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Identification: Kommissaroberrat Herman Voss

Recipient(s): The Kusari State Police/Naval Forces

Subject: The Rorry's Renegades

"Greetings from the Federal Republic of Rheinland, I am Kommissaroberrat Herman Voss, I am the representative for the House of Rheinland for this specific task. I have called you today concerning a threat growing within the Sigmas that border our fair houses.

Sigma-13, a narrow passage of space that borders both our respective houses, security there is difficult to manage due to our Houses' own respective issues concerning manpower and strife from within. However this threat that concerns us cannot be ignored.

Citizens of Rheinland and Kusari are routinely accosted in this sector of space by an organization of criminals that apparently serve a 'King' they call 'Rorry', these criminals have directly assaulted Rheinland's own capital recently but were thankfully repulsed by our local forces, however these criminals seem to have acquired vessels of a strange make that closely match intelligence gathered from the newfound House of Gallia, specifically the criminal elements of Gallia.

These use these tools to prey upon the weak and the innocent who attempt to make a living through the shipping and handling of supplies, demanding massive 'tribute' in order to pass through Sigma-13. It is quite obvious the Gas Miner's Guild is doing nothing to curb their activities in this region of space and we fear it may require the intervention of both of our Houses to end this threat and protect our mutual interests.

Thus Rheinland thus would like to propose to the honourable House of Kusari to join forces against this foe, a Task Force formed under the guidance of both our respective governments specifically geared and trained to combat these Criminals within the areas of Frankfurt, Sigma-13 and Honshu.

I await your input and open up my personal S.K.Y.P.E. frequency should you wish to make this talk more private.

(Skype: tabrisanobi)

Kommissaroberrat Voss out."
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Kommissaroberrat Voss, you address a concern which has caught our attention. Rumour of these criminals has reached Kusari, yet they were unsubstantiated rumours until now.
The minister of Defence has given us specific instructions regarding the Sigma Thirteen system, due to its diplomatic status. It is for this reason that we think that the Kempeitai would best deal with hunting and eradicating this threat. As a force more akin to your own, we are sure their operations would more easily merge with your methods. To this end I have asked Omen Deng to take a look at this message.
We will, of course, be happy to co-operate with you in any other way we can: including marking the Renegades as criminals in Kusari and treating them as hostile targets when encountered, should they venture into or beyond Honshu.
[color=#FFFFFF]Olivia Nekketsu, Offices of the Bakuryō-chō taru Kaishō
Kusari Naval Forces.

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