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Full Version: To Joe Daniels
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[Image: rwm6qg.png]
Comm ID:Restricted
Subject: Finances

Colonel Daniels,

As I recall Cerberus has considerable connections in the form of finances. Currently my team will be in need of a source of financial income.

I request that you put a small portion of those assets into our hands. We need equipment.

You're the only ones I can trust in this matter.


Colonel Kell Tainer

[Image: 35bd02f.png]
[Image: cerberusnanobartony.png]

PRIORITY: [color=#FFFFFF]Confidential
IDENTIFICATION: Colonel Joe Daniels, Cerberus.
SOURCE: The Legion, Omicron Mu
SUBJECT: Finances

[color=#000000]Colonel Tainer,

You've recalled correctly, however, our funds took quite the beating after the Nomads attacked us without honor. A lot of funds have been spent rebuilding our ships and infrastructure.

Nonetheless, I acknowledge your cause and to fulfill it you will need credits. I'm giving the Agent coming to join your Division the codes to one of our off-world bank accounts. You will find enough funds in that account to buy ample equipment.

Humanity First.


Colonel Joe Daniels.

[Image: cerberusnanobarbottom.png]
' Wrote:[Image: rwm6qg.png]
Comm ID:Restricted
Subject: Finances

Colonel Daniels,

You have my thanks

Colonel Kell Tainer

[Image: 35bd02f.png]