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Full Version: To: Ellie Hunter
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COMM ID: <restricted>
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Encryption: VERY HIGH
To: Ellie Hunter


We have never met, however your brother Jeremy was under my command at one point.

From what I understand you are a specialist with AIs.

Currently, I have in my possession a damaged AI, formerly used at our Theta 7 facility, named Rhea.

I need her rebuilt, she is required for one of my projects.


Kell Tainer, Colonel.

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My errant twin has spoken highly of you Colonel Tainer. We might have met at Erik's part on Gran Canaria, but I was indisposed with grief.

But that is the past. I would be glad to assist in the repair of your AI, Rhea. I will need a diagnostic of your AI to determine what is wrong with her, and how I can repair her. And information on what type of damage was inflicted to her container will help.

Hopefully I can assist you.

Ellie Out.

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