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Full Version: To the leader of the Mollys
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Dear Sirs,

With one of my characters I was flying trough the Shikoku system and near the Ohashi Border Station a met a Molly named Nicolauta.Zaad.
This was wondering me already, a Molly in Kusari?
But I wasn'€™t prepared at all for the blue message which came popping up on my screen'€¦I was killed.

Now I do not know if this person is well know by you, leaders of the Mollys, but this was again such a moment which we all try to avoid.
I mean just shooting at other players without any warning or RP. And if you try to tell it to the player who was playing wrong and you don'€™t get any reply it does not feel fine. :nono::rtfm:
So therefore I ask you, do you know this person?
If you do, please be so kind and try to explain that he can'€™t just shoot anybody and certainly not in Kusari (Mollys do not have anything to do there).
I am not that kind of person who write immediately a report to the Admins on the Disco pages. I think you as a leader can take care about these things too.
If not, nah, then I apologise myself for taking your valuable time.

I have no pictures about this case because everything went so fast but you have to believe me.

Thank you in advance.