaved the area.
I whana say that we were luckey to survive there luckey that other's couldn't locate our ship if they did we whouldn't be here now.
I realy whant to apologiase to the Kruger Mienerals directors for this situation but we did not have any hostile intentions to anyone especialy not to the IMG.
I and my crew we are just hapy to ghet out of there alive.

We have a proof wich can confirm that our ship was atacked first even if we did not show any hostile action's to the IMG vessels.
Our shield was lowered we were forced to use reapir nanobot units wich buyed us some time to escape certain death.

Gentlmen's as you can see testemony of Cpt.Himmel was very disturbing for us, we owervied the camm shot evidence we find it very disturbfull for our future relations in the sistem.
He acted peacfuly and his intentions were harmless he acted with best intentions for kruger and IMG he did not made any act of hostiliy toward IMG vessels.
Now the acts of Cpt.Himmel of asking help from foreign corporations were not aproved from Kruger Manage Department.
We deal our own problems alone mein herrs and he will ghet an official warning from Kruger Manage Department.
any similar further actions would not be tolerated and it will be sanctioned acordingly even if it's about unofficial employed personel in our company you have my word on that.

We also owerviewed communication link you send to us *IMG leadership isn't very pleased* betwen IMG, Rheinland Police and Rheinland military.
We found that statment of herr Stephen Schwerdtfeger, IMG Guildmaster not trustworthy.
Looks like herr Stephen openly lied about who opened fire first.
Looks like he tryed to hide the fact that IMG opened first.
They tryed to asasinate Cpt.Himmel and never giving a chance to Cpt.Himmel to explain his actions.
Our asumptions are that they would use Cpt.Himmels request for help from the IMG to be showned as act of piracy.
It's god thing that Cpt.Himmel survived and bringed us evidence about that unfortunate incident.
I hope the evidence from Cpt.Himmels ship would be suficient to prove IMG malice intentions if IMG has any other evidence to back up theyr acusations please we would like to see it.

And Kruger Minerals demans an apologie from herr Stephen Schwerdtfeger for his malicious atempt to hide the truth from us.

Hans Wesritter
Kruger Minerals Management Department