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::: Incoming transmission :::
::: Location: Livadia :::
::: ID: Dankien Moebus :::


The reason of this message is to clarify the situation in Omicron-74.
A few days ago, one part of the fleet of the Omicroners left the system. As a leader of the Omicroners, I gathered the the omicroners that did not left and invited other zoners to join us in 74. I can tell we are now a group of Zoners settled in Livadia.

I note that Freeport XV administration has passed from Omicroners to OSI and actually I would like to understand why you choose to administrate this freeport which is so far from your home system. And more important, I would like to know if it is a temporary administration or if you plan to stay here.

Thank you for your attention,
Dankien Moebus

::: End of transmission :::
[Image: crosstrans.png]
Hello Dankien,

Omicron Supply Industries has no administrative authority over Freeport XV. We are aware that one of our employees, James Church, has now become the administrator of said station. As with the majority of our employees, Mr Chruch does not reside in Yukon. His home was typically aboard one of his transports. It would seem he has chosen to settle down. I doubt he would take on such responsibility as a temporary measure.

As for OSI's interest in the region, as you may or may not be aware, OSI was founded and headquartered on Freeport 9. The company moved from 9 to 10 and then to 14 for various reasons.

I'm not going to hide the fact we are indeed interested in taking over administration of the entire Omicron-74 system. We were interested in that responsibility at the same time the Zoners Trading Consortium applied for it. As far as I am aware, Mr Nichols made no official bid once he was aware the ZTC wanted the responsibility.

For awhile now, the diplomatic relations in that region have been shaky due to the decisions of the now vanished Omicroner leadership; we feel our presence will stabalize those relations. I don't need to explain the part Omicron-74 plays in the the lives of all Zoner peoples or in their futures. Its protection is paramount.

Twice has your group abandoned their responsibility in safe guarding Omicron-74. Twice. No longer can the Omicroners be trusted with ensuring that the future of all Zoners be protected.

Our board has yet to make a formal annoucement, but I'm confident when I say, we are seeking the responsibilty of protecting that future.
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]
::: Incoming transmission :::
::: Location: Livadia :::
::: ID: Dankien Moebus :::

Thank you for your answers,

Mmm.. indeed the status of James Church in Freeport XV is interesting: member of OSI and of the Confederation of Southern Freeports at the same time. Don't you fear the people will think OSI is trying to control the new confederation?
Also, if I understand you properly, James decided on his own to become the administrator of the station. Therefore I assume you would not interfere if James would choose to settle in another station, Freeport 9 for instance. But at the same time you say you are interested to take control of omicron-74. So the move of James in omicron-74 could clearly be a first step to take control of the entire system, isn't it?

I am glad to see you are concerned by the safety of omicron-74. However I have to correct you on some points.
  1. When the ZTC left the system, the Omicroners staid in order to protect omicron-74, and I can tell the safety of the system was maintained. Moreover the safety was improved: during the last months, the Omicroners refitted and upgraded all the stations. Shields, structures and facilities have been improved, the stations of omicron-74 have never been so safe. (see this and this for more info)
  2. You seem to think that people of ZTC and Omicroners and those who remain now are the same. It is not true: some are the same, some are new. Especially, It would be wrong to assume these 3 groups have the same diplomacy. For instance: you may not be aware but I was in discussion with Senors Sanchez and Benitez and we were really close to an agreement that would have also lead to restore peace in the area. Ask them if you don't believe me.
  3. Regarding the current safety of omicron-74: if it is true some omicroners left, those who remains, helped by independent zoners that joined them, are perfectly able to enforce security in the system. I've personally counted several battleships, cruisers, gunboats, bombers and fighters. Moreover, we are in peace with Corsairs and our patrols prevent nomads to threat the system. So there is nothing to worry about.
Actually, since there is no legitimacy that OSI comes to protect omicron-74, if OSI decides to colonize the system without the consent of the zoners that are currently living in the system, then I think this will provoke an internal crisis between zoners,

Dankien Moebus

::: End of transmission :::
[Image: crosstrans.png]
Mr Moebus, can you explain to me the legitimacy the ZTC and the Omicroners had when they claimed ownership of Omicron-74? Can you explain to me how the Zoners living in the system before the aforementioned group took the system over felt?

You can claim there is no legitimacy in OSI wanting to protect Omicron-74 all you want. We are Zoners, that is all the legitimacy we need.

What Zoners are currently living in 74? Your remaining Omicroner brethren that were left behind? You'll have to excuse the fact that we don't care if you consent or not. Our plans aren't to rule Omicron-74 with an iron fist. Our plan is to protect a system we once called home, a system we depend on for our livelyhood, a system that every Zoner depends on.

I think the only crisis going on is that the remaining Omicroners are afraid that when we arrive to secure the system we'll find things that you don't want us to find. Things you don't want the rest of the Zoners to know about.

Let me be clear, Omicron-74 doesn't belong to Omicroners. It belongs to Zoners.
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]
::: Incoming transmission :::
::: Location: Livadia :::
::: ID: Dankien Moebus :::

Like the last time you are mostly out of reality, but unlike the last time I won't demonstrate it because I am already too bored to talk with you. Now that I know what I wanted to know I will simply suggest that OSI stay away from the omicron-74 administration

Dankien Moebus

::: End of transmission :::
[Image: crosstrans.png]
Out of touch with reality? You and yours are the ones acting like you own Omicron-74. Care to take a gander at the transponders broadcasting off those stations? Yep. Zoner transponders. Not Omicroner transponders.

I asked questions, that you have no answer too. Questions you don't want answered. You do not own Omicron-74. Nor do you have the authority to prevent OSI from moving into the system. With your highly reduced numbers, I highly doubt you'd be able to even stop us.

I'll be extremely clear. If the board decides it is in our interest and the interest of other Zoners that OSI moved into Omicron-74, you'll be seeing plenty of us. The resistance of a few individuals won't prevent us from doing what the Omicroners failed at.

You're more than welcome to live in Omicron-74; as is any Zoner.
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]