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Full Version: To: The Royal Family of The Kingdom of Gallia
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Encryption: Egean
Source: Lodeve Space Port
From: Cpt. Gerrard Naville
To: The Royal Family of The Kingdom of Gallia
Subject: Gallic Junkers willing to Honor Gallia once again

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Your Royal Highness King Charles the XI,

It is an honor to address your person, Highness. My name is Gerrard Naville and I am a humble Gallic Junker captain who intends to prove you the honor of our people towards your Magnificient Kingdom. Sour words of fear and desperation is what I hear from the less privileged minds among our people, young men and women that believe we have lost your gentle favor.

Believe me your highness, we are stubborn when we try to explain that the Kingdom will not easily forget the dedicated work of the Gallic Junkers for the success of the Gallic agenda, but there are those who refuse to get a glimpse of the big picture, and propose all kind of desperate measures to ensure the safety of their well being, which is at risk, or so they believe.

Tired of these attitudes among our own pilots and businessmen, some of us decided to take active measures on the subject. We have outfitted some of our vessels to resist harsh enviroment conditions, we have undusted the Sirian navigational charts and maps, we have re-tunned our sailing instruments, and updated all our comm channel links.

Your Highness, we wish to demostrate once again the real value of the Gallic Junkers to Gallia. That is why we are going to embark ourselves in an adventurous oddysey, returning to territories now dangerous for us, looking forward to damage Gallia's enemies beyond the GRN campaing battlefront, and at the same time procure resources needed for the war efforts to continue succeeding.

This is not all, your Highness. We are also at your disposal for any intelligence operations throughout all Sirius that your Generals may find useful. The Royal Family just has to make the call, and we will be there.

Without any intentions of making you lose your precious time, I salute you.


Gerrard Naville

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[Incoming Transmission]

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Communications ID: Prince Joseph DeFrance
Target ID: Gerrard Naville
Subject: Gallic Junkers willing to Honor Gallia once again

True Junkers of Gallia. It has been a while since I heard a peep from your people. Thought this transmission was some sort of the normal transmissions we get which we promptly overlook. Actually seeing it got to my desk seems it might be somewhat important.

After reviewing your message and reading a few reports of your peoples actions, I can see that your remark is true. I hope your allegiance is to Gallia and only to Gallia which I would expect from our citizens. We will watch to see what you do. I would say that assistance in the war effort isn't needed. I know our mighty Navy and corporations can keep us supplied. I have a feeling you will be doing as you wish anyways and might want something in return anyways, but we will get there when we do.

Good to know we still have loyal men and women to count on.

- Prince Joseph M. DeFrance

[Transmission Terminated]
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Encryption: Egean
Source: Lodeve Space Port
From: Cpt. Gerrard Naville
To: The Royal Family of The Kingdom of Gallia
Subject: Gallic Junkers willing to Honor Gallia once again

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Your Royal Highness Prince Joseph DeFrance,

I am honored to recieve your words of support and understand your conclusions. Regarding that, if there is anything, anything Your Highness needs us to take care of, please do not hesitate in contacting us through this channel. Secure access to our Salvaged Materials Reports has been granted and extended to the Royal Family and the GRN high command.

Yours faithfully,

Gerrard Naville

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